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Everything posted by schmahxgn

  1. 1 )Even the lamest people have the occasional nugget of wisdom. "Trust everybody, but verify." -Ronald Reagan "it is easy to judge others by their worst example while we judge ourselves by our best intentions." -George W. Bush 2.) It's not what you say, but weather how you say it and in what context. the most articulate people can be agreeable even when they're disagreeing with someone flat out. 3.) No matter what you do or where you are if you're ever able, be sincere. Putting on airs or just trying to misdirect People by putting on a false persona will eventually become habitual and seep into every aspect of your life and no one will take you seriously and on top of that you might even lose the people you care about.
  2. The takeaway from this is, if you can vote you are a man or woman depending, but if you are too young to vote you are a boy or a girl. #InB4NonbinaryTumblrPplCrucifyMyFatAss
  3. Damn it, now I have to play Devil's Advocate. Any teenager age 18 or 19 is in the eyes of Law, a legal adult. therefore considered a woman. If there was an incident that made it to local news in any part of the country, and the person is the focus of the story was a 19 year old female human being, the news team would have to refer to her as "a 19 year old woman"
  5. For water or some sort of other cool beverage. It's God damn shame that I have to specify this day and age.
  6. #justkidding
  7. Huzzah for serealized German comic series adapted into American cartoons
  8. The current political ecosystem of the United States of America.
  9. Gay dads, blow pops, another sucker. Oedipus was the 1st motherfucker
  10. So a pimp and one on of his ladies Are tallying up a John's tab for the evening. The "working girl" pulls out a calculator,and the pimp just stands around waiting.The client asks the pimp, "Aren't you going to check her numbers to make sure everything is correct?" To which the pimp replies, "I suck at math; it's the THOT that counts."
  11. Quick! open your mouth and partake of my golden deluge! Make haste hitherto as to not let me not pee my pants. I believe in you!
  12. But... But Complete works of H.P. Lovecraft await me...
  13. It is her that you live with yourself, If you come so infatuated with only being. . You will love yourself unconditionally because you are self loving with all the handjobs. Love yourself, and others will too
  14. I'm OK, it's just that if a movie doesn't Garner my attention in the first 10 minutes I get distracted and just don't put a lot of emotional investment in the characters and plot . It's just because I'm generally a spastic spazzmeyer. and there's nothing wrong with that
  15. WTF is chio?
  17. I am going to be 100% honest in the sake of Full disclosure , I'm probably not going to watch that movie ever for the virtue that I don't have the attention span for feature length films these days and I rarely ever have time to start watching them to begin with. However I just wanted to be included in the discussion. Bamboozled!
  18. I'm going to tongue punch your mom's fart box, and then read a good book. Actually, forget your moms fart box, I am metaphorically going to get balls deep Into some classic literature.
  19. OK, but can I leave this thread now? Actually no I'm not asking permission; fuck this shit, I'm out .
  20. Subway? hell no! Jersey mikes swag all the way. I typically get to the big kahuna cheese steak
  21. GET 'EM WIF UR ZAPPY GUN~! ***pew pew pew***
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