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Everything posted by Real_AirCooledGirl

  1. What? Was? Que? Nani?
  2. Some stuff such as spaghetti and meatballs is better the next night than the night you make it. All those flavors have had time to come together.
  3. Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!
  4. That's just your opinion. I will always like my steaks well-done. No one and nothing can ever change my mind.
  5. So by your logic, we can't criticize any system at all without being labeled a hypocrite for living under it? Were the abolitionists hypocrites for living in a slave society? Did the landlord see any irony in being stabbed with the pitchfork he owned because of feudalism? Capitalists don't make or dub anime. WORKERS do.
  6. Humans are part of nature, though. We weren't supernaturally created separately from the other animals. And we're not aliens.
  7. I don't give two fucks what the chef thinks. I'm still ordering well-done whether they like it or not. I'm not "destroying" anything. It's called PERSONAL PREFERENCE. Being a '90s kid, I still have vivid memories of the mad cow disease scare. And even that is only if you eat the brain and nervous tissue. I also saw something on TV about the proper way to cook beef and took it to heart ever since. I was born eating well-done steaks and I'll die eating well-done steaks.
  8. The local wing joints near me serve garlic Parm. So does Buffalo Wild Wings. But I'd rather have them spicy. And you can forget about dipping them in salad dressing (ranch, blue cheese). I tried blue cheese once and I HATED it. The subject of spicy food came up last time I saw my hormone doctor. I told her that heartburn isn't an issue for me at all. Ditto that I went to these two Indian restaurants, ordered their lamb biryani the spiciest they'd make it, and shrugged it off like it was nothing. I asked what her spice tolerance is like; she didn't say. Half the time I was there, I was lost in her pretty eyes. What gay, bi, or pan girl wouldn't be?
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