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Everything posted by Real_AirCooledGirl

  1. The perfect song for Carolina Reapers!
  2. TNT and TBS have aired the Star Wars movies before and since Disney bought out Lucasfilm.
  3. I finally scored some Carolina Reaper hot sauce! Just cooked my first meal with it: SPAM and egg noodles! EDIT: The charring you see is the sauce. I put the SPAM slices in the frying pan, then poured the hot sauce on both sides as they cooked. Still tasted great, though--nice and spicy. I was sweating my ass off, my glasses fogged up, that's how I know this is a good sauce.
  4. My bottle of Carolina Reaper sauce came today! Glam shot time!
  5. "Shpeel" all the way. Taught myself some German a long time ago. I'm nowhere near fluent, though, and what I do know is pretty rusty by now.
  6. 1. My hair has two main instructions: Wash and wear. I had my hair swept around to my right (your left) in that selfie because I didn't want my bird to get caught in it. I wanted to show both me and him in the selfie. 2. Next time I get new glasses, I'll look into a cat eye frame. Same color as what I have now, though; I like black. 3. The bold pink color you used for my lips in the Photoshop looks good. I think I might give that a try. As I've established before, I go for as natural of a look as possible, but I can add some more drip. 4. While I have lighter foundation, I found that it was too light for my skin. I tan easily. 5. Every time I take a selfie, I keep getting that double-chin effect. I don't want to look like I'm staring at the floor, but not like I'm staring at the ceiling, either. I got the same effect when I changed my name and gender marker on my ID and had my new photo taken. That always happens for some reason. I tried sticking my chin out a bit more but don't want to look like I have shitty posture or am craning my neck all funny. 6. I wear the glasses that I wear to hide my eyebrows. What do you do, trim them? I've been plucking around the edges this whole time.
  7. Bright dust rose...got it. The most I've ever done with my eyes is the odd bit of mascara. I don't do anything with my lashes most of the time, and I started out with good lashes. Been getting by with a natural look so far. New glasses sound par for the course. When you say they'd draw attention up and away from my chin, what do you mean? I don't think I started out with a very "manly" chin. Is it because of the scar? Something else?
  8. 1. On top of the selfie tutorials, I might invest in a selfie stick. All too often, I've had to delete selfies off my phone because they came out too blurry or I otherwise didn't like how they turned out. 2. I've never done duckfaces and never will. So 2009. 3. So far, I've only bought makeup from Wally World and even then, it's been mainly primer and foundation. I have other stuff that my therapist and her receptionists have hooked me up with, but I haven't used all of it yet. But I live a short drive from a Dollar Tree so I could find some eyeliner and lip gloss there. As for the gloss, I might have to bring my mom, aunt, or some other female relative with me to help find what color works for me. All I know is that I'm not a fan of red. At least I started with full lips; made some cis women jealous. 4. There is no four.
  9. On top of New Vegas, there's also that GOAT of all Sonic games, Sonic 3 & Knuckles. That game has held up VERY well over the years.
  10. I don't have any lip gloss but might buy some at some point. I've also had people tell me that in the year since I started transitioning, my facial features have softened. I didn't start with, say, a square jaw, though. The features I started with were pretty androgynous; I've had people tell me I look younger than I really am. My mom, grandparents, aunts, and therapists have noticed the most changes to my face.
  11. Fuck and piss!
  12. If aliens did invade, they probably wouldn't be able to breathe our air. They damn well wouldn't look like us for the same reason they wouldn't speak English. They might not even have the same chemical basis as us. Earth life is based on carbon and relies on liquid water to survive. Any aliens out there might have developed based on another element such as boron or silicon, maybe metal oxides. Different planets, different environments, different chemical bases, different selection pressures. And to any aliens out there, we're the aliens.
  13. Did someone say "Satan"?
  14. I subscribed to Crunchyroll once upon a time, but it was only so I could watch anime without ads polluting it. Watched a fair chunk of anime that way. If something particularly catches my eye, I prefer buying that in physical form, ideally on Blu-ray. I've since cancelled my subscription because life happened.
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