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Everything posted by Real_AirCooledGirl

  1. Popeye's chicken nuggets, Cajun fries, and a biscuit. Their nuggies blow McDonald's ass out the water.
  2. It's set during Christmastime, and that makes it a Christmas movie. Prove me the fuck wrong.
  3. I watched Utena a long time ago. One of the best yuri anime I ever saw in my life. Somewhere, a sword lesbian is rejoicing.
  4. I have a friend who's also trans and she's one of the biggest metalheads I know. As for where my Spotify Wrapped said I should move, it gave me Jyväskylä, Finland.
  5. Leftover sesame chicken, boneless spare ribs, and chicken sticks with a bottle of mead.
  6. Anyone else here play it?
  7. That's fucking awesome. Glad to see your son is living his best life and doing so authentically. I know from experience that it goes by quick. Feels like yesterday that I just started taking titty skittles. Now, I'm three years along and it's been a hell of a ride.
  8. First photo: Me four years ago. Second one: Me after three years of HRT. I thought I wanted to destroy my old boymode photos when I came out and started transitioning, but now, I don't want to do that so much. I can look back and see how far I've come over the past few years. Without that person, I wouldn't be here now.
  9. I got rid of all my old VHS tapes a long time ago. Once my grandparents gave me a TiVo for Christmas one year, it was out with the VCR. I haven't looked back. As soon as I got a Blu-ray player, I retired my old DVD player. I like to keep current with technology to a point, but I also make that shit last. I still don't own any game systems newer than the original Wii and mostly play PC games these days.
  10. Still too good for him. Masterson and all other rapists deserve the death penalty. By committing the crime, they lost the right to live. Letting these sick fucks live only allows them to do it again. Capital punishment is the only correct way to ensure they'll never do it again. We need to extend the death penalty to rapists.
  11. The only way I'd buy an old CRT TV is if I had light gun games. Even then, space is at a premium in my house.
  12. I normally default to well done unless the steak is about an inch thick or so. A thicker steak takes longer to cook through than a thin one, and I was hungry as fuck after a hard day's work.
  13. It ended up medium well after factoring in residual heat. Pinkest I'll go is medium. And it was a fairly thick steak.
  14. We need a law making it illegal to go to a store, pharmacy, or restaurant right before closing. You had all fucking day to do your shopping, eating, and picking up your meds, KAREN! Why the fuck do you have to be so entitled and inconsiderate as to hold up the workers longer than they need to be there? Fuck these inconsiderate assholes with a bag of dicks!
  15. A ribeye steak with quinoa.
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