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Everything posted by Real_AirCooledGirl

  1. I'm not arrogant for liking my steak well-done. It's a matter of personal preference.
  2. THANK YOU! DANKE! GRACIAS! SPASIBO! ARIGATOU! KIITOS! qatlho'! Trans kids are just as certain of their identified gender as cis kid are. Hell, trans people's brains are consistent with our identified gender, not whatever we were assigned at birth.
  3. Fuck that noise! If I ever obtain any Wagyu steak, I'll cook it well-done just to piss you and the rest of the food police off. If I ever marry a sugar mama, I'll order some Wagyu steak well-done if she and I go to a steakhouse that serves it. I might just put some Carolina Reaper hot sauce on it, too. I'm not "destroying" a steak. It's called eating what I like. Eat what you like and fuck the food police.
  4. How is this religiprop quote NOT on purpose?
  5. For the thing about puberty blockers: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18478155 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4342775/
  6. I sure would eat those top-shelf steaks well-done if I got the chance. Why is there so much hate for well-done steak? WHY?
  7. Trans kids know themselves far better than you do, far better than you give them credit for.
  8. So you'd rather I go through puberty in a body I don't identify with? Fuck that noise. I should have done this a long time ago already. Thing was, I didn't have knowledge of puberty blockers and HRT back then, nor the language to articulate my dysphoria. I didn't know any other trans or nonbinary people; my only exposure to such people back then was through Jerry Springer and the odd TLC documentary. What she's saying comes off as cis-splaining. Would you tell someone to go through a puberty they don't identify with? I sure as fuck wouldn't. That said, I might at least ask my hormone doctor if she can offer any help on getting myself back out there. I still have the hots for her, though. There may be plenty of other women out there but there's only one of her. If she expresses any interest, however unlikely, I'm sure she might make that known. Even then, I think she'd be discreet about it. Hell, I had her authorize a new round of refills on my estradiol recently; I could kiss her for that. And when I say "kiss her", I don't mean in the same way I'd kiss my grandmother.
  9. You sound like my Aunt "Maude" trying to talk me out of transitioning. If you're trying to talk me out of it, you're not going to move me one millimeter. I'm already a year in and have given it ten billion percent.
  10. Jazz Jennings says hello. She transitioned starting young and thus avoided going through the wrong puberty. I envy her for getting to transition that young. I wish I was able to do the same.
  11. Again, I eat what I like. To hell with the food police and their "rules"! I'll eat my steak well-done and my cereal dry. When I eat tacos, I just put meat and veggies on them.
  12. Giving kids puberty blockers isn't new. They've been doing it for cis kids undergoing precocious puberty since 1993. All puberty blockers do is hit the "pause" button on puberty. If you go off the blockers, puberty kicks in right where it left off, no harm done.
  13. Almost a couple months ago, I made some chocolate halva. Offered some to my HRT doc but she declined. Eh, more for me. Didn't tell her it was homemade, though.
  14. Viele dank. I'll keep these in mind.
  15. I know Amazon sells large-size women's shoes. I might try them at some point. When I last looked at women's shoes online, I tried Hot Topic. All the stuff they had was too small for my big-ass feet. One of my mom's coworkers suggested trying Shoe Show; they sell shoes for women with large feet. Many options in larger sizes are often sold as crossdresser-style, and many of the mainstream brands top out at U.S. size 10 or 11. For the longest time, I rolled with black Converse high-tops (which I still keep around), mainly because I was confused about converting from men's to women's sizes. A trans man with small feet can simply buy his shoes from the young men's section of the store. But us trans gals (especially if we started with big feet)? Shoe-shopping can be harder. Women's shoes also run narrower than men's shoes so, depending on the manufacturer, I might need a wide width. Of course, I might see a drop in shoe size as long as I'm on HRT. This isn't due to changes in the bones of my feet but rather the ligaments and muscles. Similarly, I may notice slimming of my hands and wrists. But that takes years to happen.
  16. We tried letting capitalists own the means of production and it FAILED. It belongs in the hands of the workers, in this case, voice actors, writers, directors, and other staff who do REAL work. Capitalists don't dub anime. WORKERS do.
  17. The veggies weren't burnt. They're BLACKENED. And I cooked them from frozen.
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