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Everything posted by DBAss

  1. DBAss

    Video game intros.

    This one ps1 game, Jersey Devil used to creep me out back when I was a kid, it's opening being one I always ended up skipping, and yet I still remember it. The atmosphere of the game kept me from getting too far into it.
  2. Hot dogs come in packs of ten, and hot dog buns come in packs of eight. It's a conspiracy by the global banks and the new world order.
  3. It would also tackle the issue of unemployment, as it would create a lot of job openings.
  4. There's only one Jesus
  5. You seem like the type that thinks if they throw around the word "science" enough people will think that you're highly intelligent.
  6. Sex is fine and all, but have you ever just sat down and read the bible?
  7. A mix of various things. The day before that I went to take a nap just before 10am, and only wanted to sleep for an hour at most, but I guess I turned off my alarm after I woke up and went back to sleep. When I woke up it was almost 1pm. Also all of last week I had to take my kid bro to school, and the problem eventually became I was up too late to where if I did fall asleep I would likely sleep through my alarm and he would miss school. I gave up on trying to go to sleep that night after 4am
  8. After a week of sleeping like shit I legit just slept like 10 hours straight last night. For the past week there wasn't a single night that I had uninterrupted sleep. Monday night was the worst, where after sleeping around 3 hours I kept waking up every 30 mins to an hour, all the way up to 7:30 when I needed to be up. Wednesday night I then had insomnia and was awake until 8am, and ended up taking a sick day from work cause there was no way I could work after that night, with how tired and sore I was.
  9. You thinking that you're liked here is impossible
  10. You underestimate my power!
  11. He's a great guy though. He's also a strong leader and a war vet. Successfully eliminated unemployment, homelessness, and any other problems for an entire planet.
  12. Fuck off bro. If I said that's what I did, then that's what I did. Cause I totally have something to gain or lose by saying that on a completely random online message board that will probably be dead in another year or two.
  13. Last election I made the only reasonable decision and wrote in "Darth Vader" on the ballet. That way I have a pass to talk shit about all candidates and parties.
  14. How is it that Nabs isn't permabanned for good after all the stupid shit he's said and done here?
  15. DBAss

    Got gat

    Trim your bush
  16. Demarco will go make his own anime then. With black jack, and hookers, and more FLCL.
  17. Get over yourself.
  18. Netflix lost me as a customer ages ago. There was a time when my only source of internet was through a grandfathered cellular data account using a mobile hotspot, and Netflix themselves were throttling the connection because it was technically a mobile connection (that was a policy of theirs to help reduce bandwidth for mobile users). No matter what I watched, the video quality would drop to 480p or even less all the time. Using a VPN completely solved that problem since it kept them from knowing what kind of connection it was. But then they started blocking VPNs. I waited awhile longer to give them a chance back then cause I did see a statement that they were gonna give mobile users the chance to control their bandwidth usage, but that turned out to only be for those using phones, and since I was using it on my tv and desktop I couldn't change shit. Also with the way they have gone in recent years, I will never be a customer of theirs ever again.
  19. Egypt is one of the more tame parts of the middle east, mainly around Cairo. I guess with major cities in middle eastern countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran you probably would be fine, only because you're a westerner. Just don't do anything foolish like going on hiking trips throughout the middle east to prove anything. There's an incredibly long list of liberal women and couples that have traveled alone throughout the middle east to prove that the people there are kind and generous, only to be murdered and left in the desert. Don't care if someone calls me racist on that topic, the statistics don't lie.
  20. Now you just need the other two God cards and then all seven millennium items, and then you must duel your best friend.
  21. I've seen a lot of back and forth on this one. Many of the folks on twitter going on about how he should have gotten thrown out of there and/or arrested for assault. Then there's people that defend him and put the blame on his wife Jada instead. Considering all the shit she's done to him over the years, and how she cheated on him, all that shit that aired on tv back then. When the joke was first told Will was laughing along, but pictures I've seen showed his wife glaring at him, looking very upset, and I guess he realized he needed to step up to keep her happy. Though I can't blame her for not liking the joke being made, considering that one condition she has that's causing her to go bald.
  22. I've been thinking about making an ebook on all my adventures as god. Gonna get so many followers after it releases.
  23. I got like 8 tabs pinned, and like 16 open, and that's just on one window. I really don't like closing out of my shit, I'm pretty bad about opening up tabs for either youtube videos, manga chapters, and various other things and leaving them there as I keep saying I'll get back to them but never do. A lot of these tabs I've had for like several months at least. I use a tab session manager plugin with firefox so if I ever have to exit my browser for an update or to restart my pc I don't lose a single thing. This profile I'm using in firefox I probably had for like a decade. I used to just make bookmarks but the problem is I just kept adding to it more and more, and not chipping away at them so I instead started focusing on tabs and avoiding closing windows if I'm likely to go back to them at some point... this month or so.
  24. You know that will never happen. By this point, I don't think there's anyone else except for them dedicating to doing never ending releases, instead of seasonal releases. I guess the Boruto series is also one that will air every week indefinitely until that ones eventually dead and over with, having an insane filler to canon ratio. And yes I have heard arguments saying the anime original stuff is considered canon, but I don't care, it's still filler.
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