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Everything posted by DBAss

  1. Bleach will return to Toonami. I don't know if they'll re-air the original series (since they'd likely have to buy back the rights to do so), but they probably will at some point. Bleach is a series that has done very well for AS anime in the past, so they'll definitely find a way to have the new anime air. That said, whether the English version gets debuted on Toonami, or it's not until well after the anime is finished airing in Japan, couldn't say.
  2. Just that it's still coming along. Also for now the new chapter is still considered just a one shot, the manga hasn't been picked back up again. Though I'd imagine if the show performs well then they'll most likely get Kubo to continue making the series. I remember seeing some time back with Burn the Witch how Kubo was supposedly planning on doing the manga in a seasonal format, where he'll work on it for awhile and then take a break from it. If Bleach were to return, the way he could go about that is by shifting between the two series. Work on BtW for a few months, then switch to Bleach, maybe take a month or so off in between then go back to the other, and so on.
  3. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth...
  4. If I had to take a guess about how this arc will go down,
  5. I'm not a fan at all of the decision Kubo made regarding what was setup in this,
  6. I somewhat agree. I'm glad they're adapting the final arc, but the final arc is horribly written, and full of so many loose ends and plot holes. There were a lot of things Kubo was setting up that he never touched upon at all. One example being the quincies imprisoning Halibel, him even making a page showing her being held. The thing I'm really hoping for is that they don't make this a direct adaptation, and instead make their own version that fills in as many gaps and fixes as much of the story as possible. I know in the past they've used the anime to add more detail and substance to the story, since if they were to directly adapt the manga they'd have maybe 5 minutes worth of shit on screen. Hopefully they can do that.
  7. meh, I believe in a God, but more in a pantheistic or deistic way and think the Abrahamic versions of God are mostly based on fiction or misunderstandings.
  8. Duke Nukem Forever 10/10
  9. I remember back when the manga first introduced Night eye, and when he was brought up to All Might, AM responded (this being the official version of Viz I believe) referring to him as his first or his ex or something along the lines, the phrasing of it I think was intended to be suggestive likely just a joke and not trying to imply anything. Pretty sure when the sub and dub came out they changed the way it was phrased, erasing that. When it comes to Mineta there's always the possibility that it wasn't intended to be interpreted that way, just Mineta spewing random nonsense in the heat of the moment, and whenever the anime catches up to that point they'll probably have a completely different line.
  10. I would pet Moroha on the head and call her a good girl.
  11. Nice being able to see my favorite shark get some attention
  12. I never met him but a friend of mine told me he's doing pretty good for himself down in Argentina.
  13. The things featured and portrayed in the series probably doesn't help much
  14. I have 620 dogecoins and am really hoping it goes back up. I'm pretty sure it just died down again like the other cryptos are, and a year or so from now everything will skyrocket again.
  15. It's likely a defective screen, or the cable that connects to it inside the laptop could be loose.
  16. Considering Netflix's track record for live action anime adaptations, a la the Death Note movie... I probably won't watch it anyone, never cared much for CB anyway. Also aside from The Witcher I'm not really a fan of many of the things Netflix has made in recent years.
  17. DBAss

    Steam Deck

    Given Valve's hardware aside from their VR has a bad track record... who knows.
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