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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I haven't heard them played dozens of times by bad street performers, so yes.
  2. Oppressive? I'm sorry, which side recently courted white supremacists and decided that we needed concentration camps for little kids? Get the fuck outta here with that both sides bullshit. Especially when the right votes for a proven con man like Donald Trump with monsters in his administration like Jeff Sessions and Mike Pence.
  3. Surf Ninjas and the original Star Wars trilogy. I still get excited every time I see them on tv even though I've watched them a countless amount of times. Oh and this doesn't apply to the newer copies of the first SW trilogy because I feel almost physically uncomfortable due to the changes not vibing with my memories after having the movies memorized from a very young age.
  4. I wish there was a different male lead. I've only seen the 1930's and '50's versions, and what sells the storyline for me is a charismatic husband that really lets me feel the pain of the female lead. This isn't really a decent trailer that shows Cooper's full character, but he hasn't impressed in anything of his that I've watched recently. As for the main topic, I'm currently binging from the middle of Coven so I can catch up with you folks in a week or two.
  5. I feel bad for my dog because he wants to play on sunny days, but the both of us are panting after four minutes and run back inside. Damn hurricanes need to give us some rain too.
  6. A message from those of us in hot as hell Georgia: But seriously have fun.
  7. *Looks at new box of OR movie theater butter popcorn on my desk.* Woohoo, I'm safe.
  8. Post 'em if y'all got 'em .
  9. Y'all don't need to know.
  10. Briefly. They got caught and did their time.
  11. Before scrolling down, I was gonna post that if someone snatched my book, I would cut them. It's so fucking rude, and the ones who grab without asking usually don't care if they damage the book. In high school, other kids did this to annoy me, so I grew out my nails for the sole purpose of making sure anyone who snatched my books again would bleed.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Do it. I like seeing other con pics, and it's fun to see what's going on in other states.
  14. At least you weren't asked to sing "Soft Kitty".
  15. I enjoyed the first season, but the second one made me ragequit. I am glad that Chris Colfer is doing well as a children's author.
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I was wondering why I've only seen fire type Castforms but saw on my friends list that y'all are catching the normal types. Then I found out it's based on the weather. That definitely explains it .
  18. Most people with elaborate costumes tend to change at the con. I think people who are serious about their costuming have a good idea of how long they can look good before make-up starts rubbing off or their outfit starts falling apart. So they pick which hours to strut their stuff, and then change back into regular clothes.
  19. My face actually made that expression, so congratulations.
  20. I'm pretty sure that this happened in an episode of SVU and the ad was put up by the ex of the victim.
  21. No siree. This is my relaxing day, and I ain't got time to read about an extremist version of MD.
  22. Hey, I'll eventually get around to blogging about this, so don't put that in my head.
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