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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Carnivine was the first of the sinnoh I caught. I guess living in the southeast with all these crazies has some benefits.
  2. Government name: Dynamic Magician Board name: Profound Artist
  3. I'm gonna need an excessive amount of free time before I can return to this series and finish it. The main characters stick out in my mind, but I would still have to reread a bunch from the beginning of the series just to remember a lot of what happened. This is also the only series on my reading list where another author had to come and finish it, so comparing their writing styles is interesting to me.
  4. I usually do a mix of chocolate and fruit candy like Kit Kats/Milky Ways and Starburst/Sweetarts so the kiddies have options. They're on their own this year because my lazy ass is staying in with the lights out.
  5. Oh yes they do. Yuri on Ice ring any bells? That mofo is a cashcow and sells a shit load of merch. But adding on to what Mochi said, gay baiting won't pull in dollars once your audience realizes they're getting zero payoff. Edited to add: After Death Note, I don't even want to hate watch any new American live actions. Why do we make everything horrible?
  6. I will be watching both of these shows.
  7. A broke ass writer trying to get her shit done before midnight.
  8. That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime I rolled my eyes at the title, but then gave it a shot and ended up really enjoying it so far. The MC's personality is what makes the whole concept work for me.
  9. Still a heck of an accomplishment though.
  10. Good luck and congrats for making the waitlist at NYU. If you're into make-up, not just tutorial videos but product testing vids are helpful to see what kind of make-up you're interested in and the price ranges.
  11. Turnover? That sounds more like a calzone than a stromboli since calzones are shaped like a half-moon. You are bad at knowing your pizza place food.
  12. Look, Generation Cynic, your disrespect of whales clearly demonstrates that you are not in my age demographic. True 90's children understand that whales are badass motherfuckers. Have you ever seen one of their dicks? I have. The sight left an entire aquarium speechless.
  13. That is the worst way to put sexual violence in a story and why it comes off as boring in that context. Hellsing isn't a great example because everything being about shock value made me roll my eyes at least for a third of it. I'm giving Berserk a shot later mainly because of its artwork and the storyline seems interesting enough to make it worth skimming past the rape scenes.
  14. I forgot that you're too old to have had that Free Willy experience as a child. You were probably some black-hearted teen by the time it came out.
  15. Nope. My family is cool and would have considered dying to touch a whale too .
  16. Shitty dark fantasy in any medium is a pet peeve of mine because it's the genre that disappoints me the most.
  17. Honestly, it would have been worth it. Whales are fucking awesome. That seems like a really annoying ass family though.
  18. I'm broke until the end of this month, so this week it's just toilet paper, lettuce, and tomatoes. At least I always keep bags of rice and frozen meat on hand.
  19. Happy Birthday Balloon Dude!
  20. Hmmm. Maybe I'm being too harsh in assuming they just want to show titties. Do they bounce up and down or swing in circles? Only one of them is a real way to show realistic warfare.
  21. Did you take any food pics? And I'm obligated to post this:
  22. I remember enjoying them too, but those memories are sullied by the fact that they gave me false hope that the series would become good again.
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