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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Why do you hurt me?
  2. I just added this to my watchlist. Was it good? No spoilers though. Currently watching Brooklyn 99 season 3 episode 22. This show gives me so many needed laughs.
  3. I know this against my will because my mom has to constantly inform me about celebrities' families. "Oh you should have heard George Clooney's mom sing back in the day...Oh that's Diana Ross's son...You know that's Melanie Griffith's daughter right? Back when she was with Don Johnson. Oh and you should know who Melanie Griffith's mom was too right?" *Sigh*
  4. *Sees easily solvable problem and no pic. Hits back button.*
  5. Also <3 because while we're all assholes, you're the best asshole among us and always have interesting things to say. Damn, I forgot it's after 5 and you regular day job bitches are off work. Kohl's has a make-up sale, so I'm stuffing my cart, see an eyeshadow palette with colors I don't have and added that. While looking for other things, that palette went half price for five dollars a few minutes later, and then that ticker popped up showing that there were only two palettes left. I couldn't load the checkout before that sucker sold out. Now I gotta hope they restock before the sale ends.
  6. I don't know why the showrunners just didn't make their own version of the statue instead of replicating the temple's that would still have a copyright on it.
  7. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I want shiny Ponyta, but I rarely find shinies of anything.
  8. I want to know what show people were watching when they somehow saw a third season of Daredevil that was better than Season 1. Cause it sure as shit ain't the third season that I'm watching. This is boring, the writing is honestly worst than the second season, and it feels like the choreography took a hit for the fights not involving Bullseye. For fuck's sake, why can't I have more good Daredevil?
  9. I'm joining the hate train on found footage horror. Cloverfield almost made me throw something at the tv because of how stupid it was and how much I had to fucking squint at the screen. Whoever decided to make that shit shaky cam with bad lighting should have sand poured on their eyes.
  10. Ohh, so I can escape and then conquer a planet. I'm cool with that. Aliens peeps would love me.
  11. Bruh, I recently did research on traveling to Antarctica. You really wanna go this route?
  12. Do not underestimate my ability to break shit out of rage and escape. It's a good thing you didn't specify the bulletproof stuff, sucka.
  13. Suburban Gothic - Meh. Fear Inc - it was predictable in every way possible. I'm doing a Hulu free trial and going through their horror movies since I have no interest in keeping it once I finish Brooklyn 99. I Saw the Devil is on there and should be more entertaining.
  14. Smallville is one of the few shows that pissed me the fuck off to the point that I couldn't stop ranting about it for weeks after the finale. I do need to get caught up on Supergirl cause I never started the second season.
  15. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Why is Pinsir everywhere?
  16. DragonSinger

    HB bnmjy

    Didn't you start his birthday thread?
  17. DragonSinger

    HB bnmjy

    I need a laugh while crying smiley because "truth".
  18. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    It's best to be 1 or more kms over because at 10 or slightly above like 10 point something, it might still be read as 9 kms if the game hasn't updated your data properly. If I hadn't searched through reddit threads on evolving Eevee, I would have removed it as my buddy too after hitting 10.
  19. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I was mad serious about getting Umbreon, so I did the name trick, waited until 10 p.m. to evolve it, had a surplus of candies and km/s walked, and quadruple checked that it was still my buddy. From reports I had read from people who didn't get Umbreon after evolving their Eevees, their km/s walked was slightly above 10 so that the game didn't update their data completely before Eevee was evolved and thought their walking distance was under the amount needed, they forgot that Eevee was still supposed to be their buddy during time of evolution, or some of the very unlucky players did everything right and the game glitched on them.
  20. DragonSinger

    HB bnmjy

    Happy Birthday person whose name I can't write correctly on my own.
  21. Chili's is the only place I hate as much as Applebee's. It doesn't matter how good their deals are. If I'm broke, I'll just hit up a bbq spot or Mexican place.
  22. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    *Sigh* They know where they get their money. I like the Halloween music playing today in Pokemon Go.
  23. *throws in a rock*
  24. Nope. The only time I ever used a move from a martial arts film was an armlock that I did unconsciously because my body was in panic mode. It was a fight with a guy twice my size because I was being lippy, and my brain was like, hurry and do something or you can't talk shit to everybody anymore. Then my body pulled that armlock from whatever movie I watched repeatedly during that month and the guy was on the floor crying. Still didn't think I was a martial arts master because after trying out the armlock with a friend so I consciously knew how to do it, I learned that it's absolutely useless if the other person tenses up in any way. Nowadays, wanting to duke it out with someone is just too much work. Using whatever weapon is available is a way better option.
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