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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Alrighty then. Evidently, idjit wasn't a strong enough mental note. Dumbfuck is more appropriate, and I wish I had financial compensation for the brain cells lost while reading your post.
  2. Dude, why can't you remember what you wrote on the same page? Maybe you should get your memory checked out.
  3. I haven't seen you post much lately, but at the back of my mind I remembered that you're an idjit. Thank you for reminding me why.
  4. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I still haven't done any raids yet because there's no gym in safe walking distance, and the gyms with raids near me are mostly at street intersections. Georgia is also very stingy about sidewalks. Might have enough money midway into the year to waste on Uber rides to gyms with raids in more practical areas.
  5. Happy Birthday Boo!
  6. That sounds like the best thing to do.
  7. What's the point of getting mad over nail tapping though?
  8. I go cheaper for groceries but may pay extra for anime/manga if the seller is more trustworthy.
  9. It's change, and honestly I feel like it's on me when I can't get the right amount out in a timely manner. Just because you're the only person there doesn't mean that she wants to hold the window open forever. I apologize right off the bat if I have to dig for change and usually have the other person laughing because I'm like, "I swear to God there were nothing but pennies sticking out the last time I bought something, and now the useless things are all hiding!" While you're looking, you can glance up quickly and notice something to compliment them about. It directs the attention away from you messing up and gives you more time to look without the other person becoming more impatient. People can sense when you're being fake though, so try to be genuine about it.
  10. I sometimes get free food just for being nice. No angry email required.
  11. Rashomon was surprisingly just an hour and something minutes. I've only seen like a third of Seven Samurai because it always came on during days when I had little free time and no DVR. Even though I've seen the plot summary of Hidden Fortress, it never occurred to me that it influenced Star Wars. Most of the time, I look up movies on IMDB, but after a google search, a George Lucas video about Hidden Fortress is one of the top results.
  12. That looks like regular fencing + pretending to hold a 70's special effects laser sword. The fights in the new movies look bland probably because a lot of the old choreographers who specialized in this have died off/retired. The directors getting these jobs also don't have an eye for what makes an epic fight which is why I was rolling my eyes during that Last Jedi scene at the theater.
  13. Mon Oncle 7.5/10 I guess it's kind of like a French Mr. Bean but with more charm and artistic effects that really had me laughing. A bumbling brother-in-law whose nephew adores him goes to live with his sister who has this super modern house that looks like the inside of an Ikea today. The house itself was a great comedic prop, and I'm really glad I saw this quirky movie. Rashomon 10/10 Watching this movie had the same effect on me as it did on the cynic hearing all of the different witness accounts. At first I thought that the movie wouldn't live up to the hype, but when that last 'witness' gave his version of events, I was practically drooling to know what he saw. There are still unanswered questions like
  14. Organized religion because it's usually had a steady stream of scandals among the many different types while sports has lulls because of some activities losing popularity or completely dying out until the next big thing grows enough that people disregard human suffering for the entertainment it brings them.
  15. That makes both of us. My check came in late, so I had to watch motherfuckers on facebook share pics of food from that place.
  16. Medium and with a little char on the outside. God I want a steak.
  17. Why are people so obsessed with the goddamned Varsity? It's school cafeteria level of food, but every time folks come to Georgia to visit, it's, "Can we go to the Varsity?" No bitch. It was only fun when I was in elementary school and thought lunchables were the greatest ever. I ain't trying to fool with the nightmare of downtown Atlanta during Super Bowl weekend for Oscar Mayer dogs and fried pies that taste like mushy peaches with the tiniest pinches of spices. Then there's the annoyance of craving ribs during sports events. I have no money until tomorrow when actual Georgia residents will be making a mad dash for the good bbq places. It's gonna get ugly, but I really fucking want ribs.
  18. I laughed too because the shapeshifting line is kind of true. When contouring is done well, it creates a realistic illusion to the point that it freaked me out after doing it to my nose the first time. It actually looked like I got a nose job, and now I know that a thin nose on my face looks very bad. Also may have shouted, "Where the fuck did my nose go?" while desperately looking for a makeup remover wipe.
  19. Has anyone spoken to Peanutcat? I think her last post on the older boards was about getting flesh eating bacteria somehow, and then she never responded again.
  20. Oh sweet Baccano, it's been too many years since my last rewatch.
  21. I don't see any point to it, so why waste the effort.
  22. Good stories, great music, delicious food, and cute stuff.
  23. Yes. It turned out that feeling would have been correct if I didn't go to the hospital in time. Heh heh, I'm fun at parties.
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