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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I cannot. This site will self destruct if there is only one active Naraku at a time. Note to self: Buy more hand sanitizer.
  2. Some people do put tomatoes in fruit salads. I've had a salad with tomatoes, peaches, and mozzarella with balsamic dressing that was delicious. So yeah, it's a sandwich, bitches.
  3. *Pats your back with a long stick* I hope your face stops being a faucet of grossness soon.
  4. You can go inside of most big electronics stores to find those, especially since it's the holiday season so they're front and center for people to buy. They'll have the tvs displayed and on whichever one you think has the best picture in your price range, you check out the specs that are usually displayed on the price sign. I always check other stores' sites to comparison buy though.
  5. They're not even real hoverboards!
  6. I don't understand what you mean by "how to buy them". You just buy one, and then make sure you have the right cables and settings. Settings are easy to look up online, so I can't imagine paying someone to do it.
  7. Will.i.am and William - instantly Scoob and Snoop - instantly Flo Rida and Florida - *Looks away* At least a year. Sometimes, I is dumb.
  8. I did check twitter for any new shooter hashtags after seeing this photo.
  9. Girls und Panzer 1 Yeah, I'll finish this some other time. My suspension of belief isn't working with this plot because the characters are very boring to me.
  10. @Ginguy, you never answered my question.
  11. Why did I think you were a woman? I must have misinterpreted some weird conversation a long time ago. Well Happy Birthday dude with all the pokemon .
  12. Why do so many of you make terrible food decisions? Anyways, regardless of that meal probably tasting revolting, it ain't supposed to send you running for the toilet like in Bridesmaids. You should report it to the store.
  13. This one has always been my fave:
  14. What exactly did you eat?
  15. Happy Birthday lady with all the pokemon!
  16. I only got to see clips, but Weili Zhang is badass as fuck.
  17. Everyone is watching this, so I need to in order to not be spoiled. Guess I'll watch it after the princess switch movie.
  18. In the future, you should look into those mattresses on Amazon that are delivered vacuum sealed and rolled into a box. I spent a hundred on mine(Twin XL) and it's as comfortable as the $1000+ beds. The no frills bed base was maybe $80.
  19. Woohoo. I got all of Space Brothers and Chihayafuru Season 1 premium box set. Thank goodness for Thanksgiving leftovers or this would be a ramen week.
  20. THIS.
  21. 2. The first one out of curiosity, and the second to confirm that they taste like crap and aren't worth my junk food money. The warm sensation from the cigarette was the only thing I enjoyed about it. Since almost every person in my family who used to have a smoking habit has died from cancer and other smoking related diseases, trying it again ain't exactly on my to-do list.
  22. Define, "tightening them up."
  23. I'm in less pain and don't hate the way my body looks anymore.
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