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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. don't libraries have like, a board of trustees or something that oversees operations etc? find one of the members and make a good impression...if you know what i mean.
  2. wacky1980

    F u bnjmy

    aww, your first crush?
  3. a library job probably won't pay off the debt from your degree program, but there's something to be said for doing what you love. do you love library?
  4. thanks! it's been a giant pita because nothing moves at the speed i'd like it to, and we're already outpacing our budget by about 30%. at least i work in a bank, and they're invested enough at this point that they're not gonna cut me off before i finish it.
  5. shit, i did put that one up. meh, i've done worse on camera.
  6. i just wanna know what he'll be doing with it.
  7. it's like, with every post this simple action becomes less likely to have ever taken place.
  8. ...on the floor in front of the toilet in the ladies room. gotcha.
  9. bump because pat got me thinking about this project again today while i was logged on. so the plan has changed a bit, but we made some good progress before the winter put a stop to things. the lot is clear, but it took until july to get that finished up. we had to take up some of the old concrete because the heavy machinery caved it in on the east side. we'll have to re-pour that in the spring before we can do much else. but we have to install plumbing, water, and storm drains before we can do concrete, so we're a bit backed up there. considering the setbacks with the concrete and some contractor (un)availabilities, the list of what we've accomplished is much smaller than we'd hoped it would be at this point (it usually is with jobs like this but meh). the stage and enclosure is up, the undamaged concrete is a couple applications away from being prepped and ready, and the fence is built around the perimeter. so after we get utilities installed, we pour concrete and build the restrooms and bar area. decorate and done! the hope is to be up and running in the first half of the summer, depending on how quickly we can get back to work in the spring. we're no longer doing a nanobrewery on the lot because we're looking at buying an adjacent building to repurpose as the brewery. so the lot will be an outdoor venue that will eventually (hopefully) serve as the brewery's beer garden, with a stage for live stuff, an area to set up food trucks, two horseshoe pits, double restrooms, an enclosed bar, and comfortable seating for approx 80-100 people. it will be glorious. and you're all invited to the grand opening thing, whenever it happens.
  10. we don't have any breweries around here. we have to drive an hour to the nearest one. and we plan on fixing that by opening our own in the next few years, as long as someone else in town doesn't beat us to it.
  11. i got a pressure washer and all this candy. mikkeller beers are just about impossible to get in this area, and my awesome wife tracked down several for me. pictured are: to from via holiday ale, spontanapricot, and beer geek breakfast and brunch. there were a couple more, but they got drank before i took the picture.
  12. did you at least knock her up first?
  13. i've put a couple up over the years. maybe all on the old site though, don't remember.
  14. matching pants too. bask in this.
  15. dressed for success
  16. looks like you drew a little black dick on your shorts. nice touch. and speaking of touching...
  17. work til noon and then party time. and i'm showcasing this entire christmas suit all day. loudest mf in the room, right here.
  18. do the cool thing and pour the vodka directly into your ass. also, mainlining alcohol is totally a gateway move.
  19. does your face hurt? because it's KILLING me! BARHARHAR nerve pain can be all sorts of issues, but still probably worth checking out if it persists. it's when the nerves quit working that you need to get to the ER with the quickness.
  20. ethyl alcohol can't be injected in its pure form because it's impossible to distill to 100% purity, so there will be another liquid (probably water) it's cut with to keep it stable. as long as your quality and purity is as good as possible, i don't think it would be dangerous in small amounts. like, very small amounts. since the human body contains about 5 liters of blood, it would theoretically only take about 5ml (one teaspoon) of 90% pure ethyl alcohol to put you over the legal limit of 0.08% BAC.
  21. i remember as a kid, having an artesian well with a collection trough (yeah, an open trough that anything could just fall into) in the basement, and a pump to pressurize the lines inside the house. there was no actual well pump to bring the water up. i can't imagine you've got one of those up the side of a mountain, but i guess it's possible to drill a well up there if there's appropriate runoff from farther uphill? i'd assume you're tied into muni service somewhere, but maybe the records weren't kept very well and the wrong person wouldn't know how/where to look up your account. if the bill is a minor amount, i'd just pay it under the condition they come out and trace your service line. then if they can't, you should be able to get your money back.
  22. shit, you shoulda said something. we got barn doors, sliding barn doors, hayloft doors, swinging gate-style doors that only go halfway up so the horses can poke their heads out, louvred bin doors for letting the corn dry, trap doors to drop hay bales down into the dairy from the hayloft. steel, hardwood, laminate, you name it. might want to give 'em a quick pressure wash to knock the bullshit off first. but after that. AFTER THAT! you got yourself some nice deecor right there.
  23. nuh-uh, it's not disco's birthday. oh ok, fine. hbd disco! *wink*wink*
  24. it absolutely happened, but i don't need to prove anything to you motherfuckers.
  25. wow. i mean, i'm honored you'd think of me in that way and all...but i'm not really into big dicks. they get one compliment, ONE compliment, someone strokes their ego just for a second, and they get this big head that's like, impossible to put down. i just don't have it in me.
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