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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. this was my front yard last weekend. the stick says <13" but it was a heavy, wet snow and it compressed as it fell. 16-20" is what the local news said. in yesterday's storm, we got an inch. then we got another inch today. supposed to get down to about 0F tonight, then we warm back up to get some rain by tuesday. lovely.
  2. i've never seen this site before, but i'll have to check it out next hurricane season. i like to nerd out on the forecast discussions at weather.gov (national weather service official site) for my local / regional forecasts. the conversations are usually pretty technical, and they generally refuse to post hard numbers more than 48 hours out. but even they were way off with this storm.
  3. working @bank drive-up this morning. got a band at the bar tonight. bartender meeting tomorrow morning. football/beer tomorrow afternoon. and i'll probably work at the bar monday so the wife can take the day off. no rest for the stupid.
  4. "seriously guise. this guy that works at NASA told my buddy we were gonna get up to 2 feet of snow this weekend. it's gonna be even worse than last weekend (we did get 20" last weekend, btw)! and this NASA guy nailed the prediction for last weekend, so i completely believe him." that's all i've heard all week. even from family. and when i was all like "whoa, pump those brakes. we're not getting 2 feet of snow. the system's moving too fast / freezing line may slide 'nort / the low is too far south / etc etc" i was met with a bunch of "you don't fucking know. you're not a meteorologist." then about thursday, models started backing off on snowfall totals. and the freezing line started creeping 'nort. friday morning, they were down to 3-6" total. it was supposed to start snowing yesterday about 3pm, when the WINTER STORM WARNING took effect. around 9pm, it snowed the first flakes, but quickly turned to rain/sleet and stayed that way til about midnight. by time i woke up this morning, it had already burned out / blown thru. they just canceled the warning, which was supposed to go until dark today. as for our precip totals? maybe a half inch of sleet and a half inch of snow. if i can find that NASA guy, i'ma punch him in his 2 foot long dick for making everyone shit themselves in fear all week. same goes for NWS/KSTL.
  5. my favorite diet fad is the one where you strive to achieve ketoacidosis. sounds dreamy. or, y'know, simple portion control and exercise. which basically boils down to the "calories in < calories out" idea. i started a new exercise thing with the wife this week since we're now past the holiday bingefest and we can focus on fitness again. i plan on dropping about 15-20 pounds by spring.
  6. nah, i'm totally a pig. i just know when to bite my tongue.
  7. it didn't make me feel bad or angry or anything. i was pretty cool with it. there's nothing wrong with being fair and kind, nor promoting the same.
  8. dudes are finding it offensive because it challenges their perception of manliness. also, vast liberal conspiracy to further the pussification of america, etc etc.
  9. might be a tit bit nipply to be viewing an eclipse sunday night. we're supposed to be down to about 5F.
  10. it gets kinda hard to keep track past a certain point, but we got anywhere from 16-20" this last weekend. i think we're only on the hook for another 5-8 this weekend, but it's supposed to be windy af and cold after the storm ends. at this point, fuck it. bring on the spall, baby. i can't wait to see the shit.
  11. hmmm...board-dad...i mean, i guess it kinda makes sense and all. i really get more of a board-step-dad vibe from you though. like, the rich new mama-masher who actually makes good on his promises to take all the kids to disney next year. but might also be a swinger and/or coke head. i got my eye on you mr...
  12. pure ethanol (the alcohol in yer booze) freezes at -173F. so if you have an 80-proof vodka like grey goose, a lot of boring science says the freezing point would be around -17F. most freezers don't go too far below 0F, so you'll never get that vodka to freeze. now, when you dilute the vodka with water, sugar, and puree'd fruit, the freezing point climbs considerably. or more accurately, the alcohol solution is thinned out enough to allow ice crystals to form that are large enough to trap the alcohol in suspension and create the "slushy" consistency needed for a freeze pop.
  13. Do you remember When we fell in love We were so young and innocent then Do you remember How it all began It just seemed like heaven so why did it end? Do you remember Back in the fall We'd be together all day long Do you remember Us holding hands In each other's eyes we'd stare (Tell me) Do you remember the time When we fell in love Do you remember the time When we first met girl Do you remember the time When we fell in love Do you remember the time Do you remember How we used to talk (Ya know) We'd stay on the phone at night till dawn Do you remember All the things we said like I love you so I'll never let you go Do you remember Back in the Spring Every morning birds would sing Do you remember Those special times They'll just go on and on In the back of my mind Do you…
  14. neither one of us has murdered the other yet, so i'd say it's been a generally successful union.
  15. haven't been clean shaven since 2014. came close for halloween 2018 when i dressed up like bob belcher. it scared the kids.
  16. i don't put much on FB so the only halfways decent photos i have are from wifey's page. so wifey is included. hope she doesn't ever find this place cause she'll be displeased knowing i put her face up on here. anyways. 2009. yes, i loves the cock. and 2018. i got old.
  17. i tested mine at home just last night so these results are from there. this is my line speed because i have a 110mbps fiber connection, but the test was conducted over wifi. i opted to take the slower fiber package because i currently don't need a gig. my home wifi is a beast, btw. look at that ping speed.
  18. so that was pleasant. at least she owned up to it right away. fucking hell.
  19. i'm going to fire one of my best, longest-employed bartenders today. this sucks. not sure if she expected to get away scot free with stealing a $100 bill from a customer while she was off duty last night, but she did it. i tolerate a lot of shit from my employees, but theft is not one of those things. fuck me. this sucks. it's not even like i have to make an example and she's the unlucky one. i can't ever trust her with money again, and everyone who witnessed the incident (and there were several, including two other bartenders) knows that if i don't fire her, our bartenders can do whatever the fuck they want without punishment. there's really no choice for us at this point.
  20. goose island is dick wagging at all of chicago right now too. they're setting up a goalposts in front of the brewery on saturday, and anyone who can kick a field goal from the same distance as parkey's miss gets free beer for a year. it's gonna be funny when 500 people kick it good and goose gets to eat shit over this. how they never learned the rule "don't shit where you eat" is beyond me.
  21. i never considered the possibility that the bears would actively work on giving the game to the vikings. hell, they even got the refs to pitch in.
  22. the bears are holding their own thru the half, but since the niners absolutely failed to show up today, it won't matter. anyone else think they're gonna come out flat while the vikings get their shit together?
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