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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. if you don't ever carry a balance, the interest rate isn't much to concern yourself with. rewards available?
  2. surely she sunk paul simon's nail at some point?
  3. i just started up fi service on my nexus 6 this month. thank jeeberz the service itself didn't get the axe. although, it's getting to be about time for a new phone...
  4. unless op is traveling to thailand every month to buy shemale hookers, travel rewards cards are stupid and should be avoided. just putting that out there.
  5. not entirely sure about the smarter part, but hey, i'm here so let's do this bitch. first of all, applying for the new card will mean a hard pull on your credit report, even if you don't get approved. if you already have the home loan you want and your credit is established and decent, swapping out one credit card for another new one won't ruin you by any means (even for one that's 5 years old). if the annual fee is something stupid like $100 or more, i'd do it, esp if the interest rate is comparable and you carry a balance on the card. average age of credit history is a relatively minor factor in the grand scheme. as long as you make your payments on time, don't max out your cards, don't default on a loan, and don't have way too much available "credit" (read: debt) in your name, i wouldn't worry too much.
  6. apparently forever too, considering the not-so-anonymous yet super-apt haXx0rs managed to not only delete entire servers, but also any backups across other servers, and then follow it up with a sophisticated ddos over here that took the loading speeds from slow to slightly more slow.
  7. pepe is not a good authority...
  8. time for ... the invasion?
  9. it worked, and it shared content with the public board as well. accounts, posts, etc etc, all matched up. the only thing that didn't work was the login, but you could get around that by logging in on the as site and then jumping over to the staging site.
  10. this must be the day the internet fails.
  11. it's not always this slow? i'm only here to make sure other people can't access the old boards. i don't venture in here much at all.
  12. i'm getting that now too. uh-oh.................
  13. if the boards were still online, wouldn't that return ...something?
  14. boards.staging.adultswim.com returns this for me now: have the boards officially died?
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