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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. deer hunting, probably. anyone want an autograph? yeah, me neither.
  2. we had a bunch of young male teachers. one of them (also my varsity basketball coach) started an affair with a girl in my sister's grade, and they ended up getting married. everyone was like "eh, it's ok because they were in love." sure, whatev.
  3. all my female teachers were too old / fat / nasty for anyone to want to do that with. except my kindergarten teacher. she was hot.
  4. who's buying? also, it doesn't matter as long as they're paying for top shelf and you're not.
  5. people suck. if you can't do family thanksgiving because of people sucking, maybe it's time to do your own thanksgiving without the family.
  6. hell, i'd bet most of he people on the boards hadn't even hit puberty when freddie kicked the bucket.
  7. hey, at least the bears won.
  8. king sue from toppling goliath. oh my word.
  9. work's been odd. the bank has been a gravely bitch all week, but the bar has been awesome. we picked up some new beers, including one i've been working on for over a year (king sue, got damn it's so good). gotta sit through a performance review tomorrow at the bank, then after work i'm picking up the oldest from his mom's and taking everyone for mexican to celebrate. why the celebration? either gonna get a raise / promotion from the review, or i'm gonna be purely self-employed. either way, good way to kick off the weekend. then the weekend is gonna be all cleaning up from halloween, catching up on laundry, and avoding anything resembling work.
  10. annual employee reviews happened today. every bank employee, including officers and dept heads, had to sit down with the vp and a couple board members to discuss gripes, performance, and the future. i have a fat mental list of items to discuss, mostly centering around my path for the next few years. i'm into my 10th year now, and this could very well be my last if i'm not put on a path to an executive position in some capacity. they know this because i gave them a heads-up that it would be discussed in this review. anyways, they just broke for the day, and i'm one of two people they didn't review yet. i was informed it would happen in the morning. the only other person who didn't also get reviewed today, is the lady who's position i'm looking to take. fucking hell. i had myself worked up to go in there, guns blazing and ready to make demands, if necessary, that i've never dropped on these people in the last 9 years of working here. and now i have to take all that aggression home with me and store it until the morning. i hope the wife doesn't want to get laid tonight...don't want to do anything that might cause me to go easy on them tomorrow.
  11. i learned to golf right-handed because my dad was right-handed and we only had rightie clubs to learn with. but when i got old enough to have my own clubs, i bought lefties and suddenly realized i wasn't complete shit at golf anymore. i can't imagine being right-handed and making a conscious decision to shoot lefty. so many firearms have a backwards safety, etc. i assume you've always been that way?
  12. i kinda killed that costume. but i think the wife's linda was even better.
  13. not entirely sure what your business is gonna be, so i can't be too helpful atm. hence the bad humor.
  14. "i'ma make this shit right here for $2 each, and then i'ma sell this same shit for $10 each. skip to step 4: profit." you don't even need to give me credit for it. that shit's free to all.
  15. everyone should get a 90% raise. think of all the stuff you could buy with that extra cash just dropping into your bank account! things like a better work ethic. which, oddly enough, requires precisely $15/hr to maintain.
  16. just submit the "boats 'n hoes" video. worked in the movies. ..........huh? it didn't work? ugh, i have to rethink my entire strategy now. shit.
  17. sorry for the potato, but i think we did pretty good. that's my actual mustache after shaving the beard, and i'm keeping it til the beard comes back in.
  18. i feel like i look fat in the face without a beard. it's a little unnerving. this won't do, not at all.
  19. it doesn't help that i probably cut 6 inches of hair off and a couple inches of beard as well. both my boys (2 and 4 years old) did double takes last night. they've never seen me without a beard.
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