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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. oh. please, continue.
  2. hold the phone- are you THEE big dick cheney?
  3. of big dick? a little, yeah. i mean, he shot that one dude in the face on that hunting trip. that's cold.
  4. oh. please, continue.
  5. womp womp this one spans 4 hours too.
  6. cock cheney? never heard of her.
  7. "won" $2500 "gift card" sure thing, slickback.
  8. i mean, it's really not confusing at all to put five different dates on the license, three of which are tied to date of birth and two of which may not be. also, a vertical license denotes "under 21" but the vertical license doesn't expire until 3 months after the 21st birthday, so you have just-turned-21 folks running around with vertical licenses, getting all indignant and causing a scene when they're denied for having a vertical license. so even for a seasoned bartender, getting a vertical license creates at least a little bit of acute stress, which can increase the chance of a misread or calculation error.
  9. i never really had much trouble when carding people. the most difficult part was when you'd get some far off state or a military id that you've never seen before. i've personally beat two stings that i know of, and denied a boatload of minors over the years. these kids think they're clever with fakes or whatever, but they forget we were kids once too and we already know their tricks.
  10. they try to make it easy on a person by putting the dates in brightly-colored boxes and changing the orientation of the ID, but it's still easily fucked up, especially since a lot of people don't handle that kind of stress very well. here's an example of an illinois minor id card, provided by our good friend thor:
  11. revenge of the lounge lizards on windows 3.1 was the peak of pc gaming.
  12. bless your heart fuggs.
  13. our bartenders have to be BASSET certified (alcohol server training), as well as food sanitation certified, even though we don't serve food. for a job that, in many cases, they will work maybe 2 days per week for a couple hundred bucks. it's pretty fucked.
  14. just left a meeting with the state's attorney. he tossed the bartender's ticket. no sucking off necessary! now to see if i can work the same magic on the state liquor control folks...
  15. Yeah, just got caught in a bad moment. Shitty thing is, she figured it out and corrected it before the bust ever happened. But the sale was already complete so it was too late. I might be able to get the bartender's ticket tossed because I'm in pretty good with the state's attorney, but our fine will come directly from liquor control. Probably no chance of getting that one dropped.
  16. It was slow and she had no excuse. The red bar is on these ones too, but she apparently didn't look at it. Ours also has a yellow bar for under 18, and they can get a little confusing with all that info crammed on them.
  17. indeed we do scoob. the minor's id showed a date of 10/24/98. so it's within the grace period of 3 months post-21st bday, when your math is off by a year. we have lots of people come in with their vertical id's who are 21 because they just recently turned and haven't updated their id.
  18. i don't like to manage thru fear. it loses its effectiveness in a cash business, where an unhappy employee can literally rob you blind.
  19. she's made me a lot of money. she's actually one of our better bartenders. even the good ones fuck up occasionally.
  20. i think that sign above the register is what prompted her to rethink the math she used.
  21. probably not. if my fine is $500, that's still cheaper than sending all my bartenders through a training course. this achieves that goal without the extra hassle. chalk it up to a learning experience, throw a ticket fund party, and move on with life.
  22. yep, and we're pretty good about carding and watching for hand-offs, etc. this was just an example of a good bartender making a mistake.
  23. state liquor control decided to run an underage sting tonight. bartender checked the id's but did her math wrong, served the two kids, and as she was going to ring up the sale, her brain apparently decided to start working. she went back to check the id's again, and this time figured out the kids were minors. so she took the beers back and told them she'd go get their money back. but by then it was too late. so now the bartender is on the hook for a fine anywhere from $500-2,500 and so is the bar. i'm gonna walk across the street to the state's attorney office in the morning, and put my dick sucking skills to work in the hopes i can get the charge dropped since the bartender fixed her mistake before the bust even took place. i'm not confident, but it's our only violation in the 12 years i've been there, so maybe we'll get a little lenience. but probably not.
  24. fucking elitist steak eaters, thinking their method is the best method. wife likes hers blue at home but usually orders rare/med.rare when we go out. i take mine medium when i have the choice, but i'll eat it anywhere on the spectrum except for straight-up rare. we don't keep a1 in the house as a general rule, and will normally only season with salt and pepper unless it's a cheap cut that requires a little extra help.
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