DangerMouse Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Yeah, surprised she survived that. Looking good Ashi.
AnimationFan14 Posted May 21, 2017 Author Posted May 21, 2017 "I didn't know you like to get wet Aku,"
Jeffchao228 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 A Wonderful Ending to this series, that is for sure.
Meilag32 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 How she even existed for as long as she did makes no sense! She would have disappeared the instant Aku was destroyed.
DangerMouse Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Well....shit. There it is... Damn, shouldn't have said anything.
DBZ4ever Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 I called this ending moments before it happened. I was in an xbox live party with others and I said oh man what if we get a Gurren Lagann ending with the whole wedding thing and then it happened and I was like oh my goodness.
Jeffchao228 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 And thus a Memorial Day Weekend Marathon is now the reason we get to Watch it again.
3ngag3 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 There's still one question the show never answered. WHAT WAS JACK'S REAL NAME?
Daos Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 The GL ending never made sense to me. I mean, she was the actual daughter of that guy, not some product of time travel or a ghost or something.
mochi Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 I called this ending moments before it happened. I was in an xbox live party with others and I said oh man what if we get a Gurren Lagann ending with the whole wedding thing and then it happened and I was like oh my goodness. WE'RE ALL PSYCHIC!!!
Top Gun Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 I am...displeased. And it's fucking killing me to say that. But that doesn't change it.
AnimationFan14 Posted May 21, 2017 Author Posted May 21, 2017 Well THAT'S a downer. ::HMM:: Certainly not a perfect happy ending, but we do see Jack smile again Plus he can get with a Scotsman daughter
ben0119 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Love this battle. All these different races and their abilities, weapons, etc vs Aku and his hax. Ashi has finally broken free! Thanks to the power of love! <3 Scotsman - She's not your type. Huzzah! With Aku's powers, Ashi can fight fire with fire, and make a new time portal! Aku is finally finished! Now Jack and Ashi are getting married! Wait, something's wrong... Damn it why did I say anything! Of course, without Aku, Ashi wouldn't have existed! Not only that, but Jack is the only one who will remember the people he made friends with in the future. They won't remember Jack, but, they won't have suffered either. That ladybug doesn't make it better waaahahahaahaaa!
DangerMouse Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 How she even existed for as long as she did makes no sense! She would have disappeared the instant Aku was destroyed. "That's love, baby." -Space Dandy
The1gairon Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Certainly not a perfect happy ending, but we do see Jack smile again Plus he can get with a Scotsman daughter They exist in the future though.
ben0119 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Certainly not a perfect happy ending, but we do see Jack smile again Plus he can get with a Scotsman daughter They won't exist for hundreds/thousands of years, whenever "The Future" takes place.
OwlChemist81 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 There's still one question the show never answered. WHAT WAS JACK'S REAL NAME? Simon, obviously!
ben0119 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 How she even existed for as long as she did makes no sense! She would have disappeared the instant Aku was destroyed. It was delayed with Nia too... :'(
BUU8800 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Ignoring time paradox things like if Ashi never existed Jack wouldn't be back in the past at all it was...fine. The cameos/roles of past groups like the dogs or jump monkeys was nice, as was Jack's final discussion with the Scotsman. Also appreciated them using as much of Mako as they did. Honestly my biggest gripe was Ashi disappearing. Not that it happened, which made sense...kinda. Rather, that it wasn't immediate. That it was conveniently delayed until a wedding ceremony felt very cheap. Reminded me of that imo awful end to Gurren Lagann, only not as bad. At least Jack's final fate felt satisfying instead of like taking a huge shit on him as Simon's did...but I digress. Overall I'd say this reboot was serviceable. Not sure what I'da done with 10 episodes lr however many it was, but not a bad try from them I suppose. 7/10ish.
AnimationFan14 Posted May 21, 2017 Author Posted May 21, 2017 They won't exist for hundreds/thousands of years, whenever "The Future" takes place. Not saying it won't be gross and weird but it may be possible
CountFrylock Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 man this ending just felt like Genndy Gave a middle fingers to the fans saying "There this is what you get for pestering me constantly to continue this crap! now can i please go back to making more Hotel Transylvania?"
Top Gun Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Seriously though, let's make the obvious Gurren comparison: in that case there was no way to see it coming, and no real way to prevent it, so even though it sucks when it happens you (mostly) understand it. And it was greatly aided by the fact that both Simon and Nia accepted it and had come to terms with it. So it hurt, but it was bittersweet, and it somehow fit. But here's what's bugging the hell out of me right now: they never once addressed any of this beforehand. Like, people have fans for years about how if Jack really did go back into the past and kill Aku, it'd mean that everything that happened in the future never happened (including him going back into the past, whee time paradoxes!). But after Jack falls for Ashi, there's never a moment of contemplation about what happens to her if he goes back: even before they knew she was Aku's freaky magical biological daughter, the only reason she was born regardless was because of that cult. And then there's like two seconds between Ashi realizing she can time-travel and opening that portal. No hesitation, not even a breath in-between. And that was sort of cool in the moment, but it meant that what should have been foreseen instead just surprises the hell out of everyone. And what sucks is that I loved the ever-living shit out of the first 80% of the episode. Pretty much every cameo ever? That amazing original intro callback? One huge battle royale against Aku? Jack and Scotsman banter? The POWER OF LOOOOOVE winning out? The final stab? It was fucking amazing. But those last few minutes are leaving a ridiculously bitter taste in my mouth. And one other thing? Her final words were awful.
CaptainStarwind Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 I liked the first part of the episode. It was great to see all the people Jack saved come back to try and save him, and it really shows what a difference he made in the future. The return of the Scotsman was awesome, as was Ashi finally being able to control the darkness. The only real problem I had with the first part was pacing issues. Everything happened in FAR too short of a time. This is understandable, given that it had to be limited to 22 minutes, but I really wish they would have had a two part finale. They didn't really do much with any of the people who came to help Jack fight, and even the Scotsman coming back was cut too short. Also, while the Jack coming back to the past and killing Aku was cathartic, it was far too one sided, in my opinion. Aku may have been tired after his initial fight with Jack, but something like this was worthy of being an epic battle between the two. It would have been better to have this be two part episode. The first episode could show most of the fight against Aku in the future, showing him curbstomping the battle, and end with Ashi overcoming the darkness. The second episode could flesh out the rest of it a bit, with some Jack and Ashi vs. Aku, them returning to the past, and Jack and Aku having an epic showdown in the past, with the rest being an epilogue. Now on to the actual ending: I was not a fan of Ashi just disappearing. I knew something was going to happen, especially when they drew the wedding scene out far too long. I even expected it to happen to Ashi; no way they were killing Jack. But even so, the last thing I expected them to do was to bring time travel logic into the series and have Ashi disappear with the reasoning that "the future never happened, so I don't exist." To not mention that the entire series and finally bring it up at the end is an asspull, in my opinion. Even Gurren Laggan, as much as I hate the ending of that show, did it better than here. I also hated it because, in all honesty, I was rooting for a happy ending for Jack. Not just the future being safe, but a personal happy ending for him. After the crap Aku put him through, I definitely think he deserves it. But really, I could have accepted Ashi disappearing if Jack could come to terms with it. That's what I expected him to do when he rode out to the forest. I hoped to see something, like Ashi coming back as a spirit of some kind, and having a final moment with Jack before she fades away. Something that would have been cathartic for both Jack and the audience. I mean, the built up Ashi over the whole of this season, so to just kill her off without some form of closure is wrong. But what we get is Jack looking at a ladybug and feeling better. My best guess is that the ladybug is supposed to be either a reincarnation of Ashi, or something that reminds him of good times with her, but that wasn't enough closure, I think. So, my final analysis: The series lived up to it's hype through the first three quarters, but faltered towards the end, resulting in a series that was pretty damn good, though not as good as it could have been. Looking back on it, I think it was a bad idea making Ashi a love interest for Jack, especially since she just gets killed off in the end anyway. It would have been better off with them just being close, or having a mentor-teacher sort of relationship. But it is what it is, I guess. As for me, I'll just do what I did with Gurren Lagann and pretend the series end just before the female love interest fades away. Incomplete, sure, but it leaves it on a happy ending for me.
The1gairon Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Seriously though, let's make the obvious Gurren comparison: in that case there was no way to see it coming, and no real way to prevent it, so even though it sucks when it happens you (mostly) understand it. And it was greatly aided by the fact that both Simon and Nia accepted it and had come to terms with it. So it hurt, but it was bittersweet, and it somehow fit. But here's what's bugging the hell out of me right now: they never once addressed any of this beforehand. Like, people have fans for years about how if Jack really did go back into the past and kill Aku, it'd mean that everything that happened in the future never happened (including him going back into the past, whee time paradoxes!). But after Jack falls for Ashi, there's never a moment of contemplation about what happens to her if he goes back: even before they knew she was Aku's freaky magical biological daughter, the only reason she was born regardless was because of that cult. And then there's like two seconds between Ashi realizing she can time-travel and opening that portal. No hesitation, not even a breath in-between. And that was sort of cool in the moment, but it meant that what should have been foreseen instead just surprises the hell out of everyone. And what sucks is that I loved the ever-living shit out of the first 80% of the episode. Pretty much every cameo ever? That amazing original intro callback? One huge battle royale against Aku? Jack and Scotsman banter? The POWER OF LOOOOOVE winning out? The final stab? It was fucking amazing. But those last few minutes are leaving a ridiculously bitter taste in my mouth. And one other thing? Her final words were awful. Not totally like Gurren of course. Nia disappeared because her life was supported directly from the affects of her father, not due to a time paradox.
Guest Zintar Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Just watched, west coast. I was a fan of the original run of shows, followed this whole season. Still watching stuff here, but wanna say. . . All things have a beginning and an end. I thought the ending was great. Sad, Happy. I thought Jack may have been the one to die and maybe she'd have to beat Aku. Nope.
OwlChemist81 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Just watched, west coast. I was a fan of the original run of shows, followed this whole season. Still watching stuff here, but wanna say. . . All things have a beginning and an end. I thought the ending was great. Sad, Happy. I thought Jack may have been the one to die and maybe she'd have to beat Aku. Nope. That would have been an interesting direction to take things in!
Top Gun Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 I really can't help but wonder how different things would have played out if the series had been given a 12- or 13-episode run. I mean this finale absolutely demanded a two-parter, but even beyond that, just a couple more episodes would have gone a long way towards fleshing out Jack and Ashi's relationship, or the build-up to the final battle, and most definitely some more to the epilogue. It's still far better than having no conclusion at all, and the first 6 or 7 episodes were the show at its all-time best, but a bit more time to play with would have put the entire thing completely over-the-top amazing. But really, I could have accepted Ashi disappearing if Jack could come to terms with it. That's what I expected him to do when he rode out to the forest. I hoped to see something, like Ashi coming back as a spirit of some kind, and having a final moment with Jack before she fades away. Something that would have been cathartic for both Jack and the audience. I mean, the built up Ashi over the whole of this season, so to just kill her off without some form of closure is wrong. But what we get is Jack looking at a ladybug and feeling better. My best guess is that the ladybug is supposed to be either a reincarnation of Ashi, or something that reminds him of good times with her, but that wasn't enough closure, I think. I wasn't able to verbalize it earlier, but you're absolutely right here. I think this would have felt like far less of a gut-punch if there had been some more explicit moment of catharsis. Not to belabor the comparison too much, but the main reason I didn't mind Gurren's ending nearly as much as some is that, in the end, we see that Simon and Nia have come to terms with the inevitable, and her final moments involve them expressing their love for each other. Ashi's? She says something like "I never existed" and then...*poof*. It's horrifically abrupt. And I'm in full agreement with you that actually invoking time paradoxes now at the end of it all, when it's something the show has explicitly never mentioned either in its original run or this final season, feels very tonally dissonant.
CountFrylock Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 having an argument with someone who thinks the ending is perfect because it gives jack the ending he deserved "saving his people and returning to his family" but i think he's a broken man and one who'll never be the same people because all the people he saved never existed all his good deeds never happened so instead of being a hero for the world he's just a hero for his people....
ben0119 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 maybe becoming the new Aku gives her timeline immunity? If only. T__T
ben0119 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Yeah the time travel much less time paradoxes were never explained the entire show.
ben0119 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 having an argument with someone who thinks the ending is perfect because it gives jack the ending he deserved "saving his people and returning to his family" but i think he's a broken man and one who'll never be the same people because all the people he saved never existed all his good deeds never happened so instead of being a hero for the world he's just a hero for his people.... Don't know about them all never existing. Some probably won't just due to removing Aku from however many years of events he had influence over. The people who exist in either timeline won't remember Jack. Only Jack will remember what he did and the friends he made in the future. So even if Ashi remained there's still that to think about. Though I suppose it was implicit since the opening intro of the original series. Still, nothing says that intro was law. After Aku destroyed all the time portals I figured Jack would beat him in the future and be done with it. This saves everyone and also preserves his good deeds and friendships with them. Ashi would still exist, though I have to admit I never even considered her disappearing until this episode. Thought she would overpower the darkness and that would be the end of it, not gain Aku's powers and make a new portal. This ending would still be bittersweet since Jack would never see his family or people again and be "stranded" in the future, but I think it wouldn't be too bad. But, I suppose the ending we saw tonight is what Genndy had envisioned.
CountFrylock Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 i just think genndy did the ending like this to troll fans....dude clearly is on sony's payroll now and wants to not be bothered for anything else
Jman Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 The whole last five minutes I was going "Don't do the Nia ending." They did the Nia ending. And now I'm sad.
AnimationFan14 Posted May 21, 2017 Author Posted May 21, 2017 The whole last five minutes I was going "Don't do the Nia ending." They did the Nia ending. And now I'm sad. At least in Gurren Lagann Nia actually made it all the way down the isle and made it through till the end of the ceremony. Jack didn't even get that So that's even sad in and of itself
Stardust Whispers Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 At least in Gurren Lagann Nia actually made it all the way down the isle and made it through till the end of the ceremony. Jack didn't even get that So that's even sad in and of itself It is sad. But you know, I'm glad we got to watch it all. It was a great ride in the end. Bittersweet ending. I think he had this set up many many years ago. But he just didn't have the way to put it out. Jack is a hero and tragic things happen. But he got to see the love of everyone he saved. He fell in love which will be with him forever. All that time, he was fighting for everyone,but didn't have that spark of love. I think it's kind of a fitting end for our Jack.
viperxmns Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 If Jack managed to kill Aku in the future/present, he'd still have Ashi; but in going back to the past, he saves his family and the rest of the world. It certainly would have been a heavy moral choice to contemplate, though I feel like Ashi would have not given Jack the choice by sending them back in time regardless. Jack just didn't consider the consequences. And maybe Ashi possibly knew, but didn't want to stop Jack from doing the right thing, nor wanted him to worry about the inevitable.
CaptainStarwind Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 If Jack managed to kill Aku in the future/present, he'd still have Ashi; but in going back to the past, he saves his family and the rest of the world. It certainly would have been a heavy moral choice to contemplate, though I feel like Ashi would have not given Jack the choice by sending them back in time regardless. Jack just didn't consider the consequences. And maybe Ashi possibly knew, but didn't want to stop Jack from doing the right thing, nor wanted him to worry about the inevitable. This is why the final being so short is a problem. We never got a chance to touch on anything like that. I guess they did what they could with the time, but looking back, I think the best option would have been to devote episodes 8, 9, and 10 all to the final battle. They could have still had the Jack/Ashi thing going on, but then it wouldn't feel rushed, and they could have touched on some of the little details that were just glossed over in the finale.
AnimationFan14 Posted May 21, 2017 Author Posted May 21, 2017 If Jack managed to kill Aku in the future/present, he'd still have Ashi; but in going back to the past, he saves his family and the rest of the world. It certainly would have been a heavy moral choice to contemplate, though I feel like Ashi would have not given Jack the choice by sending them back in time regardless. Jack just didn't consider the consequences. And maybe Ashi possibly knew, but didn't want to stop Jack from doing the right thing, nor wanted him to worry about the inevitable. It seemed as soon as Ashi figured out she had full control over Aku's powers she almost instantly sent herself and Jack back into the past without an ounce of hesitation. There wasn't a moment where her and Jack discussed the matter, perhaps after a future Aku defeat. If there was a few more episodes in this season there could have been possibly two Aku death scenes (One during the future and one after going to the past) or something to that example. There could have been scenes of some dramatic discussions of whether or not Jack would want to return to the past if he thought it could result in the disapperence of Ashi. I suspect the ending may have been the same in the end, with Jack/Ashi choosing to destroy Aku back at the beginning to undo all the death and pain. However if this season was a bit more fleshed out giving us more time with these characters we have grown so attached to, it certainly would have be the icing on the cake. I know more episodes with the Scotsman would have been lovely This is not to say I didn't highly enjoy this season, in fact I was enjoying it so much I would have loved to have more of it
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