André Toulon Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Now I think Kyrie Irving is just dumb, and really believes the Earth is flat.....Not to say I think Shaq is smarter, but I know Shaq likes to fuck with people and is just riding this dummytrain for attention. When people will believe Shaq over Neal Degrasse Tyson on scientific issues, you know why America is a fucking joke to everyone else.
bnmjy Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 I think a lot of flat earthers are just trolling They aren't. Trump became president after all, so don't fall for this "just trolling" mentality.
scoobdog Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Nah, Shaq ain't that dumb. But people seriously believe him? Half of everything he says is clowning.
Mini_ghost420 Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 the world may not be flat but Shaq is right about one thing. the mind is easily manipulated and a lot of things expected as true by most people simply isn't
StarPanda Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Of course he trolling he smarter than that, he likes to do that
Chapinator_X Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Flat-Earth trolling is a common last ditch effort for forgotten celebrities to desperately cling onto any sort of attention. The last thing B.o.B. was known for was ranting about the Earth being flat and releasing a diss track against Neil deGrasse Tyson for mocking his views. Then there's Tila. But to steer the conversation in a different direction, people have to start owning the shit they say. I'm tired of all this shit where people dodge responsibility for the stupid ass shit they say because "lulz, TROOOOOOLLLLLLING!!!!". Fuck that, I'm putting it to anyone when they try to backpeddle; they can keep saying "I'm just trolling," but they don't have the right to get upset if people start calling them out on conspiracy shit they supported, especially if it's toxic or hazardous to our society to pretend is a thing.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 If Shaq likes to troll a lot, I wonder if he thinks Gold Bond medicated powder is a really shitty product. -_'
mthor Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Shaq may not be that stupid, but then again, he did star in Kazaam.
scoobdog Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Shaq may not be that stupid, but then again, he did star in Kazaam. Stupid is one thing, bring a shitty actor is another.
scoobdog Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Flat-Earth trolling is a common last ditch effort for forgotten celebrities to desperately cling onto any sort of attention. The last thing B.o.B. was known for was ranting about the Earth being flat and releasing a diss track against Neil deGrasse Tyson for mocking his views. Then there's Tila. But to steer the conversation in a different direction, people have to start owning the shit they say. I'm tired of all this shit where people dodge responsibility for the stupid ass shit they say because "lulz, TROOOOOOLLLLLLING!!!!". Fuck that, I'm putting it to anyone when they try to backpeddle; they can keep saying "I'm just trolling," but they don't have the right to get upset if people start calling them out on conspiracy shit they supported, especially if it's toxic or hazardous to our society to pretend is a thing. I agree to an extent, but it's not so simple. I'm-just-trolling is the modern equivalent to I'm-just-kidding; you have to reasonably assume that someone using a cheap out from a poorly formed argument is either a terrible comedian or generally spineless in his convictions. In either case, it would be inappropriate to pursue someone for a statement they are unwilling to seriously defend. Calling someone out for backpedaling is one thing, calling them out for believing something even though they're recanting in a cowardly way is another.
mthor Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Stupid is one thing, bring a shitty actor is another. Choosing a shitty part in a shitty movie does imply a lack of attendant thought process.
scoobdog Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Choosing a shitty part in a shitty movie does imply a lack of attendant thought process. Nah. I'd take a shitty part in a movie if it meant some green and I knew it wasn't going to damage my brand. Shaq's a better marketer than he gets credit for.
mthor Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 He might have been, but I wonder about now - he's doing commercials for the General. Granted, the only time I've watched TV in the past two years was when I was at my daughter's for 6 weeks, so maybe he's got something else going on, but playing second fiddle to an animated guy wearing an army helmet, selling cut-rate car insurance?)
NaBarney Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Shaq is a whore who advertises anything. Kyrie Irving is why one-and-done isn't enough time in college for NBA players. It's just irresponsible to unleash a bunch of retarded 19 year old multi-millionaires who don't know the Earth is round on society
Mini_ghost420 Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 Choosing a shitty part in a shitty movie does imply a lack of attendant thought process. not it implies wanting money. just like he's in The General auto insurance commercials. do you think Shaq cares about or uses The General? no, he can afford real insurance. but they pay him to be in commercials.
Sieg67 Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 I'm willing to believe that he thinks the Earth is flat. Just look at how many celebrities are Scientologist.
NaBarney Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 I agree, he sounds pretty sincere here “It’s true. The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat. Yeah, it is. Yes, it is. Listen, there are three ways to manipulate the mind — what you read, what you see and what you hear. In school, first thing they teach us is, ‘Oh, Columbus discovered America,’ but when he got there, there were some fair skinned people with the long hair smoking on the peace pipes. So what does that tell you? Columbus didn’t discover America. So, listen, I drive from coast to coast, and this shit is flat to me. I’m just saying, I drive from Florida to California all the time, and it’s flat to me. I do not go up and down at a 360-degree angle, and all that stuff about gravity. Have you looked outside Atlanta lately and seen all these buildings? You mean to tell me that China is under us? China is under us? It’s not. The world is flat.
pail Posted March 19, 2017 Posted March 19, 2017 "Fo' instance. No matta how many times I slam dunk da ball... the horizon don't change. Woke."
enad Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 He only thinks its flat because he can't observe the Coriolis effect on his giant dick.
scoobdog Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 Shaq is a whore who advertises anything. Kyrie Irving is why one-and-done isn't enough time in college for NBA players. It's just irresponsible to unleash a bunch of retarded 19 year old multi-millionaires who don't know the Earth is round on society Hey! Nah, it's totally true.
scoobdog Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 "Fo' instance. No matta how many times I slam dunk da ball... the horizon don't change. Woke." Hey, bucket.... remember when Shaq played for the Magic? Yeah, that was the last time you were relevant.
Sawdamizer Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 I've never been to space, yet. So I rely on information to tell me that the planet isn't flat..... That being said, given the evidence I have seen about it being flat and the uncertainty around how magnets even work...... It might be flat. Also, dogs can't look up.
André Toulon Posted March 20, 2017 Author Posted March 20, 2017 I've never been to space either, but I've used a telescope a few times in my life.......I'm not ready to suscribe to the notion that our planet is the one shaped all flat and retarded and shit. Also, I think "the edge of the world" would be an awesome tourist trap......yet it's not.
Sandstone Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 Well, I have to hate him now, cause flat earth theory is one of my things which I simply can not tolerate.
pail Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 Hey, bucket.... remember when Shaq played for the Magic? Yeah, that was the last time you were relevant.
scoobdog Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 I've never been to space, yet. How's that coming? Do we need to start crowdfunding for that?
God-Says-No Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 its to tough to say... even if trolling ill just lump it in with the rest worthless idiots...
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