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Bleach - Thousand Year Blood War Arc to premiere October 2022

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I genuinely hope the anime goes at the same terrible pace the manga did. I demand that the rest of you bastards spend three months suffering on an unsatisfying, nonsensical side character fight just like I did.

  • Haha 4

Seeing Bleach with 2021 HD animation.... HELL YEAH!

Looked all right for an older SD early digipaint series (and the old movies), but can't wait to see it like this in modern widescreen animation.

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Well it's licensed by Viz already so that should save it from Netflix jail and put Toonami in a good position to get it. Too bad it's not airing in Japan until next Fall and same goes for MHA season 6. So if Toonami doesn't get Demon Slayer season 2 then Attack on Titan is probably the only big title they can air until late 2022 and early 2023.

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I really hope the studio played things a little loosely with the source material. Like, I'm glad that they're bringing back the series despite how there's so fucking much that I hate about it. The final arc in the manga was absolutely atrocious. There were parts that were good, but Kubo's pacing was worse than in any previous arc, and there were so many loose ends by the end of the series. With so many things he set up, only to be ignored completely. There were many things he's teased to happen, only for them to be straight up forgotten about, or to be lackluster when it finally happens.


Remember the Quincies taking over HM and Hallibel being imprisoned by them? Her even being shown on the one page? Completely forgotten about, HM never even being shown again. Grimmjaw was eluded to be returning but it legit took around 200 chapters before he was finally shown on screen/page, and he barely did anything. Nel also returned, but aside from 1 or 2 chapters where they didn't really do much, they disappeared. There was also Ganju and the fullbringers being shown relatively often, but they just show up near the end to do a deus ex machina to repair Ichigo's bankai, and then were like "ok bye" and disappeared. Dog faced captain Komamura was completely swept away after he became a literal dog. Kubo could have at least shown him in a single panel during final 2 chapters. I also remember Kyouraku going to the human world, telling all of Ichigo's friends that after this war of theirs that Ichigo will be way too powerful to return there, since his reiatsu would cause a lot of problems, or whatever. Kyouraku giving them special passes so that they could go to the SS and visit Ichigo after it was all over, but that was completely forgotten. There's also the fact that after nearly 700 chapters of Ichigo never once showing any form of romantic interest in Orihime, while there being probably 700 instances of him and Rukia being better suited to one another, he finished the series with Ichihime, and then in that recent one off chapter how Orihime is legit only shown on one page, he reduced to the ideal Japanese housewife that's completely devoted to serving her family, her not even able to go to Keigo's new ramen shop with literally all of their other human friends.

Fuck I hate Bleach...


  • Thanks 1
47 minutes ago, DBAss said:


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Remember the Quincies taking over HM and Hallibel being imprisoned by them? Her even being shown on the one page? Completely forgotten about, HM never even being shown again. Grimmjaw was eluded to be returning but it legit took around 200 chapters before he was finally shown on screen/page, and he barely did anything. Nel also returned, but aside from 1 or 2 chapters where they didn't really do much, they disappeared. There was also Ganju and the fullbringers being shown relatively often, but they just show up near the end to do a deus ex machina to repair Ichigo's bankai, and then were like "ok bye" and disappeared. Dog faced captain Komamura was completely swept away after he became a literal dog. Kubo could have at least shown him in a single panel during final 2 chapters. I also remember Kyouraku going to the human world, telling all of Ichigo's friends that after this war of theirs that Ichigo will be way too powerful to return there, since his reiatsu would cause a lot of problems, or whatever. Kyouraku giving them special passes so that they could go to the SS and visit Ichigo after it was all over, but that was completely forgotten. There's also the fact that after nearly 700 chapters of Ichigo never once showing any form of romantic interest in Orihime, while there being probably 700 instances of him and Rukia being better suited to one another, he finished the series with Ichihime, and then in that recent one off chapter how Orihime is legit only shown on one page, he reduced to the ideal Japanese housewife that's completely devoted to serving her family, her not even able to go to Keigo's new ramen shop with literally all of their other human friends.

Fuck I hate Bleach...


But wait, there's more! Pass me the Complaining Ball next!


So like, what was the point of those new kid soul reapers at the beginning of the arc who were implied to be significant characters and then were never seen again after the gang went back to Hueco Mundo? What was the point of bringing back all those HM characters that we already assumed were dead and then doing nothing with them? Did Grimmjow and Nel ever get to do anything and I'm just drawing a complete blank, or did they just stand around and look pretty the whole time? What was the whole thing with Yoruichi's brother and her turning into a horny feral catgirl and did her and Urahara die? What in the fuck was Unohana's bankai anyway? Is there an explanation for Yachiru that makes any kind of sense? Why was the guy with the magic retcon sword the only one of the fullbringers who got to do anything in that fight? What was with Yumichika's weird transphobic tangent he went on with that one girl? How does literally ANYTHING about the giant disembodied hand quincy work? Why did the dad team only show up at the very end to hand over a magic super arrow and then fuck off forever? Why was the Zero Squad such a fucking failure? Why did we have to spend months at a time on side character fights that were ultimately pointless because lol quincy magic or some bulllshit and then only got like three chapters for the actual final fight of the series? Hey, remember how Chad's backstory was making a heartfelt promise to his dying grandfather that he'd stop fighting people for fun, and only do it to protect others? Because Chad sure as hell doesn't in his future career as a pro boxer!

Also, how the fuck does aging work for soul reapers? Rukia's kid shouldn't look the exact same age as Ichigo's kid.

Like, I know some of this shit gets kind of answered in a followup novel or something that Kubo didn't write, but I'm not doing homework for this. Put it in the actual series or it doesn't count.

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3 minutes ago, EmpressAngel said:

But wait, there's more! Pass me the Complaining Ball next!

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So like, what was the point of those new kid soul reapers at the beginning of the arc who were implied to be significant characters and then were never seen again after the gang went back to Hueco Mundo? What was the point of bringing back all those HM characters that we already assumed were dead and then doing nothing with them? Did Grimmjow and Nel ever get to do anything and I'm just drawing a complete blank, or did they just stand around and look pretty the whole time? What was the whole thing with Yoruichi's brother and her turning into a horny feral catgirl and did her and Urahara die? What in the fuck was Unohana's bankai anyway? Is there an explanation for Yachiru that makes any kind of sense? Why was the guy with the magic retcon sword the only one of the fullbringers who got to do anything in that fight? What was with Yumichika's weird transphobic tangent he went on with that one girl? How does literally ANYTHING about the giant disembodied hand quincy work? Why did the dad team only show up at the very end to hand over a magic super arrow and then fuck off forever? Why was the Zero Squad such a fucking failure? Why did we have to spend months at a time on side character fights that were ultimately pointless because lol quincy magic or some bulllshit and then only got like three chapters for the actual final fight of the series? Hey, remember how Chad's backstory was making a heartfelt promise to his dying grandfather that he'd stop fighting people for fun, and only do it to protect others? Because Chad sure as hell doesn't in his future career as a pro boxer!

Also, how the fuck does aging work for soul reapers? Rukia's kid shouldn't look the exact same age as Ichigo's kid.

Like, I know some of this shit gets kind of answered in a followup novel or something that Kubo didn't write, but I'm not doing homework for this. Put it in the actual series or it doesn't count.


There was a couple panels at some random point, dozens and dozens of chapters after they were last shown that the two were seen again. I still find it amusing since Kubo made it seem like Ichigo was going to pass on the torch to the kid, with how the cover for one of those early chapters had Ichigo and the boy standing back to back, with text saying something along the lines of "quieter but much more powerful" or whatever. Would have loved to see Kubo explain that one or pull that one off. Pretty sure his editors probably told him something along the lines of "Yeah, no. You're not replacing your MC"

I think Grimm and Nel just fought off some cannon fodder baddies, and didn't actually contribute anything. Also apparently Urahara made her a special watch that allows her to shift from cute small loli to big tiddie milf. Also amusing cause apparently Kubo wanted to delve into fan service, I guess to try to regain some attention, by having Nel's new outfit effectively showing her huge tits in their entirety (without nips visible, but effectively the whole thing) it being very apparent in the panel that his editors changed that.

Don't remember if Yoruichi is shown again after the series ends, but the recent one off shows that Urahara returned to SS and has been manufacturing a bunch of shit; bringing smart phones, tv, etc. to the SS.

As for Unohana's bankai, I've seen some folks to try to explain it as her trapping her target inside of an endless death loop. The only reason Kenpachi withstanding it is because he's Kenpachi. That being needed for her to have him awaken to his full potential. Also for some reason she had to die, because idk, just because reasons.

I did see an interview/article that Kubo was asked about the whole Yachiru thing and making her actually Kenpachi's zanpakuto. Apparently the thing about that one is as his zanpakuto spirit she appeared before him in that one flashback with him sitting around all those corpses, with Kenny assuming she was just someone's kid or whatever. When he asked her what her name was she responded how she didn't know/didn't have one (likely could have been because his zanpakuto didn't think he was ready yet to learn its name), so Kenpachi decided to give her the name Yachiru, him naming him after Yachiru Kenpachi (Unohana's true name) and that gave the power of a shinigami to Yachiru as well as turning her into one. Apparently this corresponds to how with that one Squad Zero guy, the one that gave everything in the SS its name (one thing I know about in Japanese mythology or whatever, names hold power and meaning. So going along with the squad zero guy thing, Kenpachi unknowingly gave power and meaning to Yachiru). I honestly did hate that shit, with Kenny fighting a the for the lulz Quincy Kubo made, where anything he imagined became real (Kubo about to kill off those two vizards).

There were some of the sternritters I liked, but the grand majority of them were so poorly written, and with all their abilities it legit felt like Kubo was pulling them out of his ass. I can't completely blame him, since if all 26 sternritters only used bows and arrows, that could turn out very boring and repetitive, and make it hard for any of them to stand out on their own. Some of them I think were still acceptable, like Bambietta able to turn her reishi into bombs, but then you have a loli gluttony that straight up eats people, and also a trap that creates zombies. Then there was Thor and master hand that apparently were once part of the soul king but decided they wanted to be quincies. I also hated what Kubo did with that black sniper quincy. He started off seeming like a cool and interesting character, before ultimately transforming into a giant chicken with a massive, MASSIVE god complex.

I don't think there's anything wrong with how things turned out with Chad, since boxing is a noble sport, and it's not like he's getting into fights out on the street. I imagine Chad would be in some form of heavy weight class, but given how strong he is it hardly seems fair for any person he fought against, almost like he's cheating. That said, it is an anime, and people in it would follow anime logic, so it is possible Chad's not the only human out there that has freakishly high strength.


2 hours ago, DangerMouse said:

Masashi Kudo back on the character designs and Sagisu back on the music.





And they got the Akudama Drive guy as the new director! I look forward to seeing how well he does with the material he's given here.

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Good to finally have a release window.  I could have sworn it was supposed to come out sooner, but maybe I am misremembering, or things got pushed back.

And yeah, do NOT do a 1:1 adaptation of the last arc.  There are lots of things that got glossed over or never followed up on, some stuff that was off-paneled some stuff that was just never shown or referenced period again.  I understand Kubo was sick and later found out he had a fracture in his drawing arm, so had to end things somewhat abruptly.  But if he knew he wasn't feeling well, why didn't he budget his time better?  There were lots of repetitive scenes and things dragged out that weren't necessary, which could have given time to other stuff that desperately needed it.

6 hours ago, EmpressAngel said:

But wait, there's more! Pass me the Complaining Ball next!

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So like, what was the point of those new kid soul reapers at the beginning of the arc who were implied to be significant characters and then were never seen again after the gang went back to Hueco Mundo? What was the point of bringing back all those HM characters that we already assumed were dead and then doing nothing with them? Did Grimmjow and Nel ever get to do anything and I'm just drawing a complete blank, or did they just stand around and look pretty the whole time? What was the whole thing with Yoruichi's brother and her turning into a horny feral catgirl and did her and Urahara die? What in the fuck was Unohana's bankai anyway? Is there an explanation for Yachiru that makes any kind of sense? Why was the guy with the magic retcon sword the only one of the fullbringers who got to do anything in that fight? What was with Yumichika's weird transphobic tangent he went on with that one girl? How does literally ANYTHING about the giant disembodied hand quincy work? Why did the dad team only show up at the very end to hand over a magic super arrow and then fuck off forever? Why was the Zero Squad such a fucking failure? Why did we have to spend months at a time on side character fights that were ultimately pointless because lol quincy magic or some bulllshit and then only got like three chapters for the actual final fight of the series? Hey, remember how Chad's backstory was making a heartfelt promise to his dying grandfather that he'd stop fighting people for fun, and only do it to protect others? Because Chad sure as hell doesn't in his future career as a pro boxer!

Also, how the fuck does aging work for soul reapers? Rukia's kid shouldn't look the exact same age as Ichigo's kid.

Like, I know some of this shit gets kind of answered in a followup novel or something that Kubo didn't write, but I'm not doing homework for this. Put it in the actual series or it doesn't count.



Yeah I think those two Soul Reaper kids were meant to be like the successors or next generation heroes but that obviously got abandoned LOL.

Yumichika's character has been consistently shown to be an asshole.  He also bullied Ganju and Charlotte for their appearance.  So with him being transpobic, I think it is meant to be shown as an example NOT to follow.


5 hours ago, DBAss said:
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this is the page I was talking about with Ichigo and the one kid





Giselle wasn't a trap, she was intended to be a trans character, otherwise she wouldn't be upset by Yumichika's rant.

It is disappointing Ichigo got with Rukia instead of Orihime.  Remember when Ichigo and Rukia were literally finishing each others thoughts at one point?

But at least Rukia accomplished more than Orihime!  She became a captain and Orihime is just a stereotypical house wife!  Also I was disappointed that Kubo did not bring back Orihime's whacked out cooking from the beginning of the series, and have Ichigo, Kazui, and everyone else fearing every time she made something.




Bleach is one of those shows where I’ll get nostalgic about the good times I’ve had with it, but when I give it a glance for old times sake, I’ll understand immediately why it soured on me. 

It doesn’t help that Bleach ends at such a low point, so The Final Act you had in mind likely won’t be the The Final Act you hoped for. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hey now, the Arrancar Arc was actually GOOD! Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra in the 270s was the highlight of the series.

Ironically, back in the day, it was said that Bleach wouldn't have finished if Toonami hadn't come back in 2012. Now it kinda feels like Toonami is just trying to hang around long enough for Bleach to come back in 2022!

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/1/2022 at 1:20 AM, OwlChemist81 said:

Hey now, the Arrancar Arc was actually GOOD! Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra in the 270s was the highlight of the series.

Ironically, back in the day, it was said that Bleach wouldn't have finished if Toonami hadn't come back in 2012. Now it kinda feels like Toonami is just trying to hang around long enough for Bleach to come back in 2022!

I thought what was said was Toonami couldn't have come back without Bleach, because if not for Bleach, Adult Swim Action would have already been canceled well before Toonami could have come back.  And of course it Bleach helped modern Toonami immensely in its early days.

  • Confused 1
On 1/9/2022 at 3:23 AM, ben0119 said:

I thought what was said was Toonami couldn't have come back without Bleach, because if not for Bleach, Adult Swim Action would have already been canceled well before Toonami could have come back.  And of course it Bleach helped modern Toonami immensely in its early days.


5 hours ago, ben0119 said:

I've learned by now not to take Demarco's word as gospel.

who are you thinking said this then?


There's a masochistic part of me looking forward to this.  Seems only right for the last arc to finally get animated.  

Can't decide though if I want the anime to improve on the source material, or if Bleach deserves to be animated exactly as it is, in all its trainwreck glory.  

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