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Neuralink co-founder says they could make genetically engineered dinosaurs

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No one seems to care.

Last year the government pretty much said there are aliens.

No one gave a shit.

Me, i'm getting a jump start on figuring out which side to be on when the aliens and dinosaurs fight it out for control of the earth. 

This isn't based on who I think will win because i've seen enough war movies to know i'm not going to survive a single battle. 

No, i'm just trying to figure out what will be more awesome, dinosaur rider or alien mecha pilot.


Posted (edited)

Nueralink has said they can do everything from making the blind see to making the dead walk again. The science is interesting but when a company moves between one extreme to another with little to none of their claims fulfilled you gotta start feeling talk is cheap at some point.

Of course science like this takes literal lifetimes to perfect so for now just entertain yourself with this crazy high tech video of a fucking chimpanzee playing pong with it's mind.. Not going to lie I'm not really forcing my apathetic outlook towards Nueralink, but the only thing I got out of this video was the feeling of  "Fuck now I know somewhere out there there is a chimpanzee that can play pong better than me."

While I'm at it watching chimps battle each other at mind pong would be a more interesting turn to see Nueralink make than what seems to be on the actual calender. 


Edited by PhilosipherStoned
*Sorry he's not a chimp. He's a Macaque. -_-

At this point, playing around with dreams of making dinosaurs, discovering aliens, and colonizing Mars is a rich person’s game to waste time while the rest of us worry about real shit that isn’t hypothetical.

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Posted (edited)

yeah that would be funny to see a t Rex eating people am I the only one that thinks there's a huge liability issue there the largest dinosaurs were larger than a bus and yet no let's bring back creatures that are five times bigger than us and that's not a liability issue there


bringing back a creature that can eat us is not an issue ethically

Edited by ghostrek
Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, mthor said:

Don't we have enough problems with CO2 emissions without adding dino farts?

some people that are 5 year olds want to see dinosaurs apparently who cares about the CO2 farts of dinosaurs

Edited by ghostrek
1 hour ago, mthor said:

Don't we have enough problems with CO2 emissions without adding dino farts?

In a reasonable world, yes.

Luckily for us, that's not where we live. 

We live in a world where i'm for sure certain that someone will snatch one of those new robot police dogs right off the street and enter it in a dog fighting ring. 


Thats not why its an ethical concern- certain people get really upset when folks want to genetically modify fetuses.

At least they did back then.

Swear to god if all the motherfuckers who were against it back when Jack Horner was working on it are all on board just because its a billionaire doing it this tume imma be upset. 

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:


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She's referencing Jurassic Park.


They used frog dna for that shit? Shows how much I payed attention to the "science" in it I guess. In my defense I was 3 when that movie was first released though.

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
22 hours ago, Mix said:

No one seems to care.

Last year the government pretty much said there are aliens.

No one gave a shit.

Me, i'm getting a jump start on figuring out which side to be on when the aliens and dinosaurs fight it out for control of the earth. 

This isn't based on who I think will win because i've seen enough war movies to know i'm not going to survive a single battle. 

No, i'm just trying to figure out what will be more awesome, dinosaur rider or alien mecha pilot.


Aliens 1000%

I mean if their space travel is so advanced to reach us, worst comes to worse, they just launch another giant meteorite at our planet

Doesn't bother me though, I'll be hanging out with my alien girlfriend in the dagobah system

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