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Did someone already do this and I missed it?


Tons of second seasons to keep me busy, but not much new looks very interesting.  Maybe Assy McGee, I mean, No Guns Life could be interesting.  Pet and Kabukicho Sherlock.  I'm probably in for Ahiro no Sora (not to be confused with Hoshiai no Sora, though I may watch that too, or Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo) because sports.  The Human Lost movie looks worthwhile.  I'll have to see an episode of Shokugeki no China, aka, Shin Chuuka Ichiban! before I decide if I have room for two food wars at once.

  • Like 3

Kabukicho Sherlock's on my definite watchlist for sure. As for any others, I was thinking about going back to my late-00s/early-10s days of test-watching the first episodes of shows just for fun, restarting things out with Kandagawa Jet Girls. I'm not sure if it'll ultimately have a place in my watch catalog or not, but all I can say now is... intercourse the maid.

Posted (edited)

So I'm gonna be good this season and not bite off a bunch of series that I'll just stay behind on... so I'm just gonna do My Hero Academia s4 and Kabukicho Sherlock in addition to Dr. Stone, Fire Force, and Vinland Saga which will be carrying over from Summer. (Beastars being in Netflix is honestly a blessing in disguise for me.) Hopefully I will get some of my anime backlogs watched between those two shows and all the Korean stuff I'm watching. 😁


Edited by QueenoftheDorks

MHA Season 4 is an automatic must for me.

Beastars being on Netflix is a bit of bad news, and I was looking forward to it considering it's the studio behind Land of the Lustrous which was sent to Sentai Filmworks instead so I could follow it legally per week instead of Netflix jail.


Kabukicho Sherlock is the only new series that looks of interest to me.
The Lupin movie.

And that's it, not gonna bother looking up these shows. I still haven't watched anything from summer yet.


Radiant's terrible.  It started off good, but then sidelined one of the best characters and traipsed off to shounenland, where it just dicked around doing nothing until the last couple episodes (I gather from the weekly reviews on ANN, since I dropped it about halfway through).

Speaking of ANN, is anyone else getting Cloudflare host error "website down" when trying to access the forums?  Sez Cloudflare and my browser are cool.  There are a couple of odd backdoors to accessing some individual forum pages, but otherwise, everything leads to the Cloudflare message.  Also Encyclopedia too.


Psycho Pass 3?!

call me crazy for not knowing there was a 2...i gotta...catch up >.>.

No Guns no Life - ill wait for gina's opinion on this to see if i should bother...and for what people say about Sherlock.

Beastars could be something. might try 3 eps of that along with Rifle/Game club shows.


Definitely Watching:

high score girl 2 gimme gimme.

kono oto tomare 2 yes.

  • Like 1

From what I unerstand Psycho Pass season 2 is not good at all. Also I am surprise how many people here seem to adhere to the 3 episode "rule"; I have never watched an entire show because I thought the first three episodes were good. If a show is bad from episode one it's not going to "pick up" from my experience.

  • Like 1
On 9/23/2019 at 2:12 AM, Hidden said:

Psycho Pass 3?!

call me crazy for not knowing there was a 2...i gotta...catch up >.>.

No Guns no Life - ill wait for gina's opinion on this to see if i should bother...and for what people say about Sherlock.

Beastars could be something. might try 3 eps of that along with Rifle/Game club shows.


Definitely Watching:

high score girl 2 gimme gimme.

kono oto tomare 2 yes.

Psycho Pass season 2 was garbage.

Can't wait for more Hi Score Girl.

  • Like 2
On 9/22/2019 at 11:12 PM, Hidden said:

No Guns no Life - ill wait for gina's opinion on this to see if i should bother...and for what people say about Sherlock.

Why?  (also it's just No Guns Life)

Series either get 3, 1 or no episodes to convince me to watch.  But as for "it gets better"?  I've had that happen a lot.  It took probably a dozen episodes or more before I really fell for Ace of Diamond, though it was good enough to stick with it until it won me over.  I don't think Monster really starts to get good until Episode 4.  Sadly there are way too many series that start out great, until they have to wrap things up, and then just go to hell.

  • Thanks 2
On 9/27/2019 at 10:46 PM, Gina Szanboti said:

Series either get 3, 1 or no episodes to convince me to watch.  But as for "it gets better"?  I've had that happen a lot.  It took probably a dozen episodes or more before I really fell for Ace of Diamond, though it was good enough to stick with it until it won me over.  I don't think Monster really starts to get good until Episode 4.  Sadly there are way too many series that start out great, until they have to wrap things up, and then just go to hell.

Same. Fullmetal Alchemist (both series) was the first one that came to mind that got way better after episode 1 and Monster was the second (though it took me about 10-15 episodes to get really hooked into the mystery). 

On 9/21/2019 at 2:04 AM, Gina Szanboti said:

Did someone already do this and I missed it?


Tons of second seasons to keep me busy, but not much new looks very interesting.  Maybe Assy McGee, I mean, No Guns Life could be interesting.  Pet and Kabukicho Sherlock.  I'm probably in for Ahiro no Sora (not to be confused with Hoshiai no Sora, though I may watch that too, or Sora no Aosa wo Shiru Hito yo) because sports.  The Human Lost movie looks worthwhile.  I'll have to see an episode of Shokugeki no China, aka, Shin Chuuka Ichiban! before I decide if I have room for two food wars at once.

mmh, no BL series....guess we've met our Yearly Quota with Sarazanmai and Given

1 hour ago, mochi said:

mmh, no BL series....guess we've met our Yearly Quota with Sarazanmai and Given

Speaking of the summer shows I was thinking of watching Given and didn't know it's a BL series. That certainly would have had me change my mind about that in the past.



3 hours ago, Cidz said:

 high score girl 2. 


Oh I will also watch this, didn't notice it in the list.

1 hour ago, Ric said:

Speaking of the summer shows I was thinking of watching Given and didn't know it's a BL series. That certainly would have had me change my mind about that in the past.



Oh I will also watch this, didn't notice it in the list.

if I had to compare it to anything, Given is basically Gravitation if someone who actually spoke to a gay person once in their life wrote it


I.e. it's a version of gravitation that's well written and realistic and doesn't deny the main couple are gay the way Gravitation does

  • Like 1

It's really nothing like Gravitation, but it's absolutely awesome. Its humor is low key (but still lol funny) and not mean-spirited, and its drama will have you in tears.  It's often very languid in its pacing (which is an asset, not a drawback), but not in a foot-dragging way, and the plot unfolds with precision. The best show of the summer.  Can't wait for the movie, and hope for a 2nd season too.

  • Like 1
On 9/29/2019 at 9:51 PM, Ric said:

Speaking of the summer shows I was thinking of watching Given and didn't know it's a BL series. That certainly would have had me change my mind about that in the past.



Oh I will also watch this, didn't notice it in the list.

given is actually a pretty good anime. usual BL/yaoi type stories are ok to me but like i dont like how "rapey" it can kinda get ya know? or how the characters are just fantasy sterotypes. but the characters feel like people who are homeosexual if that makes sense? plus i like how the chars get to know each other before falling for each other. idk, its worth a try at least right? 

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, Cidz said:

given is actually a pretty good anime. usual BL/yaoi type stories are ok to me but like i dont like how "rapey" it can kinda get ya know? or how the characters are just fantasy sterotypes. but the characters feel like people who are homeosexual if that makes sense? plus i like how the chars get to know each other before falling for each other. idk, its worth a try at least right? 

It looks like it goes beyond the cliche "I wanna fuck this guy but ugh teenage hormones and deep life problems!". I mean it still has those, but it looks like the humor is really good and the characters are appealing.


What I've seen so far (just c/p my ANN post with some edits, instead of rewriting it all):

So Duck Sky was ok, though I think they misappropriated the word duck for their wordplay. Certainly good enough for me, since I've come to accept that apparently I have extremely low standards for sports anime. Smile Having a Pillows opener and a fine cast that includes Yuki Kaji and Takahiro Sakurai just seals the deal. And the character designs are already growing on me. I just hope it doesn't become Cliffhanger Sky, as the first ep forebodes.

Petshop Wrestler was interesting, but I think a little too...something, for my tastes. I think I might have liked it better if he didn't seem so brain-damaged from his wrestling or whatever his problem is. The puppy is cute.

Over-prepared Hero didn't wow me, but I think I'll give it at least one more episode to see what it does with Chaos Machina, who right now strikes me as a Albedo-wannabe.

Joro's Bizarre Love Adventure might be a keeper. I dislike Joro in a good way, and Sun-chan seems nice. The abrupt change in tone in the second half was fairly creative, and I got a chuckle out of whatever that vocalization was that Joro made when he saw the bench in the library. His two original targets kinda deserve him, but it's hard to say what Pansy's after, so I'll at least stick around to see what her deal is.

Dice Club was more entertaining than expected, but I doubt I'll make it through to the end. Takoyakishiki is a bit too genki for me despite her exploratory nature, and Miki, while I appreciate her desire for solitude, is too big a crybaby to warm up to. More characters might help. I'll probably hang around to see what games they get up to.

Bookworm Girl might have some potential, but I suspect it's going to bore me soon.  Or maybe it will really pick up when she hooks up with the sorcerer we meet in the first minute. He was more interesting than she was.  It gets one or two more tries to hook me.

So far nothing is knocking my socks off.  I was meh on the reboot of Legend of the Galactic Heroes' first part, so I'll check out the second part with low expectations.  The original still stands alone and proud.


Chuuniboys Harem is slightly too screamy for me, but I think I'll stick around a bit longer to see what they do with the "they're not delusional after all!" hints that were flying thick and fast.

Speaking of screamy, The Demon Lord's Grandson is going to be a quick pass if they don't tone his cringing down at least a tad. But I enjoyed the first episode in spite of that, so we'll see how long I last.

I really liked Special K 007 at the beginning. The OP was great. But the longer it went on, the more my interest flagged. I think it's still a keeper, but they're kinda on thin ice. I'll at least hang on until we find out how he didn't get shot and see what the point of the elves and vampires is, besides the cool-factor.

I was hopeful for Non-Netflix Aggretsuko office hijinks, but I couldn't even make it through the episode. I noped out shortly after the train flashback.

Singing Actors had some nice songs, I guess, but the field is just too crowded for them to prevail. Sorry boys.

Babylon (not to be confused with Babylonia, which I was for a bit) is the best premier so far. I love the character designs, I like the story, it looks good to me, it has a nice OP, it's got Takahiro Sakurai, so I'm 100% on board for this. The funny thing was I was expecting someone to get killed throughout the whole episode, waiting for a bullet to come out of nowhere or a car to blow up for shock value. I'm not sure why, perhaps the framing of certain scenes or something. Whatever they were doing, it kept me on edge the whole time.


houkagos first ep wasnt as engaging as i hoped itd be, but i kinda like miss class rep.

so its nothing special for now, but ill give it a few more tries...im surprised shy girl didnt draw me in; im usually attracted to those types. the hyperactive twintails character was better to me.

Posted (edited)

I'll be watching the new seasons of We Never Learn and The Seven Deadly Sins as soon as I finish

the past season of those shows.  I've put off The Seven Deadly Sins for a long time now but I'll finish it soon.

Probably will complete the first season of We Never Learn by tomorrow.  Only have two episodes left to watch.


I'll definitely watch Food Wars right away.  I love that show.  Since I like sports anime, I'll be checking out Ahiru no Sora

and Hoshiai no Sora.  Houkago Saikoro Club sounds pretty good.  I'm going to watch ep 1 soon.  Rifle is beautiful,

Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy, Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu!, and Beastars sound interesting as well. 

Edit:  Watched about half of the first episode of Houkage Saikoro Club.  I was so bored I quit watching halfway through.

Just watched a good comedy ORESUKI which is my favorite so far.

Edited by blueraven1999
On 10/7/2019 at 4:49 AM, Gina Szanboti said:

Chuuniboys Harem is slightly too screamy for me, but I think I'll stick around a bit longer to see what they do with the "they're not delusional after all!" hints that were flying thick and fast.

Speaking of screamy, The Demon Lord's Grandson is going to be a quick pass if they don't tone his cringing down at least a tad. But I enjoyed the first episode in spite of that, so we'll see how long I last.

I really liked Special K 007 at the beginning. The OP was great. But the longer it went on, the more my interest flagged. I think it's still a keeper, but they're kinda on thin ice. I'll at least hang on until we find out how he didn't get shot and see what the point of the elves and vampires is, besides the cool-factor.

I was hopeful for Non-Netflix Aggretsuko office hijinks, but I couldn't even make it through the episode. I noped out shortly after the train flashback.

Singing Actors had some nice songs, I guess, but the field is just too crowded for them to prevail. Sorry boys.

Babylon (not to be confused with Babylonia, which I was for a bit) is the best premier so far. I love the character designs, I like the story, it looks good to me, it has a nice OP, it's got Takahiro Sakurai, so I'm 100% on board for this. The funny thing was I was expecting someone to get killed throughout the whole episode, waiting for a bullet to come out of nowhere or a car to blow up for shock value. I'm not sure why, perhaps the framing of certain scenes or something. Whatever they were doing, it kept me on edge the whole time.

:D Where are you getting some of these titles?  Most of them are not direct translations from the Japanese. They could be jokes.

Welcome to Demon School is aimed at kids, which explains the cheesiness of it. Apparently, its source material is well-regarded though.


Except for Babylon, I made 'em up. :)  Most of the official English titles aren't direct translations either.  Like Kabukicho Sherlock is a direct translation, but for some reason the official English title is Case File nº221: Kabukicho.  I don't know where all that came from, nor why the 'o' in the abbreviation 'no' is a degree sign.  Titles are weird anyway, so I play with them.

Posted (edited)

All through Immortal Bladeworks I was getting such nostalgic vibes for Shigurui Death Frenzy and Texhnolyze (both of which it turns out he also directed) from the character designs and mood. Ridiculously over the top violence and depravity aside, I'm all in for this one. Loved the symbolism and oppressive dread of the water wheel punctuating the beginning and (heh) coming full circle at the end. I anticipate good stuff here.

I agree that Assassins Parody may or may not be one, but it's amusing enough to watch until I start falling behind on everything. I was already o.O -ing with the princess standing on the railing for no apparent reason, and then when worried Vampir was looking up her skirt, she didn't just jump backwards off the rail, but instead precariously tried to pull her skirt down until she dropped so daintily into his arms.  I think they're gonna run out of flower petals before this is over...

I'm sorry to say that I feel like Junichi Suwabe is slightly miscast in No Gun Heads. I think I would've preferred swapping him with Tsujida in Immortal, though I also hate to see the latter get typecast as the gritty gumshoe. But with that voice, it's kind of inevitable. Anyway, it looks weirdly interesting. I'm relieved the subtitles call them Extendeds, because just calling them Extends makes me think of penis pills, and I'd rather not.

Speaking of Suwabe, his role in Kabukichō Sherlock (still looking for an explanation of the weird English title) just made me cringe the whole time. Given that the scriptwriter has such a good track record with me (91 Days, Bunny Drop, Haikyuu!!, Silver Spoon, et al), this is starting out on a seriously disappointing foot, but I can't help but like the Joker Game character designs. I give it another episode to do something that will allow me to tolerate this.

Scars Align had me scratching my head until the end. It looked like a typical "genki sports boy incites unmotivated teammates to love the sport" story, but genki sports boy came off as really unlikable somehow. And childhood friend he wants to recruit seemed super nice and chill to everyone...until genki sports boy tries to recruit him, and then suddenly he turns into an asshat too. But then the light dawned, at least a bit, at the end, so I'm in.

I feel like I've seen Chinese Food Wars before, but maybe not. It looks ok. I think I want a Silkie for a pet now, but the neighborhood cats would eat it. Funny that it airs almost back to back with Japanese Food Wars 4.

Stand My Bishies was pretty much what I expected, though I kept waiting for the twist where they all turned out to be vampire boys. J/k, but they look like they just stepped out of Diabolik Lovers, and some even have the same voices. I was gratified (though not surprised, since it had been telegraphed repeatedly) when she fought back against the captor, but if you're going to put up such a half-assed defense and then just quit, why bother? Seriously, throwing up your hands in a "oh, no, don't hit me!" cringe was just sad.

Will I keep watching? Oh, you betcha. This looks to be the only purely eye-candy series this season, and it seems ripe for MST3King. I haven't seen anything with this much potential since that Takoyaki Princess thing.

Edited by Gina Szanboti
forgot one
  • Haha 1

Based on the critical semi-backlash I've seen regarding this show so far - between the drag queen supporting character, the less-than-flattering treatment of what few female characters there are, and Sherlock being almost as quirky as New Girl (which is still too much) - Kabukicho Sherlock definitely looks like it's going to be one of those shows that I enjoy despite any and all arguments that I shouldn't, and let me tell you, I really loved watching the first episode and I would (and plan on) watching it again. By the end of the year, it'll join W'z and Fire Force in my "Fuck You, I Liked It" trifecta for 2019. Assuming it isn't there already, that is. 😏

8 hours ago, Gina Szanboti said:

Kabukichō Sherlock (still looking for an explanation of the weird English title)

Well, the 221 is clearly a reference to Kabukicho's 221st Avenue, where Bar Pipecat and the detectives tenement are located, but even I can't explain what possessed them to trade out a standard O for a degree sign in the "number" abbreviation.


At the moment, I'm keeping up with Blade of the Immortal, OreSuki, Kemono Michi, Africa no Salaryman, FGO Babylonia, and Kandagawa Jet Girls. I think of the batch, Blade of the Immortal is probably the best one.


Yeah, I got the 221 reference, but I still don't know why they felt they had to change it at all.  Kabukichou Sherlock is a perfectly fine title.  Case File BlahBlah says nothing.  Now Rifle is Beautiful I can see changing to Chidori RSC to tone down the gun fetishism.  But they should've just called it Mai Raifu.

Ok, so the second episode of Maoh's Adopted Grandhuman was spectacularly hilarious.  I had reservations, but I'm now in for the duration with this one. xD

Loved the bit in Kono Oto about poor X and Y forced to hide their identities at birth and living in lonely isolation.  Evoking sympathy for variables is quite a novel approach to teaching math.

  • Haha 1

Beastars.  Yeah.  That was different.  Ok.  o.O  I think I'll keep watching.  I'm curious as to why the hippo sided with the carnivores when they split into groups.  Also, I wonder if deer's penchant for killing and eating birds and small rodents will factor into this. >.>

The wolf Legosi is pretty obviously a reference to Bela Lugosi.  But I think the only role he had as a werewolf was in The Wolf Man, as the gypsy who bit Lon Chaney Jr.  They should've named him Chaney or Talbot. Very Happy

Really liking Haru.


No Guns - came for the possibly good plot, stayed for the music which put me in a nice mood and MC. this does seem kinda interesting though, which is weird, because i feel like ive been dodging shows like this as of late. looking forward to the next few to see how i feel.

Rifle is beauuuuuuuutiful - this seems like good background noise for now. but im not sure how long im gonna want this to play without putting it on mute.

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