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Do guys like it when


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"I tried to give them back," he explained, his emerald eyes filled with thought as he replayed the scene over in his mind.

"What do you mean you tried to give the panties back?" She questioned with one brow raised.

"She just kept repeating 'no, they're in MY size' when I told her they wouldn't fit you," he said eyeing the lacey lingerie dangling from his fingertips. 

"Oh, sweetie," she laughed heartily, "they aren't meant for ME!"

His eyes widened as it finally dawned on him. "Oh..." he exclaimed, "Oh!"

He watched his wife succumb to peals of laughter that rang clear and bell-like through the air.

Edited by fuggnificent
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Guest The Hound
3 hours ago, Death_is_coming said:

Girls give them flowers?

i saw this on fb

i prefer a nice beej with a finger up the butt.

the fuck am i gonna do with flowers.

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