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So, what's the point of this folder?

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I don't need him to post several paragraphs of bullshit I'm not going to read.


So you want us to speak for luuv?




Luuv didn't intend on UE being a replacement for ASMB. Originally the only general discussion type folder there was was FFA. Once the main ASMB got shut down, someone (I think it was nabs) requested a Babbling folder. Luuv obliged, one of the reasons being he wanted a place for political threads to go. Then someone else (mthor, I think) requested a Rants folder. Luuv obliged. So even though it looks like this board is supposed to be ASMB II it really wasn't meant to be in the beginning until the actual ASMB was shut down (and I think luuv still doesn't want it to be ASMB II).


Short enough of an answer?

Guest The Hound

I'm here 34dhpad.jpg


ew that smiley is gross. I'm gonna have to fix that image eventually. its not even transparent


Maybe it's over your head.


:D :D :D :D


Damn, Zeni....I didn't realize you could be so funny (at least not intentionally). See what happens when you post sober? Or are you wasted right now? Either way keep it up!


ew that smiley is gross. I'm gonna have to fix that image eventually. its not even transparent


I made it in 2008 and saved it in my old shit :D :D :D :D :D  Photobucket ruined it. I know it's not transparent I just died seeing it

Guest The Hound

:D :D :D :D


Damn, Zeni....I didn't realize you could be so funny (at least not intentionally). See what happens when you post sober? Or are you wasted right now? Either way keep it up!


Yea I actually laughed.  :D

Guest The Hound

I made it in 2008 and saved it in my old shit :D :D :D :D :D  Photobucket ruined it. I know it's not transparent I just died seeing it



I'll fix it.

Guest The Hound

Because relying on the rest of us to voice luuv's thoughts and intentions is kind of dumb?

I really don't understand the hate. Well, I do considering the few mouths that it's being voiced from, but I specifically don't get the adamancy after this many weeks into the game already.  It's old and unsettling. Aside from one user everyone here is over 21.


I really don't understand the hate. Well, I do considering the few mouths that it's being voiced from, but I specifically don't get the adamancy after this many weeks into the game already.  It's old and unsettling. Aside from one user everyone here is over 21.


From what I can tell it's REALLY old grudges from the old Hey Mod threads of yore.

Guest The Hound

From what I can tell it's REALLY old grudges from the old Hey Mod threads of yore.


It's basically just the same 4 users preaching the same thing over and over. I'm certain it will stop.


I really don't understand the hate. Well, I do considering the few mouths that it's being voiced from, but I specifically don't get the adamancy after this many weeks into the game already.  It's old and unsettling. Aside from one user everyone here is over 21.


I do. Some people take this online stuff way too seriously. They crave the attention and self-importance that I presume they don't get from other aspects of their lives. When they tend to not be the focus or be in the "spotlight", they get ticked off. I mean isn't that kind of why that ASMB they had last year sucked big time? Sure, there weren't any folders and that was a major problem but you literally had like the same 5-6 posters talking about the same BS over and over and over again. It wasn't constructive, amusing or entertaining. To me as someone who was looking at it from the outside in, it just seemed like a bunch of deranged maniacs bagging on each other for no particular reason (or maybe they had a reason...and even if they did...is a message board really the place to kind of vent those frustrations out on others?). It's like these same individuals always seem to stir up the pot and then play it off like other people are the ones that are causing the problem. When in actuality, it really was/is still the other way around. It's like if you're so miserable or disgruntled about the state of this board or the Admin[/member] or other users then just leave. I mean is it really worth it (I mean if you get your jollies off of that, more power to you) but it just seems like a wasted exercise to me.


To me this message board is really just about getting your mind off your every day routine and possibly sharing a laugh or two with some people. Most of the users here are pretty cool and friendly but if you don't want to acknowledge that or be a part of that, that's on you then. I think regardless of the vocal minority, this place is going pretty well (except the lag issue obviously  :D)....we got along fine before the complainers came and we'll get along fine after they leave. So here's to UEMB, FFA, IB or whatever you wanna label this place ;)




Guest The Hound



The post above yours basically gave me one.


I do. Some people take this online stuff way too seriously. They crave the attention and self-importance that I presume they don't get from other aspects of their lives. When they tend to not be the focus or be in the "spotlight", they get ticked off. I mean isn't that kind of why that ASMB they had last year sucked big time? Sure, there weren't any folders and that was a major problem but you literally had like the same 5-6 posters talking about the same BS over and over and over again. It wasn't constructive, amusing or entertaining. To me as someone who was looking at it from the outside in, it just seemed like a bunch of deranged maniacs bagging on each other for no particular reason (or maybe they had a reason...and even if they did...is a message board really the place to kind of vent those frustrations out on others?). It's like these same individuals always seem to stir up the pot and then play it off like other people are the ones that are causing the problem. When in actuality, it really was/is still the other way around. It's like if you're so miserable or disgruntled about the state of this board or the Admin[/member] or other users then just leave. I mean is it really worth it (I mean if you get your jollies off of that, more power to you) but it just seems like a wasted exercise to me.


To me this message board is really just about getting your mind off your every day routine and possibly sharing a laugh or two with some people. Most of the users here are pretty cool and friendly but if you don't want to acknowledge that or be a part of that, that's on you then. I think regardless of the vocal minority, this place is going pretty well (except the lag issue obviously  :D)....we got along fine before the complainers came and we'll get along fine after they leave. So here's to UEMB, FFA, IB or whatever you wanna label this place ;)








Guest The Hound

I want to make that post the head announcement and float it in every sub-forum.



Guest The Hound

one can only wish the words in your post could be heard. Lacks_Sympathy[/member]


The post is literally the single handed best post we've had made since the asmb has been shut down.

Guest The Hound

I also now know who sent me that PM.  :|


See how happy Lacks gets when the Cowboys lose  :D



I wonder what Lacks is like when the Eagles get to the post-season :P


The post is literally the single handed best post we've had made since the asmb has been shut down.


:o Why, thank ya....I was just late-night ranting cause I'm so over that nonsense  :D


Anyways, that's probably the last serious (or semi-serious) post I'll make for a while. So....




ooooh now i see what went on.....i cant help but feel this was blown out of proportion....i mean i dont ever take stilgar seriously....then again im probably one of the few people that loves the shit out of him...if anything i think it was pretty passive....he just likes the say shit it to get a rise....i didnt perceive it as 'hate' or much of an argument at all...if he wanted to fight a point he would have done so....i think he was just screwing with you


ooooh now i see what went on.....i cant help but feel this was blown out of proportion....i mean i dont ever take stilgar seriously....then again im probably one of the few people that loves the shit out of him...if anything i think it was pretty passive....he just likes the say shit it to get a rise....i didnt perceive it as 'hate' or much of an argument at all...if he wanted to fight a point he would have done so....i think he was just screwing with you


There's a lot more of it coming from others in Babbling and Dumpster Fires.


ooooh now i see what went on.....i cant help but feel this was blown out of proportion....i mean i dont ever take stilgar seriously....then again im probably one of the few people that loves the shit out of him...if anything i think it was pretty passive....he just likes the say shit it to get a rise....i didnt perceive it as 'hate' or much of an argument at all...if he wanted to fight a point he would have done so....i think he was just screwing with you


Nah, I observed what has been going on between DJ Sona[/member] and some other posters. It's pretty proportional (some might even say "above average"  ;):|:D). But like people legit need to stop with all this




are you really surprised tho?....i maintain residence within this folder....its rare i venture out.....so i dont really give a shit....but if you think back to good ol' board days pod 6 was filled with fucking asshats.....ya live ya learn....you ignore the fucktards

Guest The Hound

Nah, I observed what has been going on between DJ Sona[/member] and some other posters. It's pretty proportional (some might even say "above average"  ;):|:D). But like people legit need to stop with all this




Essentially me ignoring insults while doing what I'm supposed to do.  ::)


So you want us to speak for luuv?




Luuv didn't intend on UE being a replacement for ASMB. Originally the only general discussion type folder there was was FFA. Once the main ASMB got shut down, someone (I think it was nabs) requested a Babbling folder. Luuv obliged, one of the reasons being he wanted a place for political threads to go. Then someone else (mthor, I think) requested a Rants folder. Luuv obliged. So even though it looks like this board is supposed to be ASMB II it really wasn't meant to be in the beginning until the actual ASMB was shut down (and I think luuv still doesn't want it to be ASMB II).


Short enough of an answer?


Just for the record, I didn't request a rants folder. In fact, I questioned the need for a rants group on nodebb. Rants had died a slow lingering death on lithium months before we moved; I think that the only two users left who still considered themselves ranters were Arrem and me, from opposite ends of the spectrum. Arrem gave up and left, I accepted the fact that rants was dead and moved on (call me a masochist, but I enjoy the company here.)


Don't get me wrong: it's nice to have a folder for heated discussion, and I'm kind of tickled to be able to continue the tradition of Haters/Complainers, but I don't think that it was a must-have. Maybe under the reorganization, it'll fare a little better., but we'll see...this is, after all, a work in progress.

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