ben0119 Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 I know what you mean Ben. I have finally begun to admit to myself that currently, Toonami isn't exciting me anymore, save for a few shows. A few years ago I watched the whole block live every week, now I have half of it sitting on my DVR not watched. I'm not really really not Dragonball anymore, Gundam Unicorn lost me, I've seen these Shippuden and GiTS episodes already. I mostly watch for Jack and HxH, but now one of those is gone. Lupin excites me a little though. The atmosphere of the block (it's presentation) isn't to my liking much anymore either. I really miss "Now/Next/Later" because they were just part of what made Toonami Toonami. It felt like such a integral part of the presentation and made the block fun while showcasing a lot of good music.You can say Guides make them obsolete, but you can say the same thing with "Coming up Next" bumpers as well. The bumps aren't updated as much as they used to be I would also much prefer more goodies over the topicals we've been getting too. Just my thoughts. Yeah it used to be I had one, two, or no shows on the block I didn't like. Now it's most of them. That's just not good. Even with my prior reasons given of having too much other stuff on my plate in terms of watching, gaming, and reading material, I can't continue to tolerate watching mostly crap anime with no other [quality] anime content to make up for it. Demarco had said they don't need those now because of the channel guides, which didn't exist back in the old days. I do agree the bumps need to be updated more often and we need more promos and topicals, extras, etc.
ben0119 Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 The top spring anime for Pennsylvania is fucking BORUTO? ... I knew we were all inbred hicks, but I never though we would sink this low. There's hicks in Pennsylvania? Well, I suppose if you go far enough north, you run into Canada and places like the Dakotas, which are full of hicks, so I suppose it's possible.
ben0119 Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Wow, that's total poop. It also makes me glad I'm not a person who cares about the ratings anymore. :poop: Well, I don't care about ratings, unless they get bad enough that something I'm watching gets canceled. Also, I want a new show in the opening slot and not a rerun, and the ratings bomb of last Saturday bolsters my position.
ben0119 Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 They basically let a company (TOEI), who have no idea how TV works in America push them around in order to get this show. I feel like AS was in the power seat and could have said, "Hey guys you want it on TV at all ?". I'd wage to say that Kim Manning and Jason Demarco know more about how to make anime a success on TV than any executive at TOEI. Even so, Suoer isn't doing "bad " in either showing, but its the cascading affect that the rest of the night suffers from. As for Jack, they got complacent. They had a hit and they thought they could get away with this. The bets thing they could have done is stick a rerun later in the block and just let FG have back 11, but to them it was more important for Toonami to keep 11. Maybe there is a reason for that, I don't know. They obviously do not have faith that Super can bring in viewers at 11 either. My issue is that we lost the back end in 2015 because of bad programming choices. While Jack was an amazing show, people do not come back for reruns of a serialized action show on a once a week block. While it doesn't cost them anything extra to air Jack and it probably didn't do bad on its own , it's damaging enough to everything else. As far as the bumps go, I've noticed that they basically stay the same throughout each "season" until the next lineup change. Only expect them to chance about 3-4 times per year. What proof is there of any of this TOEI strong-arming? You have no proof that Toonami is locked to keeping any shows into particular time slots. I think maybe you guys just need to accept that Adult Swim is retarded. And their shitty scheduling seems to be infecting and taking over Toonami's once rather logical scheduling. It's looking more and more like ASA idiocy all the time. I can't even say it's "fine as a placeholder" because the ratings damage is pretty severe. Would Toonami even keep this slot long enough to bring in whatever Jack is supposedly keeping the slot warm for? It's a colossal misstep. They never should have done this in the first place. It doesn't make sense to "hold" slots for another show. They should have no issue purchasing and negotiating a show on time to bring in whenever another show ends. Maybe whatever it is wouldn't be "worthy" of the slot, but that whole notion seems pretty stupid, especially since they didn't put Attack on Titan there. To me, this seems more deliberate and they just thought Jack would do as well or slightly less better in reruns than it did in premieres, which after what happened with the AoT rerun debacle, and seeing these results, we know is obviously not the case. Placing the blame for the decision on programming or Adult Swim proper doesn't help numb the incompetence, either. Besides, with how well things had been going up until now, you'd think they'd defer to Toonami on some of this stuff more. Demarco and co. were the architect of this block and the renaissance and growth of anime on Adult Swim, after all. I can honestly see either party being responsible though, given Demarco's insistence on unwarranted marathon spam, among other things.
ben0119 Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 It's a really stupid version of bread and circuses. Meanwhile, DeMarco himself has broken free of it and now wants a violent revolution within the Democratic Party. And judging by the fact that we've spent several pages panicking when there's virtually no reason to do so unless the man in charge tells us so, it's not going to end. Well, as said, I don't really give a shit about the ratings, but if it affects my viewing enjoyment and the ratings back me up, then I'm going to make those arguments. Wut?
Daos Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Well, as said, I don't really give a shit about the ratings, but if it affects my viewing enjoyment and the ratings back me up, then I'm going to make those arguments. Wut? Ratings don't matter to me, except for the part where if they get bad enough Toonami gets canceled and no more anime on TV =P If we could get away with it without getting canceled I'd air all sorts of stuff that would get terrible ratings, like Stein's Gate, Ping Pong the Animation or the World God Only Knows.
CaptainStarwind Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 There's hicks in Pennsylvania? Well, I suppose if you go far enough north, you run into Canada and places like the Dakotas, which are full of hicks, so I suppose it's possible. Remember that the state is more than just Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. In between those two is a lot of rural area, especially around where I live. I went to college very close to PSU, and even up that way, barring State College and maybe Altoona, everything is hick country.
MasqueradeOverture Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 There's hicks in Pennsylvania? Well, I suppose if you go far enough north, you run into Canada and places like the Dakotas, which are full of hicks, so I suppose it's possible. There's a vast expanse of nothingness for most of the state. Why do you think Amish people still live there?
ben0119 Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Ratings don't matter to me, except for the part where if they get bad enough Toonami gets canceled and no more anime on TV =P If we could get away with it without getting canceled I'd air all sorts of stuff that would get terrible ratings, like Stein's Gate, Ping Pong the Animation or the World God Only Knows. Exactly. As long as the thing I like can continue to air, I don't care what ratings it gets. Obviously, it'd be nicer if more people shared in watching something I like, but I'm not going to lose sleep over being part of a comparatively small audience. If Toonami gets canceled that'd be pretty catastrophic for me. I've been talking about the ASA/Toonami block online since 03. And yeah it's a good way of watching anime. Better than just going into the woods for yourself and trying to pick something to watch. Toonami helps bridge that gap. I don't think these latest developments put the block in any existential danger right this minute, but they sure as hell aren't good. And again, I want a new show to watch at the top of the block, not a rerun. So if the ratings for a rerun do bad, or a show I don't like that I believe shouldn't have been picked up, then I'll use that to back up my argument. Believe it or not there was for some reason some pervasive demand on the boards years ago that Toonami air Steins Gate, even though it's not an action show from what I have heard and wouldn't work for Toonami. Ping Pong was well liked but nobody really recommended it for Toonami. I just looked up the last show. Oh lord.
ben0119 Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Remember that the state is more than just Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. In between those two is a lot of rural area, especially around where I live. I went to college very close to PSU, and even up that way, barring State College and maybe Altoona, everything is hick country. Well, looking at the list, it seems the top animes are all either Attack on Titan or Boruto, so probably not too much to be concerned with. I live in a small suburban community. I don't care for all the big cities with all the chaos and busy-ness, and random crazies, hipsters, hobos, hippies, etc. I mean, hell, look at somebody the wrong way and you might jumped! But I don't want to live in the middle of nowhere, either. I lived in south Texas until kindergarten and moved to central Texas for first grade and have lived here since. I dread having to go back there to visit relatives. South Texas is depressing and boring as hell. It's a fucking backwater, nothing there. You feel like you're going back in time, not in a good way. And Corpus Christi is a rundown shithole, basically a mini-Detroit of the south. Even when I lived a few years out of town up here it was annoying. You have to drive into town to do anything. And even then, when we lived in town, we'd have to go to a larger town or city nearby for other stuff. I'm glad the small city I'm living in now has grown large enough to have actual stuff and not have to go somewhere else to do things. I mean, yeah, I love nature, but I don't want to live in it. Heh, got on a bit of a rant there. But I see what you mean. Hicks in and of themselves aren't necessarily bad (though they seem to have bad taste in anime ), but I don't want to live in the middle of nowhere. There's also the fact I don't drive so I appreciate being able to walk or ride a bike anywhere I need to go and everything isn't too far away from me where I live. Still, I just can't get how there's still a demand for Naruto. It's been shit longer than it's been good, at this point. And even if Boruto itself might not be bad, it still feels tainted to me. I dunno'. I mean, why give a shit about the next generation of Naruto characters when the original characters' story has been ruined?
Daos Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 If Death note didn't do well, Stein's Gate wouldn't either. The world god only knows is hilarious, it just has the dumbest premise ever =P
ben0119 Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 There's a vast expanse of nothingness for most of the state. Why do you think Amish people still live there? Oh yeah. I suppose I should be able to relate to that.
ben0119 Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 If Death note didn't do well, Stein's Gate wouldn't either. The world god only knows is hilarious, it just has the dumbest premise ever =P Death Note was a good show but not really action, so not sure why it was on Adult Swim Action. So yeah Stein's Gate wouldn't be a good idea. Hesitant to watch that though because there seems to be endless series in that semicolon franchise and I don't know how they all fit together. It sure sounds dumb as hell. But if it doesn't take itself seriously and try to pander to otakus and is actually funny than maybe there's some merit there.
Daos Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 It's just 3 seasons and a bunch of OVA's Season 3 is called Goddesses. If you like comedy anime give it a shot.
ben0119 Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 It's just 3 seasons and a bunch of OVA's Season 3 is called Goddesses. If you like comedy anime give it a shot. Oh. Well the titles and stuff makes it confusing. Can't say I make a point to watch much anime comedy, as the comedy in anime can be very hit or miss. But, if the show is making fun of otakus as opposed to pandering to them, like it seems to be doing, I might check it out.
The1gairon Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Death Note was a good show but not really action, so not sure why it was on Adult Swim Action. So yeah Stein's Gate wouldn't be a good idea. Well, maybe after Episode 13 it WOULD be a good fit for Adult Swim Action...
CaptainStarwind Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 There's a vast expanse of nothingness for most of the state. Why do you think Amish people still live there? Because they're afraid cars will steal their soul, probably. Being that I live less than 5 minutes from multiple Amish farms, I can consider myself an expert on Amish affairs.
AnimationFan14 Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 Because they're afraid cars will steal their soul, probably. Being that I live less than 5 minutes from multiple Amish farms, I can consider myself an expert on Amish affairs. Amish Affairs, now that sounds like a reality show I would check out
MasqueradeOverture Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 Being that I live less than 5 minutes from multiple Amish farms, I can consider myself an expert on Amish affairs. I'm so sorry. At least you're close to Hershey (I'm assuming).
MasqueradeOverture Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 More proof we live in a post-ratings world: Twin Peaks only gets roughly 200,000 viewers and there's no sign of Showtime not airing the whole thing. Then again, they have their own streaming service, so...
CaptainStarwind Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 I'm so sorry. At least you're close to Hershey (I'm assuming). You'd be assuming right. Less than 30 minutes out. I used to work at Hersheypark, actually. Terrible place to work, absolutely terrible.
OwlChemist81 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Any predictions on what the ratings might be tomorrow? Here's my stab: Samurai Jack - 1050K DB Super - 975K DBZ Kai - 1025K AOT S2 - 875K Tokyo Ghoul - 750K Hunter x Hunter - 675K Gundam Unicorn - 600K Shippuden - 525K GITS - 450K I believe that since there was no significant competition from NHL or UFC, we'll see a pretty good increase for each timeslot, and Gundam Unicorn might even crack 600K for its final episode!
Daos Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Any predictions on what the ratings might be tomorrow? Here's my stab: Samurai Jack - 1050K DB Super - 975K DBZ Kai - 1025K AOT S2 - 875K Tokyo Ghoul - 750K Hunter x Hunter - 675K Gundam Unicorn - 600K Shippuden - 525K GITS - 450K I believe that since there was no significant competition from NHL or UFC, we'll see a pretty good increase for each timeslot, and Gundam Unicorn might even crack 600K for its final episode! Predicting what the ratings will be is pretty damn hard but I'll take a shot for the first 5 Samurai Jack - 1000K DB Super - 900K DBZ Kai - 950K AOT S2 - 825K Tokyo Ghoul - 700K
Blatch Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 More proof we live in a post-ratings world: Twin Peaks only gets roughly 200,000 viewers and there's no sign of Showtime not airing the whole thing. Then again, they have their own streaming service, so... That's a premium channel free of advertising, so I wouldn't count it.
MasqueradeOverture Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 You'd be assuming right. Less than 30 minutes out. I used to work at Hersheypark, actually. Terrible place to work, absolutely terrible. As much as I like theme parks, working at one in general sounds awful.
Jman Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 As much as I like theme parks, working at one in general sounds awful. Didn't you ever see Adventureland? It's about how awful working in one is.
OwlChemist81 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 We interrupt this inane discussion about theme parks to give you a look at the reason this thread was created: the RATINGS! 6/10/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - #21 (-11) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.28 Estimated 18-34 - 190,000 ( 25.33% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.25 Estimated 18-49 - 321,000 ( 42.80% ) Total Viewers - 750,000 6/10/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters - #4 (+2) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.54 Estimated 18-34 - 367,000 ( 41.10% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.42 Estimated 18-49 - 538,000 ( 60.25% ) Total Viewers - 893,000 6/10/2017 Attack On Titan - #6 (+5) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.47 Estimated 18-34 - 319,000 ( 44.49% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.36 Estimated 18-49 - 462,000 ( 64.44% ) Total Viewers - 717,000 6/10/2017 Tokyo Ghoul - #9 (+11) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.36 Estimated 18-34 - 245,000 ( 42.02% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.29 Estimated 18-49 - 372,000 ( 63.81% ) Total Viewers - 583,000 6/10/2017 Gundam Unicorn - #11 (+26) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.38 Estimated 18-34 - 258,000 ( 48.68% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.29 Estimated 18-49 - 372,000 ( 70.19% ) Total Viewers - 530,000 THE GOOD: EVERYTHING IMPROVED. 'NUFF SAID. As long as we keep going like this, we should be OK. Also, a pretty respectable finish for Gundam Unicorn given the ridiculously huge amount of handicaps that were thrown its way in the 2nd half: it managed to finish just over 650K total viewers and, for all intents and purposes, exactly 400K adults 18-49 on average. Had it not been buried at 2 AM, given the worst lead-in ever in Tokyo Ghoul, AND kneecapped even worse right at the end of its run with the Reruns Power Hour kicking off Toonami, it might have gotten over 700K and 450K respectively, but we'll never know. THE BAD: The whole post-midnight portion of the block got its ass kicked by SPONGEBOB. And whatever that "LIVE PD" show on A&E is, I believe it will just continue to grow to be a thorn in Toonami's side as it steals viewers from the 11 PM hour, not to mention Family Guy before. Ugh. America's obsession with law enforcement sickens me. I prefer there to be some comedy thrown in, like with World's Dumbest Criminals on Tru TV. THE UGLY: Dragon Ball Super, what the hell? Considering it wasn't actually Frieza himself but a bunch of his underlings fighting, I guess I'll give it a pass. But the night that replays what was covered in that Toonami Sneak Peek of Resurrection of F that popped a random episode of DBZ Kai over 2M is coming soon, and if things don't change, it's going to be UGLY! Also, Tokyo Ghoul got beat in 18-34 and Men 12-34 by the finale of Gundam Unicorn, which proves that it really doesn't have any business at 1 AM. Only time will tell if HxH actually went up, down, or tied the relative tie that was between Gundam and Ghoul in 18-49, and of course HERE COMES LUPIN next week to REALLY make Ghoul look inferior!
brianycpht Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 While a little better, they should still in no way be satisfied with this. I hope this doesn't give them incentive to keep Jack at 11.
OwlChemist81 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Still terrible all around. Thanks Toei! The success or failure of Dragon Ball Super at 8 PM can usually be attributed to its CN movie lead-in. This past week, it was a fairly stupid choice: Yes, that's right. An old Ben 10 movie from 2007! And we've got another one coming up next week as Super's lead-in so I don't see it getting much better.
Blatch Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 So people are actually satisfied with the ratings. Good... maybe we can work on not letting 23 million people lose their health care by the end of the month, now.
Daos Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 That's still dismal. Any night with actual competition is going to have truly awful ratings.
Misaka Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 This DBZ super episode is just like the Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' movie kinda slow moving
Ginguy Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Ratings = teh s_uck Toonami cancelled *buys Croll premium* trallfaisedotJayPeeGee
PokeNirvash Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 ...You really got annoying since we switched over to these new boards.
Misaka Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 ...You really got annoying since we switched over to these new boards. It's jinga what do you expect?
OwlChemist81 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Often overlooked is the fact that Toonami Pre-Flight gets aired on TV now on Fridays at 4 AM (During what was formerly DVR Theater), BUT since this IS a Toonami thread, I think it bears mention, especially because something really bizarre happened this week: The two halves averaged a 0.33 in Adults 18-49. That beats Tokyo Ghoul and Gundam Unicorn's 0.29 this week. They also averaged a 0.385, which edges Gundam's 0.38 and beats Ghoul's 0.36 as well. Let that sink in. Perhaps an acceptable substitute for Jack at 11 PM would actually be "Toonami: Pre-Flight"!? If repackaged would people actually watch a full 22-minute news program right before Toonami kicked off in earnest at 11:30? If nothing else, it could be a decent follow-up to Dragon Ball Super at 8 PM. Also, we have an update, and I am pleased to report that Between Ghoul and Gundam, Hunter x Hunter beat both in Adults 18-49, and everything was up on Toonami after midnight: "The Adult Swim late-night line-up performed as follows: DRAGON BALL Z up 0.02 to 0.42, ATTACK ON TITAN up 0.05 to 0.36, TOKYO GHOUL up 0.01 to 0.29, MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM up 0.06 to 0.29, HUNTER X HUNTER up 0.05 to 0.30/574K, NARUTO up 0.03 to 0.27/513K, and GHOST IN THE SHELL up 0.06 to 0.26/469K." Why is that show not on earlier!? 12-3:30 AM TOTAL VIEWER RETENTION: 12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 893,000 12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 717,000 (80.29%) 1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 583,000 (81.31%) 1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 574,000 (98.46%) 2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 530,000 (92.33%) 2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 513,000 (96.79%) 3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 469,000 (91.42%)
Sketch Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Ah hah! HxH edges out Ghoul. Nice to see Unicorn finish above 0.26 18-49, beat Ghoul with 18-34 and makes 12-34 and not lose to Shippuden. Retention was better for the most part and that's a relief.
The1gairon Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Oh that's why I didn't see any Toonami shows on that first link. It was for that FRIDAY. Well that IS odd! ::spin:: Airing those youtube rips would be a legal pain in the neck, but I assume they could do something more with Pre-Flight on cable. I keep having to remember that DB Super on that list is for the 8 PM airing. \ I am so happy HXH beat both its preceeding and succeeding shows! I will wait for the full Toonami ratings list.
AnimationFan14 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 THE BAD: The whole post-midnight portion of the block got its ass kicked by SPONGEBOB.
CaptainStarwind Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Didn't you ever see Adventureland? It's about how awful working in one is. I actually know someone from that movie. He played a little kid in one of the scenes. Apparently he still gets royalty checks to this day.
CaptainStarwind Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 At least the ratings improved this week. It's still not anywhere near great, but improvement is good.
AnimationFan14 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Also, we have an update, and I am pleased to report that Between Ghoul and Gundam, Hunter x Hunter beat both in Adults 18-49, and everything was up on Toonami after midnight We can smile again
korosu Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Often overlooked is the fact that Toonami Pre-Flight gets aired on TV now on Fridays at 4 AM (During what was formerly DVR Theater), BUT since this IS a Toonami thread, I think it bears mention, especially because something really bizarre happened this week: The two halves averaged a 0.33 in Adults 18-49. That beats Tokyo Ghoul and Gundam Unicorn's 0.29 this week. They also averaged a 0.385, which edges Gundam's 0.38 and beats Ghoul's 0.36 as well. Let that sink in. Actually the week before MomoCon was the last time Pre-Flight has aired at 4 am FishCenter: Friday, May 26th, 2017 aired that night, and since then it's been: Friday June 2nd: 4 am - As Seen On Adult Swim: Wednesday, May 31st, 2017 4:15 am - FishCenter: Tuesday, May 30th, 2017 Friday June 9th: 4 am - As Seen On Adult Swim: Wednesday, June 7th, 2017 4:15 am - Development Meeting: Thursday, May 25th, 2017 for reference, here is every day Pre-Flight aired at 4 am: the episode from March 17th aired on the night of the 24th and is the only one that aired for a half hour the rest aired the night it aired on the stream April 7th April 14th April 21st April 28th May 5th May 12th May 19th
OwlChemist81 Posted June 13, 2017 Posted June 13, 2017 Ah, thanks for clearing that up. They actually mentioned they were on the air on an episode of Pre-Flight which streamed, but I guess that was only a trial size for the spring.
The1gairon Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 ... is Nick just running Spongebob for hours last into Sunday night?? Why?? What child is up at 3 in the morning!??
korosu Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 Ah, thanks for clearing that up. They actually mentioned they were on the air on an episode of Pre-Flight which streamed, but I guess that was only a trial size for the spring. yeah i think they did that on the May 19th episode. Jason said "if they're watching on TV it'll be at 4 in the morning" but the week after MomoCon they cut Williams Stream down to just 2 episodes on Fridays. plus they've allowed FishCenter to air under that title instead of just the usual batch of FishCenter episodes they've aired where it actually has its own show name/id/episode names on the schedule. and after that they've so far not aired another Pre-Flight. but seeing what they're doing with 4:15 it's possible it could return but aside from As Seen On Adult Swim seems there are no more permanent slots (of which were As Seen, Bloodfeast, and Pre-Flight up until MomoCon). i think it actually would be interesting to have it air at 8:30 pm Saturdays, at least for a couple weeks to see if it does well.
PokeNirvash Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 ... is Nick just running Spongebob for hours last into Sunday night?? Why?? What child is up at 3 in the morning!?? Did you not read what time the Spongebob airing was listed for on the Top 50 chart? [sigh] I worry about you sometimes, Elfie.
MasqueradeOverture Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 Oh fucking hell Jack... Though [AS] comedy pre-11:00 also bombed much harder than usual.
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