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Getting a doctor's appointment around here is such a hassle.

Dermatologist? One month wait, but now I have a conflict and the appointment was pushed out to October.

Podiatrist for injured ankle that won't heal? One month wait.

Medication management - it's taken months.

I tried finding a GP and the good ones are all booked.

WTF is going on...

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Kitten needs meds. Kitten hates meds. Kitten gets meds anyway.

Meds taste so horrible she immediately turns into Hooch from 'Turner & Hooch'.

I laugh my ass off at her because that's serious drool. 

She goes and wipes her drool loops off on the inside of my work shoes.

...well played, fuzzy little asshole. XP 

  • Haha 3
  On 8/20/2024 at 1:56 PM, Blackrose321 said:

Getting a doctor's appointment around here is such a hassle.

Dermatologist? One month wait, but now I have a conflict and the appointment was pushed out to October.

Podiatrist for injured ankle that won't heal? One month wait.

Medication management - it's taken months.

I tried finding a GP and the good ones are all booked.

WTF is going on...


wait. are you a vet?





The YouTube Music app is perfectly fine and functional app it does it it's supposed to do however there is one thing this app does that annoys and puzzles me at the same time. Most music apps I've used over the years has it whenever you select an artist their albums will pop up just the way I prefer. But YouTube music for some reason whenever you select an artist instead of their albums popping up all their songs would pop instead in alphabetical order. I like to listen albums in their entierty I don't random songs unless I'm listening to the radio. I have set the app search for albums which is a pain in the ass since I have shit ton of albums on my phone (which is why I barely have any storage space). I've tried to find another music that is a functional as YouTube music but I hate dealing with ads all over the place. And another thing that annoys and it's not exclusive to YouTube music it's when the word "The" is in the title and it's under "T" like The Doors for example in under "T" instead of "D" the correct way you alphabetize. I could've I was taught this in school whenever you alphabetize things and "The" is in the title you ignore the word "The". Why do most sites get this wrong? Things alphabetized under "T" become a clusterfuck when you do shit like that. My SNES  and NES Classic gets this right but other things can't? What the fuck, I know posted a thread about this years ago but it's one of my infuriating pet peeves. Goddamn it ya'll need to take an English class or something, then my grammer is the drizzling shits what the fuck am I talking about? :LithiumSmileyIndifferent:

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"Would you like to set up notifications? Yes? Maybe later? How about email digest? Oh, maybe later? Want to leave a review? Ah, remind you later, got it."


No. Fuck you, faceless tech services. I never want to do these things, and taking away my ability to say "no" is -- it's highly disturbing now that I'm putting it into words. I was pissed before, but now? Now I feel actively ill.

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Left the VCR unplugged for months instead of just getting a replacement. Tried it today thinking it would at least give me that grace period of playing for a few minutes before ripping apart the tape.

It ate it instantly as I put it in. What a fucking waste. 

  • Sad 2
Posted (edited)

Everything is conspiring against me today.

I stayed in bed a lot longer than I needed to this morning because of a massive headache. I finally made myself get up so I could take my dog out. We get out there and someone picks today of all days to install new shingles. The very loud hammering coupled with my dog’s nonstop barking……

I’m supposed to go get a much needed haircut in about 2 hours but all I wanna do is go the fuck back to bed.

EDIT: Somehow forgot to mention the worst part. I went to make myself some lunch a little while ago. Pulled it out of the microwave and added salt. Grabbed the pepper and lightly turned it over to add a little. The lid popped off. You can guess the rest….

Edited by The_annoying_one
  • Sad 1
  On 9/3/2024 at 4:50 PM, The_annoying_one said:

Everything is conspiring against me today.

I stayed in bed a lot longer than I needed to this morning because of a massive headache. I finally made myself get up so I could take my dog out. We get out there and someone picks today of all days to install new shingles. The very loud hammering coupled with my dog’s nonstop barking……

I’m supposed to go get a much needed haircut in about 2 hours but all I wanna do is go the fuck back to bed.

EDIT: Somehow forgot to mention the worst part. I went to make myself some lunch a little while ago. Pulled it out of the microwave and added salt. Grabbed the pepper and lightly turned it over to add a little. The lid popped off. You can guess the rest….


Some guy walked in saying "give me those COUNTERMEASURES!" all supervillain-like, huh?

  • Haha 2

My dumb Surface Pro does this thing where the screen starts to shake when the display has been on for a long time pretty sure it's not supposed to do this but i doubt i can really get it fixed anyway so i just give the screen a rest when it does it , still fuckin stupid

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A couple months ago they started do this contest at work where the cashier that signs up the most people for this new money saving program would win a $50.00 gift card, second place would win a $25.00 gift card and third place would a $10.00 gift card. I wasn't taking this shit seriously I only participated because I didn't want to anyone bugging me on why I wasn't trying to sign up any customers. To me it's just more bullshit that I'm being forced to learn. But then you got a bunch of people who are going out of their way to flex on people on how many people they people they signed up and just being really obnoxious about it. Then it turns out that I was sitting at first place, the one person who didn't give a fuck about winning some stupid ass contest was in the lead and people started getting into their feelings about it. Really, you fools are crying about a $50.00 gift card? And it got worse when the managers told me that I won. It was just nonstop pouting. So today rolls around and I was told that I didn't win after all the prize went to someone else and I came in second. So now I got a bunch of people pissed because somehow I didn't win and they rigged it and blah blah blah. Here's the thing, I already knew that they were not going to have me win first place because I'm not liked by a lot of people there. And truth be told I don't like the majority of those motherfuckers either so yeah give the $50.00 gift card to your boy who you're more cool with than me. I'm not going to lose sleep over this. I wasn't going to keep it for myself anyway. So here's what I'm going to do with this 25 dollar gift card that I never wanted in the first place. I'm going to give it away to a certain customer I've had my eye on for awhile and see what happens. This will be the closest I will come to actually tricking money off on a woman. 

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Have I ever mentioned that I hate fucking coffee junkies. Stfu, and moooooove, having a cup of boiling narcotics does not entitle you to hang out and chat with people working. I got gas to pay for...don't make me slap that shit outta your hand

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I don't give one flipping, flying fuck who supports Emily Armstrong joining Linkin Park—it's bullshit. Scientology is dangerous and should never be normalized, no matter how many braindead "fans" think it should be, because questioning it has suddenly become too inconvenient for them. It's a grifter's fever dream, shat out by a fiction writer while he floated around on a yacht, high on pills.

The fact that Chester Bennington's widow supports this doesn't lend any credibility to the decision. Danny Masterson still has buddies; is he a great guy now? Armstrong allegedly showed up at his trial, so I guess he must be!

In my opinion, Talinda's support of this bullshit, given Chester's mental health struggles, makes me wonder what was actually going on in their household. I would never, ever support someone whose beliefs were so thoroughly at odds with my husband's experiences, struggles, and needs. Never.

What could she, or anyone, possibly know about a cult member that would change the fact that they're in a cult?

No thank you—I'll hang onto my moral compass. It actually works, whether it's convenient or not.

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Dealing with the hopefully tail-end of the Con Crud that decided to piggyback back home with me.

Get out of work early, get home, take a really long nap with an actually behaving kitten, have some slightly melted ice cream just to get something down.

No warning, just solid pieces in my mouth. Back tooth with a 40-50 year-old filling in it just broke. Hole directly into my jawbone on a weekend. 

Also, the site where I was watching animes to help unwind for like almost a year now was apparently not all that legal and was killed last week. Bah.

  • Sad 4

I had to buy a new garbage can for my bathroom because the lid to my current one is warped. Only problem is, since I bought it online, I didn’t look at the size. My old one is 13 gallons. This one is 1 gallon. That’s not gonna work for me.

Also, it took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out how to work the camera on my laptop. Things suck today.

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I find myself feeling irrationally angry that social media is most commonly used to put people down and stifle communication. It's had an immeasurably negative impact on society that we'll probably never overcome.

Of course I knew this before today, it's just becoming harder to handle. I used to follow someone on Insta, mainly for the owner's animals. But today she decided to post a "clapback" video because she'd apparently received some feedback she didn't like on a different video. It was so uncomfortable to watch the toxic power of parasocial warfare in the hands of a brand new narcissist. The comments she was replying to weren't even that bad but she intentionally framed them as "coming for her"'.

My sister...it's called communication. People say/write things, you hear/read them, you consider them, you reply, and, in an ideal world, one or both of you learn something. Why must everything be some self-righteous, narcissistic fight to the death?

Watching this person turn their platform into the same bullshit that's already out there was too much. I unfollowed her and then just decided to delete the app altogether, I'm just so fed up with "influencers" and everything to do with them.

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Posted (edited)

An old man tries to hit on a young woman and she clearly wasn't interested. He tries again and gets shot down. His response was complaining about the younger generation. The problem is not the younger generation of women the problem is you behaving like a creepy old pervert who doesn't know how to take no for an answer. She was just there to pay her bills for fuck sake.

Edited by Dusty Shackleford
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Very rarely do I even need to say “yes, ma’am” or “thank you” out in public anymore. 

This decade’s all about taking core values you were taught in life and throwing that useless shit straight out the window. Sharing air with these fucking idiots on the road is already a dire inconvenience.

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I decided earlier tonight to look up a free algebra test on Google just to see how I did.

It might as well have been in a completely made-up language. I couldn’t get myself to understand any of it. I don’t feel too good about myself right now. :(

  • Sad 2

Summer weather needs to fucking go away. It's been 80 and above most of the days this month. I need fall weather, I need colder weather because it just seems that all the weirdos want to be out and about in public during summer. So I need this fucking weather to change asap and keep the idiots at home. 

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I'm tired of this bullshit from WoW. My Internet bill keeps going up, service keeps going out randomly even after the technician supposedly fixed everything. Come next year I will changing providers.

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I sorted a postcard today and then found out that one of the managers told the client we would reprint it so we had to call the driver to tell them not to drop the job off.


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Yesterday I had an issue with a co-worker. I had to planned address this incident privately with my boss but some reason another worker even though he was present when everything went down decided to take it upon himself to my boss about what happened. I'm sorry but I don't think it was his place to say anything seeing the issue was between me and another person. And he was saying this while there other people around. Despite the fact that bitch pissed me off yesterday I wasn't going to publicly put her on blast even though she did it to me I just wanted to privately nip this bullshit in the bud and keep it pushing but this dumbass and his big mouth probably made things worse. And honestly this bringing up that age old question on who gossips more men or women. Well this dude is going hard in the paint to prove the men are the biggest chatty Kathies :LithiumSmileyIndifferent:

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I've said it before and I'll say it again work. 

No one gives a shit about your platitudes or your speeches or your little social bonding.  Four words: FUCK YOU PAY ME.  If you have more excuses why no one is getting a raise, shut the fuck up and leave me alone.  

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They were supposed to start rebuilding the balconies on this building back in Aug. I was all excited because honestly I was hoping that they'd be deep into it before Labor Day so the noise would potentially be the worst right before I left for the long weekend and wouldn't have to deal with it directly [ I'd just deal with a flipped off kitten which I had to deal with anyway because I was gone ]. I even pulled the bird feeder so I wouldn't have to worry about that.

Nope. Nothing.

They just rolled up on the lawn right outside my window and unhitched a huge trailer for me to stare at. I guess I'll be staring and listening to that for the next month instead of enjoying the occasional cooling breeze through an open window. :| 

  • Sad 1
Posted (edited)

I can't wait for this election cycle to end. Mostly because of my hatred for political ads. It doesn't matter which party political ads give me the runs. I'm just trying to watch cartoons I don't want to hear about how much of a scumbag the other candidate is when your candidate is a scumbag too.

Edited by Dusty Shackleford
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