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what were you doing 5 years ago during this time

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i was wasting my teenage years away on an almost dead message board dedicated to a late night programming block in it's last few years of having quality shows.  :|

i was also playing dota nonstop 12+ hours a day but that's a little more pathetic i think.


Exactly 5 years ago I had recently moved out of a shitty 4 bedroom apartment and moving back in with my parents for the first time since starting college a few years before that.


I was working part time, having a fling w my manager, and smoking a lot of weed in my high school bedroom and playing old video games.


working. this was my last month in my apartment so i probably was missing my 3 year old like crazy. hating my job and everybody that worked there. hooking up with my many sex partners. having fap marathons all weekend on my days off.

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