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Hi!  Welcome!


feel free to roam.


you can check out the forum guidelines here:



If you are a new user:

you should be able to post around (in this folder and Free For All at the very least), it may take a bit to get to your section pass permissions, which I have to set manually.  I usually get that done as soon as I see a new user show up on the list, and check the member list daily.  So it shouldn't be too long (within 24 hours) that we set that up.  You can also PM "Admin", or post in this folder to speed up that process if you want.



we just moved, so if you're not new to the forum in general, feel free to continue, recreate, reference and link threads from the old board:



also if the server crashes, feel free to create an account on the backup board. 



The "Rain Gazebo" folder is always open for posting if/when this board goes down.  If for whatever reason the server should crash for an extended period, I will open that board up for posting.  If it's just a few hours/temporary thing, it'll just be the Rain Gazebo.


  • Like 2

So wait, I don't get it.  I thought you said you were creating a clone of the Uneven Edge forums, making it sound like everything would be transferred and we'd simply be on a new user interface/url/forum software.  But this is a completely new forum, and we have to re-register, remake all the threads, basically start from scratch all over again after the ASMB already got nuked? 


Besides being a bit annoying in general, it's bad enough ASMB got shut down with no warning - there's probably plenty of people who didn't know about the dev boards or other channels they could use to find out about Uneven Edge; by doing this forum move you're creating yet another barrier that could end up with us losing even more people.  So, I don't really get the rationale here, and the timing is especially poor, with many of us just getting to the old Uneven Edge from the ASMB.  Yes, it can be argued that we just barely got on the other forum, so it's no big deal to just start right over again right away, but it's still a bit of a pain.  And as I said, somebody not in the know would have to either be given the heads up through off-boards contacts, Reddit, etc., know of the dev boards or whatever else, get the link for the old boards, then get the link for this one.  That's going to be rough for some people and a good number that managed to find their way to the old Uneven Edge may not make their way here.


I also notice that you can still reply on the old forum.  At least I think you can.  You say we can link to old threads, the idea being to continue them without re-copying over all our posts, presumably.  But if that board is eventually shut down and/or deleted, what purpose is there in linking back to it?  So yeah, I don't really get what's going on with that or this whole situation in general, and I don't want us to lose anymore users.


Edit - People are still posting on the other board.  So... yeah.


nope.  was very very clear in numerous threads what the move was and how it was gonna go down.


nobody's posting on the other board.


hopefully people will come along.  If they don't, they don't.


we pretty much had to move though.


the longer we stayed on the Proboard, the more data we would lose. 


As posted in many threads over there, but will repeat it:


1.  Proboards monitors your board content and sends wildly random threats that they will shut down your forum unless you delete a certain post (based on a bizarrely random aesthetic that I still haven't quite figured out).


2.  Proboards won't allow data porting from Proboards.  So, the more we post, the more we lose.  The longer we waited, the more data we'd have to leave behind.


3.  Along those same lines, the sooner we got this place up, the more of the board's content would be completely ours to do with as we please, including fully migrating to other software should the need arise.  We're not allowed to migrate the Proboards posts, they won't allow it.  This board data we can do whatever we want with.  So if we ever, for some reason, do this again, the next time we actually will be able to physically migrate/port over SNs, threads, posts, ranks, etc. 


4.  the Proboards forum is fully linked.  Nobody can post there, but all (including guests) should be able to view it.  Users can even still log into it to look at their old PMs and such.




Not sure what numerous threads you were talking about, but you said the board was being "cloned", which sounds like a transfer to me.


People were posting there as recently as 3 hours ago.


May not be to down to choice but just difficulty, being unable to find their way here.  Like I said, they'd have a tough enough time getting to the first Uneven Edge.  Doing a move right now is more system shock and another barrier to getting as many castaways on board as possible.


1.  What, really?  Thought they were a rather mainstream and widely used forum service.  Seems odd that they would do that.  Seems a bit ridiculous to threaten to shut down boards over single posts.


2. Then why the "clone" phrasing?  I would've waited to make threads if I knew I'd just have to start over right away again.  Didn't think the move would be this soon, either.  You should've done this move before the ASMB got shut down, then.  So it would be just a single move for people.


3. Well, that sucks.  But, at least things are "safe" now, unless something happens to the server the where the forums are being hosted.  Seems kind of risky to keep the forums on someone's personal server.  What if their house burns down and the server is destroyed?  What if they can no longer afford to pay for the server?  What if their power goes out?  Etc etc.  But, at least we'll be able to actually transfer over with future migrations, should they be necessary, so that's good.


4. So what you're saying is they should stay archived.  Nobody can post anything that sticks in Proboard's craw, so they can't shut down the forum because of people posting stuff they don't like.  Of course, it's just a few months, or in the case of some of us, a few days worth of posts that are being saved, but still.  That's good, but I think I'm still going to copy over my Pre-Flight posts.  Had them saved in documents to post on the ASMB which got immolated, and now they're finally up, but on a defunct forum.  Probably no reason to copy over show discussion posts since not many aside from myself go back and read old show discussions.  Also makes me wonder if all our old ASMB posts will be lost forever now... *sigh*


One time they threatened to shut down the boards just because someone posted a picture of a man innocently eating a watermelon. (At least, that's what I'd heard.)


I mean, I'd kinda understand it if the guy eating the melon was black, but that's just very random, insane, and dictatorial regardless.


EDIT: Sweetness, I can finally edit my posts again!  ;D


it was a white guy.


eating a watermelon.


but even if content weren't an issue, we needed to get into a space where we would actually be able to have the data too.  That was actually even probably the larger point.  Well - I suppose the notion of having your forum randomly deleted over some dumb post is a pretty big issue.  But - just in general - being able to make sure the data survives and can travel if needed was actually the larger issue I think.


Maybe they just weren't paying attention and flagged the wrong post.


Actually that wouldn't surprise me given that one time I thought I was quoting one post and it quoted the post under it. Maybe their own board layout confused them.


Was he like eating it sexually or something?


LOL porn and they don't care.  Maybe Cille is right they tagged the wrong post. :D


Well yeah having control over the data is a big deal, as is not having the boards deleted over stupidity.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe."


- Frank Zappa



This one is going to take a little getting used to. I know you had to move and why so I'm not complaining or anything just stating that I transitioned from ASMB to the other one no problem and this is taking more time.


So can we still be banned for posting scantly clad - of questionable aged animu girls? Is there even a banned feature on this new forum?


no you can't really get banned for that unless you spam it to the point where it feels like an attempt to interfere w/board.


but to save some mods some trouble, we prefer pics that you think might arouse ire to be posted inside a spoiler box w/ a small content warning.  Like "content warning" or "explicit content" or something.  That way people can't stumble upon them randomly, and they have to actively click through the content warning to view it, so - you know, if they do that - then it's kinda on them.


That's the basic content moderation guideline.  Is if we get a complaint, mod goes and puts the objectionable content in a spoiler box with a content warning.  If you do that as you post it, then so much the better.


but - it should also be topical.  I mean - if it looks like random spam or something, I suppose we might shut that down.




no you can't really get banned for that unless you spam it to the point where it feels like an attempt to interfere w/board.


but to save some mods some trouble, we prefer pics that you think might arouse ire to be posted inside a spoiler box w/ a small content warning.  Like "content warning" or "explicit content" or something.  That way people can't stumble upon them randomly, and they have to actively click through the content warning to view it, so - you know, if they do that - then it's kinda on them.


That's the basic content moderation guideline.  Is if we get a complaint, mod goes and puts the objectionable content in a spoiler box with a content warning.  If you do that as you post it, then so much the better.


but - it should also be topical.  I mean - if it looks like random spam or something, I suppose we might shut that down.



;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


I'm a little confused about the rules of the Haters/Complainers thread. The OP said to post if you want to rant about something but not discuss it. Does that mean we're not really allowed to discuss things in the thread? There are posts in there I'd like to reply to, and more posts will probably pop up in the future that I would want to reply to. And I made a post in there I would like people to reply to. I posted my post in the thread because it was just a short little rant not backed up with works cited and a thesis statement like was expected for threads in old school Rants. I read through the thread for guidance, but no one is replying to anyone else's posts, so.... just wondering.


I think most people treat that thread as a punching bag and don't want or expect discussion.  In previous incarnations people would comment on posts or reply to say they agree while posting their own hate, but not really to have a discussion.


I had trouble registering on the previous boards anyway. It wouldn't load after I filled everything out.


Not the case here. Feels good to be with familiar company. With my crazy work schedule, things were getting a little lonely.

  • 3 weeks later...

So this is where we introduce ourselves, huh?


I was known as ALchemist81 back on the old [as] boards (I guess you would say I'm known as that now on the dev boards.), where I joined in 2008 mostly to bitch about weeknight anime going away. But in 2012, I was rewarded for my contributions by becoming a HELPeR, and specialized in editing banner content for several Toonami shows. Of course, my role diminished earlier this year when banners went away along with the old boards.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Bring back babbling and dumpster fires. DF was an excellent idea and people were using it and babbling threads going into rants and editorials is not good. Some folders yeah cool combine them but why combine folders that were actually being used by people other than the Admin?

Please and thank you.


I agree that DF was a cool idea. 


But I have to try to be objective when measuring the actual success or failure of my own ideas too.


and I'm not saying it's a total failure, or that it's gone for good, but - there was a marked difference in general board atmosphere before and after.


So in order to see if that has to do with Dumpster Fires, or whether Dumpster Fires helps or hurts, I actually need to shut it off for a bit and gauge how things go without it.


Basically there are many advantages to having it, there are also some issues with it.  So - the only way to actually figure out what's what is to try it and see.


I need to have it off for a significant enough period that I can gauge the effect of it in both directions.


so it'll be off for awhile.  Might come back.  Depends on how things look with and without it.


I agree that DF was a cool idea. 


But I have to try to be objective when measuring the actual success or failure of my own ideas too.


and I'm not saying it's a total failure, or that it's gone for good, but - there was a marked difference in general board atmosphere before and after.


So in order to see if that has to do with Dumpster Fires, or whether Dumpster Fires helps or hurts, I actually need to shut it off for a bit and gauge how things go without it.


Basically there are many advantages to having it, there are also some issues with it.  So - the only way to actually figure out what's what is to try it and see.


I need to have it off for a significant enough period that I can gauge the effect of it in both directions.


so it'll be off for awhile.  Might come back.  Depends on how things look with and without it.

Aww man. Ok. I just really liked the idea of moving less than friendly or appropriate threads to its own country and then letting us decide if we want to still post in said thread or not.  I also liked babbling which seems to have been absorbed by rants and editorials. Now I'm just gonna write fake editorials about stuff that may or may not exist  :D


Bring back babbling and dumpster fires. DF was an excellent idea and people were using it and babbling threads going into rants and editorials is not good. Some folders yeah cool combine them but why combine folders that were actually being used by people other than the Admin?

Please and thank you.


Executive decision by a 12 year old with a god complex and Luuv had to comply lest he'd have to take an objective stance on his staffing choices.  They didn't need to punish all of you, but they did.


Executive decision by a 12 year old with a god complex and Luuv had to comply lest he'd have to take an objective stance on his staffing choices.  They didn't need to punish all of you, but they did.

Didn't they kind of punish themselves?  All this accomplished was forcing babblers to post in FFA, sure babbling was combined with rants but you know how we do, we'll post in the wrong folder just to annoy the staff S:


Didn't they kind of punish themselves?  All this accomplished was forcing babblers to post in FFA, sure babbling was combined with rants but you know how we do, we'll post in the wrong folder just to annoy the staff S:


it was actually due to all the complaints we got so there had to be a drawing line sooner or later

however from what I'm hearing its a temp unless it was changed


it was actually due to all the complaints we got so there had to be a drawing line sooner or later

however from what I'm hearing its a temp unless it was changed

What complaints?


What complaints?


there were alot however I have no say so as a volunteer

so I'm not sure what they were however the damage is done


I did try and stick up for you guys


basically users complaining via reports and PMs and volunteers complaining about not necessarily being able to process those complaints effectively.


Though - I wouldn't say overall the volume was enormous or anything.  It was a factor in a larger equation.


The driving factor for me I think had more to do with the general vibe of the board before Vs after Bab/DF.


That and how much of my time is taken up with board BS vs being able to have fun.


The vibe seems to have been driven down fairly continually since Bab/DF, and definitely I waste more of my time on board BS than I had to before Bab/DF.


This is the time I have to feel things out, test things out, and try to keep what works and ditch what don't.


it's not always 100% clear what is and isn't working.  So you gotta try different stuff.


I suspect, given what data I can muster, that Babbling and Dumpster Fires seem to be a drain on my time/energy as well as a bit of a drag on the community.  I think that's probably true, but the only way to find out for sure is to try it both ways.






basically users complaining via reports and PMs and volunteers complaining about not necessarily being able to process those complaints effectively.


Though - I wouldn't say overall the volume was enormous or anything.  It was a factor in a larger equation.


The driving factor for me I think had more to do with the general vibe of the board before Vs after Bab/DF.


That and how much of my time is taken up with board BS vs being able to have fun.


The vibe seems to have been driven down fairly continually since Bab/DF, and definitely I waste more of my time on board BS than I had to before Bab/DF.


This is the time I have to feel things out, test things out, and try to keep what works and ditch what don't.


it's not always 100% clear what is and isn't working.  So you gotta try different stuff.


I suspect, given what data I can muster, that Babbling and Dumpster Fires seem to be a drain on my time/energy as well as a bit of a drag on the community.  I think that's probably true, but the only way to find out for sure is to try it both ways.

A drain on the community?  Like emotionally?  Please don't tell me you mean emotionally, especially since in the end days of the [asmb] one of your worker bees would go there act like

a jerk and beg people to post here instead. S:


Is there a way you can make DF or babs invisible to all but those who wanted to post there?  Some type of joiny process?  Like click here if you wanna play in this folder or that, I'm just askin' since to some people there mere ability to see a babbling and DF folder was so offensive that they had to complain about it even though they didn't have to go there if they didn't want to.


A drain on the community?  Like emotionally?  Please don't tell me you mean emotionally, especially since in the end days of the [asmb] one of your worker bees would go there act like

a jerk and beg people to post here instead. S:


Is there a way you can make DF or babs invisible to all but those who wanted to post there?  Some type of joiny process?  Like click here if you wanna play in this folder or that, I'm just askin' since to some people there mere ability to see a babbling and DF folder was so offensive that they had to complain about it even though they didn't have to go there if they didn't want to.


well I think there is a way to do that

however the method it is handle is up to the admin


as far as "my workerbee" I've had some issues off and on there.  The same bee was stirring up trouble with users from that board, then turned around and started begging them to come to this board.  now said bee is buzzing an entirely different tune.  but also said bee has been very helpful and energetic and put some time into helping the place get up and going.


so I'm grateful to this bee.  But also I see the trouble this bee sometimes gets into and don't necessarily approve of everything this bee does.


but - I try to listen to everybody.  But make no mistake, this decision isn't based on any individual volunteer or user's point of view.  It's based on a lot of factors, coming together such that they make me go "hm maybe I should try it this way".




another thought I had was just moving DF to the very bottom of the forum.  Which would be possibly even better than invising it, people could still see it, but they'd have to scroll way down to the bottom.



but also I really want to see if there's a difference without it.  because - before we had it, things were going fantastically.  since we adopted it, things have been going somewhat shittier with more moderation and complaints and such to deal with. 



I want to try it off for a bit.


but - also be aware, I'm kind of still in love with the idea (of Dumpster Fires folder) so - I already kind of want it back. 


but I think more importantly, I really need to know if the place runs smoother without it or not.



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