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We're all getting old.  I just turned 30 in July.  That use to seem so far away. 

People born in '98 can buy cigarettes now.


Happy birthday, btw.


im old as fuck  ::D::....although I sleep well at night knowing my brother turns 35 this year

Shut up, whippersnapper. I have socks that turn 35 this year.

Happy Birthday

Guest VegetaFajita

im old as fuck  ::D::....although I sleep well at night knowing my brother turns 35 this year

Here's a Fajita on me! tumblr_inline_n3uldrN4ih1qf08gp.jpg

i would wear the fuck out of those...

That's why I posted them, I thought you'd like them :catsmile


I too would wear the fuck outta those shoes, they're awesome. :catgrin


That's why I posted them, I thought you'd like them :catsmile


I too would wear the fuck outta those shoes, they're awesome. :catgrin


im gonna spend the rest of the day on Amazon now...

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