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Has anyone else seen katt_goddess's facial scars?

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:D can't believe everyone bought this

I've never seen katt_goddess[/member]  face and neither have any of you!

I made it up

But you all bought it and thought I was jerk for taking about something that isn't even true :D


:D can't believe everyone bought this

I've never seen katt_goddess[/member]  face and neither have any of you!

I made it up

But you all bought it and thought I was jerk for taking about something that isn't even true :D

bullshit, i have. i had a picture of her in an officer jenny outfit from tinychat years ago


bullshit, i have. i had a picture of her in an officer jenny outfit from tinychat years ago


katt_goddess[/member] can you confirm?


EDIT: Now that I think about it, I think I've seen her face too.  >:D She was wearing a dethklok related outfit in the one I saw.


katt_goddess[/member] can you confirm?


EDIT: Now that I think about it, I think I've seen her face too.  >:D She was wearing a dethklok related outfit in the one I saw.

i used to have a screenshot too, but she asked me to delete it and i did. she can confirm


katt_goddess[/member] can you confirm?


EDIT: Now that I think about it, I think I've seen her face too.  >:D She was wearing a dethklok related outfit in the one I saw.

But on boards she always covers her face also on tiny chat

Am in the only person that hasn't seen her face?


I haven't seen her face, and I'm fine with that. It is about respecting people's privacy.




Besides, the idea of her being a fluffy kitten with an ICP mask is amusing. :P


I haven't seen her face, and I'm fine with that. It is about respecting people's privacy.




Besides, the idea of her being a fluffy kitten with an ICP mask is amusing. :P

I wasn't disrespecting anyone's privacy I was lying big difference


katt_goddess[/member] can you confirm?


EDIT: Now that I think about it, I think I've seen her face too.  >:D She was wearing a dethklok related outfit in the one I saw.


Unfortunately, confirmed. I was doing a test run on the officer outfit [google 'Officer Anita Bribe' ] to make sure my boobage wouldn't escape or my butt hang out while at the Con and nothing is more horrifying [to others] than randomly camming while testing things out just for the reactions. Dude had a hair trigger screen grab finger that night and just managed to catch me in that two second of camera. O.o He did delete it though so it's all good.


The dethklok outfit pic was my losing a bet with rampager about something. I got even with him later by showing a close-up of the pin holding my jaw together - I think he had to leave the room to go puke so points for me. :D


[adult swim] streams has a pic somewhere of me as Catwoman torturing sushi. That's going to come back to haunt me some day.


Wtf happened to katt?


This thread is better than the time I made a thread about being made a Mod. On April first.

And the thread I made about getting engaged. On April first. :D


I have a tiny piece of flesh missing from the side of my nose that no one would notice except me because I'm the one that had to cut it off. Most of my general facial scars picked up over the years heal up really quickly and don't tend to leave any signs. The jaw surgeries and cheek replastering were done from the inside of my mouth which left no noticeable scars but an almost chronic case of chipmunk cheek. I've just never liked having my pic taken and when I do, I usually find a means to hide most of myself. I think this thread is regarding the pic I decided to toss up in that floated thread of pics showing off the latest idiotic attempt to dye the troll nest on my head but with a mask on. :D


This thread is better than the time I made a thread about being made a Mod. On April first.

And the thread I made about getting engaged. On April first. :D


I have a tiny piece of flesh missing from the side of my nose that no one would notice except me because I'm the one that had to cut it off. Most of my general facial scars picked up over the years heal up really quickly and don't tend to leave any signs. The jaw surgeries and cheek replastering were done from the inside of my mouth which left no noticeable scars but an almost chronic case of chipmunk cheek. I've just never liked having my pic taken and when I do, I usually find a means to hide most of myself. I think this thread is regarding the pic I decided to toss up in that floated thread of pics showing off the latest idiotic attempt to dye the troll nest on my head but with a mask on. :D


I'd still hit it.


This thread is better than the time I made a thread about being made a Mod. On April first.

And the thread I made about getting engaged. On April first. :D


I have a tiny piece of flesh missing from the side of my nose that no one would notice except me because I'm the one that had to cut it off. Most of my general facial scars picked up over the years heal up really quickly and don't tend to leave any signs. The jaw surgeries and cheek replastering were done from the inside of my mouth which left no noticeable scars but an almost chronic case of chipmunk cheek. I've just never liked having my pic taken and when I do, I usually find a means to hide most of myself. I think this thread is regarding the pic I decided to toss up in that floated thread of pics showing off the latest idiotic attempt to dye the troll nest on my head but with a mask on. :D




Unfortunately, confirmed. I was doing a test run on the officer outfit [google 'Officer Anita Bribe' ] to make sure my boobage wouldn't escape or my butt hang out while at the Con and nothing is more horrifying [to others] than randomly camming while testing things out just for the reactions. Dude had a hair trigger screen grab finger that night and just managed to catch me in that two second of camera. O.o He did delete it though so it's all good.


The dethklok outfit pic was my losing a bet with rampager about something. I got even with him later by showing a close-up of the pin holding my jaw together - I think he had to leave the room to go puke so points for me. :D


[adult swim] streams has a pic somewhere of me as Catwoman torturing sushi. That's going to come back to haunt me some day.


Man, naraku got an eye-full of cleavage too? Lucky guy.


As for the catwoman pic, I'm assuming you were wearing a mask (which is requisite for a catwoman costume) so I fail to see the problem there.




Wut? You wanted real scars? Most of my lasting type scars are body level and easily kept under wraps or disappear under most lighting because they are at the white stage and I glow in the dark. :D


I did have a scar for the longest time where I was stabbed in the chest with a metal garden spike. I'm not showing anyone where though. I will say I could stick my pinkie finger in it.



As for the catwoman pic, I'm assuming you were wearing a mask (which is requisite for a catwoman costume) so I fail to see the problem there.


Nope. Catwoman comic-style. Goggles up, dude.


Man, naraku got an eye-full of cleavage too? Lucky guy.


As for the catwoman pic, I'm assuming you were wearing a mask (which is requisite for a catwoman costume) so I fail to see the problem there.

AND NONE OF YOU WILL EVER SEE IT. because I deleted the pic. I only really got it to tease her and never showed it to anyone except her in the time I did have it.


AND NONE OF YOU WILL EVER SEE IT. because I deleted the pic. I only really got it to tease her and never showed it to anyone except her in the time I did have it.


The costume I'm trying to work on right now has the infamous Power Girl's boob window.


I will still disappear into a sea of weird nerd people without leaving so much as a ripple. :D


who stabbed you in the boob w/a garden spike?


Within my first year in retail when I was still a cashier, crazy customer just too damn excited about nothing and not paying attention spiked me right in the chest. Broke my name tag too. Customer didn't care.




I was being silly. I figured you had fallen on it or something. Wow.


Nope, actual story! Woot! :D :D :D


Although I'm pretty sure if I had just fallen on something, my air bags would have failed more.  : o


i have a scar under my left eye starting from the bridge of my nose to about half way across the length of my eye. It was a dog bite to my face, almost lost my eye...but the force of the bite shattered my eye socket...so I had to have plastic surgery to fix it...so I have this plate in my eye socket that you can kinda feel under the skin of my lower lid


This thread is better than the time I made a thread about being made a Mod. On April first.

And the thread I made about getting engaged. On April first. :D


I have a tiny piece of flesh missing from the side of my nose that no one would notice except me because I'm the one that had to cut it off. Most of my general facial scars picked up over the years heal up really quickly and don't tend to leave any signs. The jaw surgeries and cheek replastering were done from the inside of my mouth which left no noticeable scars but an almost chronic case of chipmunk cheek. I've just never liked having my pic taken and when I do, I usually find a means to hide most of myself. I think this thread is regarding the pic I decided to toss up in that floated thread of pics showing off the latest idiotic attempt to dye the troll nest on my head but with a mask on. :D

Wait what happened?


Wait what happened?


? The nose or the jaw surgeries?


The nose was a small infection, probably staph, from some imported make-up that was being used for effects. I ended up tearing most of the skin off the area in order to make sure all the infected portions were excised. So there's a slight dent there.


The jaw stuff was from a tumor that spread to the hinges. Two separate dealings - they had to crack open the hinges of my jaw on one side to get everything there, wait until that healed and then crack open the other side to do the same thing there. The pin in my jaw is where the main garbage had to be removed. They thought they got everything but about a year later my x-rays showed spots again and they dug out a venom sac in my cheekbone and filled the space back up with medicated plaster. No facial scars, just puffy cheeks.


Wut? You wanted real scars? Most of my lasting type scars are body level and easily kept under wraps or disappear under most lighting because they are at the white stage and I glow in the dark. :D


I did have a scar for the longest time where I was stabbed in the chest with a metal garden spike. I'm not showing anyone where though. I will say I could stick my pinkie finger in it.


No! You make me sad because you talk about yourself like that.  :(


? The nose or the jaw surgeries?


The nose was a small infection, probably staph, from some imported make-up that was being used for effects. I ended up tearing most of the skin off the area in order to make sure all the infected portions were excised. So there's a slight dent there.


The jaw stuff was from a tumor that spread to the hinges. Two separate dealings - they had to crack open the hinges of my jaw on one side to get everything there, wait until that healed and then crack open the other side to do the same thing there. The pin in my jaw is where the main garbage had to be removed. They thought they got everything but about a year later my x-rays showed spots again and they dug out a venom sac in my cheekbone and filled the space back up with medicated plaster. No facial scars, just puffy cheeks.

Yeah but didn't scar you though right?  So I was still lying

Also every time you post a picture you cover your face in a creative way

So it made my lie seem plausible

Even though we don't really talk anywhere else but here


I got shot in the stomach and had to get a chunk of my belly removed that looks like a botched C-section.  I miss having a belly button  ::]::

should i ask how you got shot or is it a whole lot of none of my business


should i ask how you got shot or is it a whole lot of none of my business


My friend was shooing a 12ga and some of the pellets ricocheted into my leg groin and gut. I thought I removed them but I must not have removed all of them, since years later (12 years later) I went to get an MRI because my doctor thought I had a hernia. Turned out I still had some pellets in me and they jacked up my ab muscles from the MRI (having bullets in your body for 12 years probably wasn't good either). So now I had to get 4 hernias fixed and they had to cut out the damaged tissue giving me a tummy tuck and losing my belly button. I had 3 hernias in my abs and 1 in my groin. The largest Hernia was close to 7 inches which went from pretty much my abs to my groin, the smallest one was only a half inch in my groin. 




My body crapped out on me at DragonCon last year, but I will find you this time, Katt.  :L


As for scars, I've got a thyroid surgery scar across my throat. I looked like the chainsaw chick from Black Lagoon when it was first done, but it luckily faded to a very thin line that's hard for even me to see now.


My friend was shooing a 12ga and some of the pellets ricocheted into my leg


The same thing happened to me, my buddy's shot a trashcan about 10 feet away without warning anyone.


I got 3 pellets in my leg


The same thing happened to me, my buddy's shot a trashcan about 10 feet away without warning anyone.


I got 3 pellets in my leg

Missed the raccoon completely


I got shot in the stomach and had to get a chunk of my belly removed that looks like a botched C-section.  I miss having a belly button  ::]::


Actually that's pretty badass.


You can now mess with so many people just by showing off your belly.  You could draw one on. You could put a sticker near the area [just off center enough that really anal retentive people would notice it and then try not to stare :D ] . Googlie eyes could be a whole new adventure. :D


You could troll a Steven Universe cosplay. Just stick a big jewel sticker where the belly button should be and at some point complain that no one there knows anything about being an actual gem BECAUSE THEY ALL HAVE STUPID BELLY BUTTONS! [then rip the sticker off and huff some :D :D :D ]


My body crapped out on me at DragonCon last year, but I will find you this time, Katt.  :L


As for scars, I've got a thyroid surgery scar across my throat. I looked like the chainsaw chick from Black Lagoon when it was first done, but it luckily faded to a very thin line that's hard for even me to see now.


Threats!  whut I'm usually hiding at the People's Republic of Venture booth which has been in the Hyatt the last few years. I haven't heard anything from anyone that it's any different so far this year. Not always there but it's easier to try catching me there than anywhere else in Midtown since I'm like a gimpy ninja. My system tends to flatline at some point in the Con too but I'm a stubborn asshat.


Thyroid scars are absolutely horrifying when they are fresh and healing. O.o I've lost count how many people I know that have had to undergo that. Great for a quick cheap Halloween costume, only slightly great for day-to-day scaring. :D


Threats!  whut I'm usually hiding at the People's Republic of Venture booth which has been in the Hyatt the last few years. I haven't heard anything from anyone that it's any different so far this year. Not always there but it's easier to try catching me there than anywhere else in Midtown since I'm like a gimpy ninja. My system tends to flatline at some point in the Con too but I'm a stubborn asshat.


Thyroid scars are absolutely horrifying when they are fresh and healing. O.o I've lost count how many people I know that have had to undergo that. Great for a quick cheap Halloween costume, only slightly great for day-to-day scaring. :D


Does DRD still go to those events? We met up at the Atlanta Supercon in 2008. Nice lady. Gave me lots of Venture Bros. goodies in the mail, too.


Yeah but didn't scar you though right?  So I was still lying

Also every time you post a picture you cover your face in a creative way

So it made my lie seem plausible

Even though we don't really talk anywhere else but here


Not on the face all that much.


Then again, it is the internet. I could be Phantom of the Opera level fugly too. Dun Dun DUNNN!  :o



Does DRD still go to those events? We met up at the Atlanta Supercon in 2008. Nice lady. Gave me lots of Venture Bros. goodies in the mail, too.


She's one of the two main ones at the booth actually. Still supplying quality swag to the Venture fan community. :)

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