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Sudden cardiac arrest is a side effect of my meds. Cant have my family finding my hentai, tranny, and gay porn dvds.


My brother suddenly died when i was 20 and guess who found his porn stash  ::D::


One day I will be a mom and I will not raise cowards.


Im sure youll be a great mom and even watch porn with your kids. Or make porn with them. Be really brave. Enjoy that cps visit.


Im sure youll be a great mom and even watch porn with your kids. Or make porn with them. Be really brave. Enjoy that cps visit.





Over here:


Discussing ways that expressing desire can be healthy. Porn is largely problematic

so remember the difference between reality and the weird norms depicted on the screen

and so on etc..



Over here:


I get a kick from traumatizing my future children.





Over here:


Discussing ways that expressing desire can be healthy. Porn is largely problematic

so remember the difference between reality and the weird norms depicted on the screen

and so on etc..



Over here:


I get a kick from traumatizing my future children.


are you drunk?


are you drunk?


No, just aware and prepared to one day let my kids know that sexual expression isn't inherently bad,

so if they have kinks, they shouldn't be forced to feel shameful?


No, just aware and prepared to one day let my kids know that sexual expression isn't inherently bad,

so if they have kinks, they shouldn't be forced to feel shameful?


So you are cool with watching your mom's porn? or knowing she has it?


thankfully i'll never reproduce so i won't have that problem. plus all the porn i watch is digital, who the fuck still has hard copies of porn



these dvds are almost like 20 years old and mixed up with my old junk and old cds.


So you are cool with watching your mom's porn? or knowing she has it?


Absolutely. At least with the second part.


The first part, well I probably wouldn't watch it, unless it was really my jam.

But I doubt the weird shit I'm into is anything she's ever heard of,

considering she once texted me to ask me "What's tentacle porn?"

She can't be anything but tame in what she likes.


Absolutely. At least with the second part.


The first part, well I probably wouldn't watch it, unless it was really my jam.

But I doubt the weird shit I'm into is anything she's ever heard of,

considering she once texted me to ask me "What's tentacle porn?"

She can't be anything but tame in what she likes.


Oh so you dont know EXACTLY what porn your mom watches? Guess she raised a coward.


Oh so you dont know EXACTLY what porn your mom watches? Guess she raised a coward.


Are we talking about our kids intentionally looking for this kind of thing,

or stumbling upon it while cleaning out our houses after we die?


Because I think that distinction has remained unclear throughout this entire exchange.


Are we talking about our kids intentionally looking for this kind of thing,

or stumbling upon it while cleaning out our houses after we die?


Because I think that distinction has remained unclear throughout this entire exchange.






"Sudden cardiac arrest is a side effect of my meds. Cant have my family finding my hentai, tranny, and gay porn dvds.


My brother suddenly died when i was 20 and guess who found his porn stash  ::D::"



So you went searching with rigorous intent for your brother's porn when he died?


There's nothing in your original post that suggests a hypothetical intention to hunt down evidence of the type of porn you watch,

so this reaction post feels pretty unearned.




"Sudden cardiac arrest is a side effect of my meds. Cant have my family finding my hentai, tranny, and gay porn dvds.


My brother suddenly died when i was 20 and guess who found his porn stash  ::D::"



So you went searching with rigorous intent for your brother's porn when he died?


There's nothing in your original post that suggests a hypothetical intention to hunt down evidence of the type of porn you watch,

so this reaction post feels pretty unearned.


dude. learn the meaning of words. finding something doesnt always mean you were searching for it when you found it. :-/


dude. learn the meaning of words. finding something doesnt always mean you were searching for it when you found it. :-/


But you really were.


dude. learn the meaning of words. finding something doesnt always mean you were searching for it when you found it. :-/


I mean, this argument is already absurd, but...

you accused me of being a coward, simply for not knowing what (if any) porn my mom watches,

which doesn't make much sense, considering there is still the possibility I may one day find it.


My assertion is this: if I find it, more power to her.


I mean, this argument is already absurd, but...

you accused me of being a coward, simply for not knowing what (if any) porn my mom watches,

which doesn't make much sense, considering there is still the possibility I may one day find it.


My assertion is this: if I find it, more power to her.


Likewise, if she finds the stuff I like,

she better brace herself because she's in for one weird ride through my files and history.


I mean, this argument is already absurd, but...

you accused me of being a coward, simply for not knowing what (if any) porn my mom watches,

which doesn't make much sense, considering there is still the possibility I may one day find it.


My assertion is this: if I find it, more power to her.


you were the one calling people cowards for not exposing their children to their porn. ask yourself how much sense that makes. i mean the human body is natural and its healthy to feel comfortable in my own skin but i dont walk around naked around my child and my child no longer allows me to see her naked. theres a time and a place for everything among DECENT human beings which is why its not cowardly not to leave porn where she might one day find it ... thats a private thing not for her viewing pleasure thank you very much... but i also dont want my mom or brother finding my tranny or hentai porn either. Theres just somethings they dont need to know about and is better left up to their imaginations - not that they WOULD be imaginging those things. I dont know what kind of sick world your living in but you need to reevaluate your principles.


Likewise, if she finds the stuff I like,

she better brace herself because she's in for one weird ride through my files and history.


my porn is placed randomly among my regular cds and dvds. i have several gigs of digital porn on my laptop, phone and tablet and all of those things are password protected and will be erased if someone else wants to use those devices after my demise.


you were the one calling people cowards for not exposing their children to their porn.



If your kid finds your porn, despite what you do to hide it and keep it private.

it's really not the same as exposing them to it.

Especially in the specific case you mentioned (death)

everything is a bit out of your control. There's no more you can do to shield your kids

from that kind of thing.


First off, I apologize. The coward comment was a joke, and made to reflect

not being ashamed of the stuff you like. When I had this idea of dying and kids finding stuff,

it was under my own imagining of the scenario where the kids are older.

I didn't know how old your brother was, and you were twenty, so I was working off that.

That's not how it came off, and I'm sorry I didn't better express that.


I'm sincerely sorry for letting this nonsense get out of hand.




so you fear that there's a very real chance you could die due to these meds......


and your reaction is to get rid of your porn stash lest it negatively affect what will be a motherless child....


do you think there are other concerns that may supersede this?





Sudden cardiac arrest is a side effect of my meds. Cant have my family finding my hentai, tranny, and gay porn dvds.


My brother suddenly died when i was 20 and guess who found his porn stash  ::D::


We all know it is because you gave your porn crabs...i mean, bed bugs.


Sudden cardiac arrest is a side effect of my meds. Cant have my family finding my hentai, tranny, and gay porn dvds.


My brother suddenly died when i was 20 and guess who found his porn stash  ::D::


Another advantage of being old - if I drop dead and the kids find my porn stash, they'll probably just have a good chuckle about it.


Eff that. All my stuff is digital nowadays and I keep it in plain sight on my computer. Says porn. You click it, you see my porn. Who cares if someone finds it? That's on them.


Found my step dad's stash when I was younger. I was like, "why are these porno VHS tapes mixed in with the Disney ones" and then I stopped asking questions.


Did you keep them? As mementos?


No, she was the grandma I didn't like. Maybe if it was the other one I would have.

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