Kudasai Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 My biggest one is when people who try to talk to me for no fucking reason when I have my headphones on
Bouvre Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 People insisting that I "calm down!" mid-anxiety attack.
Kudasai Posted May 31, 2017 Author Posted May 31, 2017 When mom does laundry and I am trying to sleep. -1
Mini_ghost420 Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 pretty much everything. I hate everything. except spiders
MEXobiologist Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 when people insist i am angry, though i am not, until the point where i end up angry with them. when people throw cig butts on the ground. when people say "these ones"
mthor Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 When mom does laundry and I am trying to sleep. I feel the same way when the neighbors start mowing the lawn.
ThisIdiot Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 I hate that shit ...my mother's bf stops to talk to me every chance he gets...i'll be on my way to the toilet and then when he walks out he'll stand there and talk to me for 5 or more minutes...all I can do is sit there and go " yeah...yeah....uhuh....yeah..." I don't want to be rude but I need to shit here!! come on man!! ...another is people that are more stupid then me....bleeding hearts that talk a lot but don't do shit...
Still Me Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 people who approach the counter for check out with their phones to their fucking heads...doesn't matter when I'm working or when I'm the customer...it pisses me off...it's the rudest most inconsiderate thing you can do
mthor Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 people who approach the counter for check out with their phones to their fucking heads...doesn't matter when I'm working or when I'm the customer...it pisses me off...it's the rudest most inconsiderate thing you can do Hah! I can top that. The rudest thing you can do is put your phone between your face and the nurse's or the tech's so that you can keep texting while they take your temperature.
Skinko Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 People who say "nucular" instead of "nuclear." That's one of mine too. I also hate when people say "larnyx" instead of "larynx." That problem comes up a lot in my life, oddly enough.
Still Me Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 Hah! I can top that. The rudest thing you can do is put your phone between your face and the nurse's or the tech's so that you can keep texting while they take your temperature. ha fuck that...if I were a RN I would be all like "oh wow, you have a really nice phone, can I see it?"...then take it and put it in my pocket until I was done with them
Still Me Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 Phillies[/member] aww did you -1 me before you read the post?...
GaiusIuliusCaesar Posted May 31, 2017 Posted May 31, 2017 How much time do you have? People who are convinced of a totally wrong or absurd fact. Belligerent assholes MRA's tankies TERF's picky eaters loopy christians loopy wiccans spam facebook invites dirty dishes put away with clean ones scatological humor unexcused flatulence people with no self awareness failure to appreciate irony the misuse of sarcasm to excuse sexist, racist, or otherwise bigoted jokes/opinions the entire alt right oh, and people who think drinking is a contest. inter-generational tribalism I could keep going but I think that's enough.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 People who complain about the side of the political spectrum opposite of their own. When I'm watching a baseball game on TV, and I can hear loudly and clearly someone from the crowd heckling one or more of the players on the field. There's got to be a lot more but that's all I can think of at the moment.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 Oh here's another one: History revisionist try hard edgelords on the Internet. Saying things such as Master of Puppets is the first bad Metallica album, Ozzy was never a good singer, etc.
fuggnificent Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 people who dont know how to conduct business over the phone. say your name CLEARLY, dont say numbers TOO FAST... proNOUNCicate! Dont yell to people in the background!
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 When I go to a metal concert and the bass and drums completely drown out the guitar.
Still Me Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 people who dont know how to conduct business over the phone. say your name CLEARLY, dont say numbers TOO FAST... proNOUNCicate! Dont yell to people in the background! **pronunciate
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 Giant geeky hipster glasses (especially on women). If you're going to wear glasses (which is fine, I wear them) make them sleek, sexy glasses. NO ONE looks good in big goofy hipster glasses.
Azalar Hex Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 Feebling - When a person is not in the mood to do something or incapable of doing so, and instead of asking me to help as it is obvious I am busy doing something else, choose to constantly draw attention to themselves through muttered cursing, loud sighs, excessive grunting, or purposefully dropping or throwing things to make noise. Assuming this frees them of the nuisance they would have caused had they asked for help in the first place since I was the one to offer it instead. When somebody decides to talk to me while I am engaging in an activity that they would consider a waste of time, causing me to miss dialogue in a show, cues in a video game, the proper rhythm while masturbating, or "the flow" while drawing, and gets insulted and irritated when I won't give them my undivided attention.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 When it's too hot to wear a jacket, but also too cold to go without one.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 When people single out Nickelback as sucking way worse than any other band ever. Yeah, they suck, but damn near every single other radio rock band from their era sucked just as hard. Worst era ever for mainstream rock music, not even remotely JUST because of Nickelback.
Lacks_Sympathy Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 People who order $50 worth of food at a drive thru. People who drive slowly on the left lane. The Dallas Cowboys and their bandwagon fans. People who show up late all the time. Salt and Vinegar chips....they're just gross. That Wawa isn't in every state. The fact you can't get a decent cheesesteak outside of PA, NJ and NY. That Chappelle's show no longer makes new episodes and all of its replacements/substitutes have pretty much been garbage. Outside of the Dark Knight trilogy....DC Movies.
Juice McKenzie Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 people who use the term "fam" it hurt typing it
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