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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. molarbear


    As happy as your plate would be, how do you plan on downing the teeth?
  2. I going to write you a prescription for at least 30 mins of play time with a pupper everyday.
  3. I dunno if you guys got nuclear plants there or what, but, stinkbugs here aren't monstrous things that you can slap and have it bounce twice. Newtons laws and all, plus.... enjoy that stank
  4. Goldar! The night before he passed he was in TC and the first thing he said was "HOG MOG! THE CUBS ARE GOING TO WIN THE WORLD SERIES THIS YEAR!" I don't even think he was a Cubs fan, I think he was just a huge sports fan in general, but, I really wish I could have toasted him the night they finally ended the 108 year drought.
  5. WTF? how big was the damn thing?
  6. molarbear

    Hey yo

    your pupper is cute
  7. Did you hook the bug up with some porn? Clearly that's what he was trying to do
  8. molarbear


  9. molarbear


    I like to think he brought down the Berlin Wall single handed with his music career
  10. I feel like it's one where instead of a happy ending they tell you to run because your life is in danger.
  11. My Friend's Mom use to make the best home made shells and cheese ever.. I haven't had it in about 5 years and I'd literally punch a baby panda for some of it
  12. PUPPERS!!!!!
  13. I hate mushrooms so I won't be eating it
  14. JFK wasn't assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.... Chuck Norris just sneezed at the wrong time.
  15. At my old shop we had dude shit on the walls of the stall for months before they finally figured out who it was. Some disgruntled dude would just go in there, and literally smear it all over the stall. The worst part was I had the unfortunate event of discovering it once. I didn't say shit to anyone (pun intended) because the cleaning crew came during second shift and I worked 3rd, if I had told my supervisors of the discovery they would have told me to clean it up.
  16. That's pretty cool! I use to hate lecture classes except for one, my Philosophy teacher would actually bring the students into it and have discussions with them. He only offered his class on the Tues-Thur schedule and at 4 pm. He later told us the reason behind that was he found not a lot of people liked taking classes on those days/times so it'd keep his class small and more personal I really respected the guy after hearing that. Dude was tenured, he could have easily just done a normal schedule been home for dinner with his family... instead he was still passionate about teaching and getting people to open up their minds.
  17. Honestly... this is something I've never even thought about trying until I read this. I Tony Hawk'd it! not really, I thought about twisting my junk and decided against it.... then I did it, and I got a 270 before it started to feel uncomfortable.
  18. I'm proud of you they need a fist bump emoji
  19. I'm pretty sure you can just look up any recipe for chili and replace the beef with deer. 86 the beans though.... for some reason I hate beans in chili
  20. molarbear


    I'm glad your friend is ok! I'll never understand people like that's mindsets "I'm going to show my affection for you by killing you!"
  21. Norman Reedus- dude seems pretty chill TJ Miller- he's hilarious Leonardo DiCaprio- Dude's a great actor...plus have a photo of me and him laughing and drinking together would be a great ice breaker for talking to chicks Morgan Freeman- Dude's voice is epic. Plus he seems pretty fucking smart, it'd be cool to pick his brain and hear what he thinks on things Emma Watson- She's smart...... and insanely hot
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