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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. My buddy brought a girl to his place after the bar one night in College. A week or so later we were having a little post bar party at his place and that girl showed up, and found a butter knife and threatened to stab my buddy because there were other girls there. When the cops showed up the first thing the Officer said, and I will never forget this.... "Boys! This is why you always go to their place, that way they don't know where you live."
  2. .........I have questions
  3. I get them all the time in the Winter because of how dry it is. Try buying some Saline stuff that you can spray up your nose, or get a little humidifier for your apt.
  4. Hope it's better than the NES game
  5. I will never unsee this
  6. your thread needed some love
  7. You ever have that friend that's all "I'll be DD tonight" and then a hour later they're the most hammered person in the group?
  8. when did this place become imgur?
  9. Sorry about your shitty day. Not to sound like an asshole but the way you formatted it made me literally lol. (I'd put an emoji here but my fingers are way too huge to hit the right one on mobile.)
  10. To wait 45 mins at the DMV even after setting up an appointment. I'm 12000% sure I'm going to die from old age before they renew my license
  11. It's in your sanity's best interest, trust me!
  12. Tell everyone that 11 is the answer, and from there just keep saying "11" see what their rebuttal is.
  13. At least 8 people online, just talk about whatever the fuck you want talk about in here! Did work suck? Did some random stranger offer you 3 wishes Did you eat today?
  14. In all honestly, that's not good. I use the internet to keep my inner child alive.
  15. I've trying to simultaneously listen to a podcast while trying to watch a video of Rhett and Link eat the world's hottest curry on the "First we Feast" Channel.
  16. Dude, it's really not worth it. They're still going to be stupid in the end and you're just going to get frustrated.
  17. NB4 your boss tries to make you work a double tomorrow.
  18. He the same dude that when he lived with me the beer would mysteriously vanish insanely fast, then one night during a party he showed me his "personal collection" of beer in one of his drawers. Dude had about 20 of my warm beers in his drawer and tried to convince me they were his personal stash. I pulled his drawer out and took it into the living room, I imagine all the drunk people were pretty confused by that sight.
  19. No bullshit, I had a friend that would open beers and leave them in my fridge with a 1/3-1/2 left in them. He'd always tell me to make sure "no one drank it." Yeah dude... I'm going to need a bat to beat all the people trying to drink your flat 2 day old beer.
  20. It's a brain tumor or a heart attack
  21. For the love of God, someone post a GIF of Helga elbowing the creepy stalker dude she had.
  22. That's all and all, and a great way to think. That being said if anyone ever rings my doorbell before noon it's an act of War. I don't care what fold of the sheet they're from I'm going full Scorched Earth on them.
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