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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. No, but I have emailed my Governor and told her I thought she was incompetent
  2. I honestly don't know I will say that the whole Police chase was kind of not a good sign of innocence
  3. I'll never forget trying to run with a CD player during offseason football practice I even tried duct taping it to chest once, it helped a little but pulling the tape off made it not worth it in the end
  4. I accidentally showed up to work on an off day once One of my roommates had a birthday party the night before so I was pretty hungover and one of the old guys I worked with told me I wasn't scheduled and to GTFO now because someone had called in This is why you should always be nice to the old people at work
  5. molarbear


    I just wanna point out that this is in no way intended to make fun of your Brother's spinal problems
  6. I use to love when Saturday Morning Baseball games got rained out! I got to watch the whole "One Saturday Morning" lineup shit was awesome!
  7. I'm sorry, I didn't see that you posted it first. I generally don't read too deep into threads... that's my bad. Fist bump though!
  8. I'd fly everywhere while waiving at people stuck in traffic
  9. This was my favorite. I know they were purchased by a foreign company a while back but still, I like to think it drove home the fact that unless you have Native American blood in you... Our Families were all Immigrants at some point.
  10. I was wondering the same thing
  11. 10/10 would avoid at a bar or public place
  12. molarbear


    I still need to beat the 2nd one
  13. did you ever buy a little humidifier?
  14. I have zero advice My body is really good at not wanting to sleep until about a hour or 30 mins before I have to get ready, that's when it decides it wants sleep
  15. anytime to show
  16. I mainly remember the episode where they covered the Jackass crew Dunn was sleeping on the floor in his friend's basement and Pontius claimed his truck was his crib.
  17. The reunion was 2 years ago... it has now turned into a promotional page for people's work and their gofundme pages.... Tonight marks a huge victory though, I finally figured out how to leave the damn thing!
  18. I dunno NaBernie2018[/member] at all, nothing personal. This comment just made me laugh super hard though.
  19. I'm more of a bewbs man myself
  20. He's gotta learn the hard way dude
  21. We use to steal band aids out of the first aid kit because if we told anyone about it we'd have to fill out a metric shit ton of paper work
  22. When I read the title I was really afraid I was going to see a post that was along the lines of "used some steel wool on an old skillet today." At that point I would have found an ice chunk and put you on it, then cast you off into the ocean all "North" style.
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