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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. Fuck you and your lumberjack beard!!!!!!!!! ;D
  2. I've heard it's pretty amazeballs
  3. It's easy, just talk about how much you hate work with other people at your work It always works for me
  4. Mines more like "I'm super tired and there's my bed!" Then I get in bed and suddenly I have more energy than I had all day.
  5. if you blow all the little fluff things off, is that considered decapitation or abolishing them from their Mother?
  6. I laughed.
  7. molarbear


  8. I'm not familiar with that region of the Country.... I'm just going to assume they're all in really good shape or they've learned how to fast travel to be able to occasionally walk between compounds in a day. I'm just saying, Alexandria has power. I've heard nothing of a blackout at night so I assume people have lights on and such. I know the wall is pretty tall but it doesn't look tall enough to cover the upper windows of the houses. If you're out scavenging at night you're going to see the lights and have questions.
  9. molarbear


    No, but I've seen an imaginary slope ruin one of the greatest round house kicks ever
  10. I've seen his channel before. It's interesting to see what other military's feed their troops but, the dude talks way too damn much. MRE's are made to be quick, efficient meals made on the go... it should never take 30 mins for someone to unpackage one, and then eat it, while talking about it.
  11. I honestly think we may see Morgan mow some people down this season. I'm more interested in knowing who these other people at the end of the episode are. Seriously, I know the people of Alexandria didn't really go out in large numbers before Rick and the gang showed up but still.... How is it that there are so many other communities not that far away that are just now being discovered? Also, how is it that not a single one of them has found Alexandria until recently? I imagine with all that electricity they have, people would see lights on in windows at night and go "Gee... this large residential area seems to have power, I'm going to check it out."
  12. ^ That's exactly what happened to me.
  13. I've had to run the A/C the last couple days because it's been in the mid 80's here.... I'm starting to think I'm not going to get any snow this year.
  14. I didn't even watch the whole thing. At least they beat cleveland the other day
  15. It's a 7 book story. I'll give it to you that when you're reading "The Gunslinger" you kind of stuck wondering how it's all going to piece together and what it all means. It's all explained later on. I'm just going to tell you that the movie is mixing things from different books of the story. He meets Jake in the first book but things happen, I won't go into any more detail about it. People are upset about it but, the ending of the story let's the movie take it's own creativity with the story... if that makes any sense.
  16. I feel like I should point out that the release date is now late July.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y66MbxNtCW0 They somehow pulled them all from Youtube in a matter of hours. Turns out some person was smart and downloaded the video, then released it a few months after the hype died down. Once again, this was the trailer but they dropped it, that's why you're gonna see green screens galore in the background. I present to you, and the midnight society... the first trailer we have of "The Gunslinger"
  18. Because Bacon
  19. I fail at human interaction on a regular basis!
  20. Happy late Birthday! all my friends are married and have kids these days so I usually just have dinner with my family and a few drinks.
  21. molarbear


    everyone knows Bueno is the better option
  22. I love how informercials forget there's the cold/cold setting on a washer that all dude's use.... so they can throw all their laundry in at once without worries of colors running together. As a single dude, I wash everything on cold and just chunk as much into the washer as I can, I then dry it on delicate. It's worked out for me so far
  23. I know you think I hate you, but I don't. That being said, you being an Accountant and broke as shit, makes me never want to trust an Accountant again.
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