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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. I love that movie! I gotta say the secret life of walter mitty. I thought it was a great movie
  2. We can just wait 4 years and ask the Venture Bros to investigate it
  3. How freaking tall are you dude? I'm 6 ft and unless I got like a running start I wouldn't be able to jump and smash my head on the door way
  4. I wouldn't worry too much about it. If all it took to break a vehicle was to drive it through standing water Mechanics would have Bill Gates type money.
  5. I lol'd TAKE MY LIKES!!!!!!!!!
  6. DUDE! YOU'VE WITNESSED IT TOO! The weirdest fucking part is, normally no one is in the vehicles. We're back to the murdilated theory
  7. You open up one of those refrigerator doors and instead of the product being in right in front of you it's in a refrigerated room, kinda like a walk in at a food place It's by the College so I think they built it to make it harder for kids to do beer runs. (Not here yet, 2018 baby!) In some States you can buy real beer at Gas Stations
  8. I thought that rule only applied with the champagne room?
  9. ^ I've wondered this exact same thing
  10. but they have full food station in there that sells soft pretzels and pizza.
  11. Dude! Have you seen what I'm talking about? Does that happen at your gas station? It happens all the damn time! Tons of cars and only like 2 people inside. I often wonder if people are convinced it's a drive in or something
  12. I dunno, the dude sells it pretty hard. I'm starting to wonder if it's got a disco ball or something cool in there
  13. I have one big soft pillow that's too soft so I take my old pillow and kind of, fold it over the soft one...thus making a pillow taco, and sleep on that
  14. Everytime I go to the Gas Station there's like 1 spot open for parking, the rest are all taken Once I get inside, there's like 1-2 people in there tops and the dude is always pushing me to check out the beer cave TL:DR I think the gas station is murdilating people in the beer cave
  15. My College had a huge Student Exchange program going with some College In Japan. All the Japanese kids would hangout in this lounge area in my Dorms literally, all night. It was right next to the 24 hour, you're drunk sammich place. One night I saw like a group of 8 of them leaving there and I said "konichiwa!" because I was intoxicated and feeling social, her rebuttal was "I'm Korean asshole" To this day I can't tell if she was insanely hot for being a smartass, or if I was accidentally racist.
  16. I'd probably ask him for the secrets of the "flying dragon fist punch" and offend him......
  17. I've actually never seen a monk, in person, in my life. I imagine they're pretty chill people
  18. I didn't know monks used anal beads 8) Seriously though, that's pretty cool that that happened.
  19. Holy Shit! I didn't realize they were already up to #9, they're turning that movie franchise into the "Now" CD's Pillow fort ftw btw, best way to watch scurry movies
  20. I'm just really good at pretending to be good at it
  21. The plan is two films (if the first film does well) followed by a Ron Howard directing a TV series to fill in the blanks. Problem with filling in those blanks is Ron Howard is a fan of the Series, and wants to stay true to it, so, how do you explain a random female accomplice that the movie people are making up? How do they introduce the other 3 members of the Ka-tet? Let Ron howard come in and save us all, or, Are we doomed to witness what is "imo" the best of Stephen King's work go to shit due to Stephen King being involved?
  22. I know everyone says this but, the first week is the hardest. After that she quits taking viagra and her boners are only half mass
  23. molarbear


    There is actually a dude that has a Youtube channel where he vlogs his daily life in North Korea. He's supposedly an immigrant to the country but films his ventures around the streets and stuff. Seems kinda fishy but it was still super fascinating.
  24. Is Naraku but in his final form
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