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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. I don't know about shipping companies but... I worked as a Machinist for an Oil company and got a 6% bonus to my hourly wage for working overnight, it was cool until I found out our 2nd shift got the same bonus and didn't work vampire hours.
  2. Depending upon how crowded the bathroom is I try to leave an open Urinal in between me and the other peoples. If they have a horse trough instead of urinals I'll just wait for the stall to open up, I'm not worried about guys looking at my junk.... It's just that some of those dudes are a little wobbly and they're making large figure eights with their stream, or worse.... crossing streams.
  3. I watched the last 3 minutes of the game and..... wow, simply wow.
  4. Has anyone read this series? Any thoughts on the upcoming movie? I honestly think it's going to be terrible. The dude playing Roland is black, that doesn't bother me, but, it's the other stuff that bugs me. What really grinds my gears is they're going to include the part where Jake enters the World via the house, and, there's no Eddie, or Susannah,in the movie so, that entire happening cannot happen without Eddie or Susannah.
  5. Exactly! Tomatoes suck! Except for their use in ketchup or paste form
  6. I like cheesecake, but it comes in pie form.... I also like cupcakes. I sustain from this vote
  7. Meh, to each their own. I liked it because it moved at a good pace and the characters weren't all stupid.
  8. Until Reptar on ice happens I won't be impressed by anything with "on ice" in the title
  9. I need more info about this.
  10. dude sounds lame, you know who would watch it? This guy 8) Seriously though, it's an amazing show. I don't like it when shows drag stuff out forever, and I feel with Stranger things you get answers pretty quickly.
  11. I'll eat both, but I put crunchy peanut butter on my waffles cause they the true MVP
  12. Only if we go to the town that Mac n Cheese was invented in
  13. It's pretty amazeballs. I literally binged watched it for 5 hours.
  14. this is my personal favorite
  15. I dunno dude, I imagine it's probably really cold in one of those.
  16. I didn't think it would go through, I figured an error would happen, a black hole would open up or, at least my computer would spontaneously combust.... nothing I guess 4 really does exist
  17. Right? Ice sucks! Normally we get ice storms that may turn to snow, got lucky this time and it was just snow! Unfortunately it's dry snow so it doesn't pack, snow forts are still on hold and more than likely this is the last snow of the year for me. : (
  18. this photo was taken in the 3 seconds that it was exhausted from mauling people. It's a cute cat though.
  19. ....... >.> I turned 30 a month ago Still look 18-20, still get checked for my ID for anything, and still am super depressed that I can't put a 2 in front of my age anymore.
  20. We got like an inch of snow here. I save sick days for when it snows tbh, not because I'm scared to drive in it it's because I freaking love snow and would rather spend the day crunching around in it and building snow forts.
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