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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. He's rather see the Israeli hostages killed than released. That gives him the excuse to murder more Palestinian civilians.
  2. "I spent the entire week telling you to go fuck yourself."
  3. This one looked pretty butt-ugly, but when I rewatched it I honestly enjoyed it more than Progressive. At least Haruko had some fun dialog in this. Progressive was just fucking weird for weird's sake.
  4. I mean at least that started out as all first-party Nintendo characters, and even after it expanded game characters in general. Fortnite hasn't met a piece of pop culture it can't "How do you do, fellow kids?" with.
  5. So what I'm hearing is that it's the perfect time to launch Excited Boat Monkey Club!
  6. Funny thing is that I thought the show looked really interesting and actually wanted to watch it. Not so much here though.
  7. Oh man, I forgot all about these dweebs still trying to push NFTs in 2025 until Toonamiguy mentioned it. All the more reason for me to blissfully ignore their block.
  8. No matter what winds up happening with the linear cable block, I think there's still a lot of nostalgia value in the Toonami brand itself, and lord knows corporate types are all about milking the shit out of nostalgia brands.
  9. Fortnite has all the energy of a 6-year-old smashing their entire toy box of action figures together.
  10. Y'know it struck me as I was watching the 4 Nations hockey final tonight...I genuinely wanted Canada to win. And I fucking hate the Canadian hockey team. That's how disgusting this shit is right now.
  11. If it's any longer than "Fuck off and die" it's a waste of text.
  12. Macross Plus, Samurai Champloo, Kids on the Slope, and Carole & Tuesday say hi? Even Terror in Resonance got more positive response than negative from what I saw.
  13. He is such a pathetic little bitch.
  14. At least there are multiple shows airing every week, albeit most of them reruns at the moment. Mashle kicked ass, and that's a show I probably never would have found on my own. (No idea why the hell we couldn't go right into season 2 though.) As moribund as things are now, Toonami still feels like something resembling a cohesive block of television, or at least much more so than airing a pair of anime series for an hour every other week. And I don't see how any offering on a niche cable channel has the luxury of "finding its groove" in the year 2025, given how few eyeballs are left on cable overall. You'd think the opposite would be true, that a new programming block would want to start things off with as big of a bang as possible to get viewers to tune in. That's what [as] did when it brought back the Toonami brand over a decade ago, kicking it off with multiple new premieres in short order. Or look at what SyFy did with Ani-Mondays back in the day: they blew everyone's faces off with the premiere of Solid State Society, then bangers like Noein and Macross Plus (and Tokko was there too for some reason). Maybe I'm wrong and this thing has some actual staying power, but right now it feels like someone's vanity project, and it wouldn't shock me if it swiftly goes the way of Chiller's weird little anime experiment.
  15. I get the frustration over Toonami, but how is having all of two shows that are a decade old at this point and running them every other week for God knows what reason in any way better?
  16. Imagine holding your shitstain politicians accountable.
  17. There's William Henry Harrison: "I died in 30 days!"
  18. Real talk, where the hell did they even find a 20-year-old SD episode tape?
  19. Wonder if she'll be singing the same tune when her marriage gets invalidated.
  20. I'm not sure I'll bother watching this thing: I was never super-interested in the Fateverse to begin with, and from the myriad of nerd arguments I've seen about it, no one seems to agree on what to watch first. There was an ANN feature on the whole franchise a couple of months ago, and that at least recommended starting with the DEEN adaptation of the original Fate route, then watching Unlimited Blade Works. Either way apparently the first episode of UBW is a prologue that's common to all three routes, so maybe I'll at least give that a look. That being said, the more I think about the setup for this block, the dumber it seems. So you're going to air one show one night, then repeat it a few nights later, okay...but then you're going to switch to a completely different show the following week, so that anyone following one of them will have to wait two weeks in-between episodes? That's incredibly fucking stupid. Just show an episode of each one per week like a normal-ass channel.
  21. I mean outing yourself as a fucking Nazi bitch sure is a choice.
  22. I mean why would they bother selling exclusive rights to a network that even by zombie cable standards presumably has far fewer eyeballs on it than [as] does? That makes no sense from a business standpoint. But honestly CR blocking out [as] from show acquisitions makes little sense to me in general. The block isn't directly competing with CR's service in any real way now.
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