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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. I can move it back if you want. I put it there because it had been weeks since it aired and no one seemed to be posting in it anymore.
  2. "Hell yeah, Trix pops!"
  3. Did Jim Cramer ghostwrite that?
  4. Hoping against hope they find a way to air Gunbuster so I can bawl like a baby at the ending again!
  5. The fast turnaround on new Dr. Stone is great news. The Titan rerun is whatevs; it doesn't surprise me at all that they'd repeat it if they could, but twice in a row is kind of silly. It's interesting that they've retained the IGPX broadcast rights all this time, and even more so that they're able to use Discotek's upcoming remaster. I remember not thinking much of it when it aired years back (if anything I thought the pilot microseries was a much more interesting premise), but if I'm bored enough I'll sit through it again.
  6. The hell is a "Freevee"? For that matter I haven't heard of any of the other services that it's on. They all seem like device-specific things. Now if it was on Pluto that might be worth something.
  7. I think I would have liked Black Lotus more if it was about a third shorter than it really was. There was a lot of dead air and repetition.
  8. It's an Xfinity cloud DVR thing. Recordings go poof one calendar year from when they're recorded.
  9. Picture me making the Excalibur face from Soul Eater. Hey, I legit liked it for what it was. I've actually been rewatching it before it auto-deletes from my DVR. The ending was batshit insane in the best way.
  10. Everyone directly involved on both sides of this shit over there is a complete motherfucking idiot. If you all want to fucking kill each other so bad go out and stand in an empty field and get it over with. Then maybe the few sane people left can take over.
  11. Toss-up between him and Dick Trickle for best sports name ever.
  12. Heh, I actually thought of Dadan too. Whoopi could pull off that big "gruffly yelling at small children" energy.
  13. Try standing in front of a classroom full of 30 teenagers and listening to the cascade of alarms over 5 minutes.
  14. We've turned into a gerontocracy, and entire generations of Americans have been blocked out of power by those desperately clinging to it for decades.
  15. I'm still mostly convinced that she died several years ago and it's been a Weekend at Bernie's situation since then.
  16. Why do we continue to allow Alabama to exist?
  17. Even though I started ordering from them well after they had a website, I used to love getting their physical catalogs in the mail. Complete with the sealed-shut 18+ section.
  18. Japan: *uses animation to tell a diverse array of stories in a wide range of genres targeted at different audiences* The US: "lol let's call it Krapopolis comedy gold"
  19. "The landfills were full! New Jersey was full!" All else aside though, if someone wants to drop literal gold bars on me I'd be willing to do a lot of shit for it.
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