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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. Used to play in a club in college, but I haven't done it regularly for years. I'd love to own a table someday.
  2. Never change, Ikuhara.
  4. I've watched the Saturday block religiously for...Jesus, it's over a decade at this point, but that's literally the only connection I have left. I don't even think I managed to get through the last little stint of VB premieres. The occasional show like Rick and Morty or Mike Tyson looks like it may be enjoyable, but I'm not really a streaming guy, and it doesn't seem worth the effort to DVR them. It's sad, because back in college I'd have the block on every night, back when Fridays didn't exist and the weeknight lineup was classic Family Guy, Futurama, ATHF, and various anime reruns. It was probably around the time they let the rights to Futurama expire that I started trailing off, and since then it seems like the network's identity largely revolved around riding Seth MacFarlane's jock.
  5. Breaking Bad filmed an amazing gag alternate ending that was a spoof of Newhart. Bryan Cranston wakes up next to his wife from Malcom in the MIddle.
  6. Okay I just looked up this tidbit and it is blowing my mind.
  7. Yeah, I honestly enjoyed that little short much more than the full TV series. Not sure if it would have held up if it was expanded like that, but still.
  8. We always did roast pork as the traditional New Year's meal.
  9. Take a big step back, and literally fuck your own face.
  10. 307 at the moment. A decent number of those are the usual shorts or one-off OVAs that serve as padding though. Now my plan-to-watch list is crazy huge and ridiculously out-of-date.
  11. Gonna need some tissues. For...science.
  12. Tweak the font so that the letter 's' doesn't look like it's been sliced in half?
  13. I think Luuv shot me a PM well before the original board death (did he set it up before NodeBB even?), but I didn't give it more than a cursory glance at the time. I finally started lurking for real when the boards came down and before the staging link got passed around.
  14. I used to have a reputation for liking everything, so does that make JMan my evil mirror universe double? ...but wait, I have a goatee...
  15. y u do dis
  16. What's getting to people this year isn't just that a bunch of prominent celebrities died, but that the vast majority of them died in an untimely manner. I mean 60 or less is way too goddamn young to go. For Debbie Reynols in particular, if she had died of natural causes at this age, the general reaction would have been, "Aww, that's a shame, I loved her in those roles 50 years ago." But when we all know that it was from being distraught over her own daughter's tragic death, that makes it all the worse.
  17. Oh, I think it's pretty clear-cut in the case of Franz, and you might be able to make a case for Albert being romantically attracted to the Count. Fun story too: in the original Count of Monte Cristo, Eugenie apparently runs away with a woman by the end. (Peppo is best trap though.)
  18. And/or ka-kow.
  19. At the very least, Ivankov himself comes across as very positive all things considered. He's quite literally genderfluid, but that aspect is played as a positive strength, and overall he's a total badass. Bon Kurei is a bit more iffy, but I think he winds up being a net positive too. The minor characters there...not so much.
  21. ASMB had decent individual mods but a godawful fundamental modding ruleset. Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as an IP ban! Use it!
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