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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. I GET IT. Hero- I don't know why they went back to this episode when I'd happy watch the festival every week for the next month. Fun story if you look closely you can see the class making Eri's candy apple during the OP, right after Mirio shows up. To be fair, sneaking into a secure location just to prove you can is 100% a Lupin move. Paranoia Agent- I'm sure this is gonna go just great. Uh, what. Goddamn kids and their video games. Ikari's about to have an aneurism. No really, what's with the coconut tree? I don't even smoke but this would make me want to start. I like that the fish monster has the kid's hat. Oh god he's gotten sucked into this shit too. I goddamn hate stairs. Oh hey, it's the one crazy old man. I do like the sexy butterfly outfit. His faces in this episode are fantastic. Annoying little frog. The song is pretty great. He doesn't get paid enough for this. Oh god what is that. Oh hey it's the old hobo lady. Mob- If you don't love the Body Improvement Club, you're factually wrong. Somehow, Reigen is best dad. Never trust a cult. Mob is a good kid and I love him. Was I the only one kinda rooting for Mob and the reporter girl to get together? He could have had this entire cult thing go off without a hitch if he hadn't just spiked the boy's milk. I love my OP as fuck son. Clover- Oh right, we're still in this bullshit flashback. I wonder if we'll get a new intro after this shit. This OP continues to be way better than the show deserves. Who were you gonna help with that thing, was being quirkless an actual problem for anyone else before Asta? I'm definitely rooting for Twink Ryuk here. I'm sure he was calling your sister by your name the entire time he banged her. I've never seen Avengers so just insert your own Infinity Stones joke here. So the Wizard King got to have his title for a grand total of five minutes. Good thing it made her randomly immortal in addition to a bird. So were Bird Girl and Wizard Boy fucking or what? Wait, Licht is still broken? I deadass thought that dark elf guy was Licht now. And then they fucked. I'm willing to forgive a lot that this show has done if Twink Ryuk kills at least one of them. Every episode of this show feels like 500 years of pain. Shut up, dipshit. Sounds like some communist bullshit, commie. Date me, Yami. Oh right, other people are here. Please tell me Twink Ryuk's about to come back even stronger than before. Jojo- I love the frog phone. I'm sure this will go well. He's just standing there...menacingly. Not gonna lie, the boss voice is doing things for me. The whole future sight thing didn't work out too good for Nighteye either. Oh god, that's horrifying. You might wanna just cut your losses and run. It must be awful knowing that you're about to get mutilated. FROG NO. I'm just gonna assume that this makes sense somehow. The trash phone gag is funnier than it has any right to be. Well now you've jinxed it. His stand is kind of disgustingly cute. Oh yeah, this is the absurd thing and not literally every other part of your life. Oh hey, the dead guys. I hate you, Melone. Whelp, you're screwed. OH CHRIST. Well, this is a new fear that I never thought I'd have. Oh hey, Narancia's here. I don't think the body has this much iron but I don't know that much about blood. GODDAMMIT DOPPIO. He knows more about 16th century German philosophy than I would expect. Huh, I didn't see that ending coming. Great job, you played yourself.
  2. There is no Japanese version of the song. Both of them used the same English recording by Chrissy Costanza.
  3. People declare Toonami over after literally every single announcement they make. Half of them are on this forum.
  4. They have resumed dubbing on Black Clover and they're only eight episodes behind the sub. Once they get MHA finished, which definitely seems like their top priority and should be in about three weeks if they keep up their current pattern, they'll have more resources available and BC will probably come out faster. I definitely think Mob 2's on the horizon. I'd like to see Jojo get a full rerun from the beginning, because I think we all need more Speedwagon in our lives.
  5. Mirio is best dad and I will accept no arguments.
  6. Hey what I think while I look at Endeavor porn is...oh wait, that's not what that intro was talking about. Never mind. Hero- Gentle is the hero we deserved. IT'S HIGH NOON. Fucking youtubers. Run faster Deku don't disappoint my daughter. Oh good he made it. Me too, Mic. Eat shit, you two kids in particular. Plot twist, Bakugo just murders the entire gym Carrie style. Okay this is a bop. Iida does the robot. DAB. Look at my kids I'm so proud of them all. THE TINIEST JIRO. Okay for a second there I thought that Overhaul thing was Tokoyami. LOOK AT MY BABY. SHE'S SMILING! Don't worry Mirio I'm also crying. Oh my god this play is fucking beautiful. I kinda love Hound Dog. MY BABY. She's so happy I love her so much. Awww, Mirio is mimicking her flailing in the background. Mirio confirmed for best dad. Smug Bakugo is great. Okay I'm rooting for Bibimi. Awwww she looks so pretty! Goddammit douche boy. This is the best day. SHE GOT HER APPLE! Show if you ever hurt Eri again I'm going to fight you. You're a good dude, Gentle. Paranoia Agent- Goddamn is this gonna be some mood whiplash. Oh no save the plushie. I refuse to be afraid of someone on roller blades. I don't trust this guy. I got a bad feeling about that fancy new house. Ohh I don't like where this is going. I'm kinkshaming. I hate that this comic looks genuinely cool. Yeah this is gonna go just great. Ohhh yeah this is going just perfect. I hope you get hit with the bat, you creepy weird man. Oh come on how is this guy of all people not getting caught. Suffer, fat man. Don't do drugs, kids. Oh I'm uncomfortable with that. This poor man does not get paid enough for this shit. Alright Lil Slugger this one basically counts as a public service. Goddammit, hit him harder. Well, that was unexpected. Mob- Puberty is a harsh mistress. Goddamn porn sites. "I'm worried about the stairs" is the best excuse not to do something. I enjoy Reigen so much more the second time around. Valley Girl Reigen still sounds better than Erina. Mob is a good boy. He could have dated that entire school. I GODDAMN LOVE THE BODY IMPROVEMENT CLUB. Clover- Oh what the fuck. The bird is a waifu isn't it. This demon can't really think of that many things. Goddammit just let Yami kill something. If Cthulhu shows up I quit. Meanwhile, this seems real stupid. At least if you die you don't have to be in this show anymore. I'm on board for all existence getting wiped out here. Of course I'm not lucky enough for him to die. Yep, this is stupid. This sure is a thing that's happening in front of me. I really don't care about their backstory, show. Oh his sister was the elf fucker. Yeah this is gonna go well. Twink Ryuk strikes again. Oooh, I get to pick whatever insulting name I want for you? This is dumb. I'm always filled with an overwhelming amount of negative energy, big deal. What a twist, he was the original monster. Jojo- Now here's a batshit crazy backstory that we can get behind. Jesus that's a creepy looking baby. All this started because these two losers liked frogs and couldn't figure out a condom. So hey what the fuck. This fortune teller makes me miss Avdol. Okay he is slightly adorable but I don't trust him for a second. Well this man is going to die. RIP in peace. Sooo, that happened. This cab driver's gonna get murdered. Oh god, eye. What. Well that driver lucked out. Risotto's kinda hot and therefor I fear for his life. This is not gonna be a fun time for anybody. Piss your pants, that'll lull him into a false sense of security. Whelp, he's doomed. Jesus christ what the fuck? Well I'm having nightmares tonight. FROG PHONE.
  7. Y'all ready for that sweet sweet copyright infringement?
  8. I'm pretty sure that this point you'd have to pry Fujiko from Michelle Ruff's cold dead hands.
  9. Horikoshi is out here being horny on main and I love it.
  10. Today I learned that not everyone is extremely familiar with one of the greatest songs of the 90s.
  11. Yes, people are going to face issues with money in the coming months. And meanwhile, there's a well-known concept called the economic lipstick index, which has found that in times of major economic stress, inexpensive, unnecessary items like cosmetics (the primary focus of the research) tend to see a notable uptick in sales. People still want to treat themselves with small luxuries as a way to boost their mood in rough times. An $8 anime subscription fits pretty damn neatly in that "unnecessary, cheap, and fun" Venn diagram. In general, streaming services have seen a massive boom in subscriptions as a result of the pandemic. It's gonna be some rough sailing ahead but it's not an automatic death sentence. Chill your shit, y'all.
  12. I don't understand the reference. Hero- I know they're villains and all but I genuinely hope these two somehow have a happy ending. Paranoia Agent- I hate the ugly hentai bastard trope. Things never go well for hookers in basically any media. Whelp, that took an unfortunate turn. To be fair, that little bastard kind of deserved it. Sorry doc but that sounds way nicer than Maria. Wow, getting engaged is easy as hell. I hope she's at least getting paid well for these guys. Well, that's uncomfortable. This is going too well for this early in the episode. Hey some of those clothes are cute you should keep them. Oh no. You should probably get that therapist on the phone right now. And then shit got awkward. This guy seems nice, it's really gonna suck for him. No shit you should tell him about your secret split personality prostitute. I don't think this is gonna end well. Girl just burn the stuff instead of hauling it to the dump. WHELP. Running through the deserted streets, screaming and slathered in clown makeup is kind of a real mood right now. I hope she lucked out and he beat the crazy out of her. Thanks, Maromi. Mob- Remember, never fuck with Mob. Goddammit I love this dumbass conman. POCKET SALT. This OP didn't need to go so fucking hard and yet it does. Mob is my son and I love him. There's a stand in that tunnel. Goddammit Reigen, get better salt! Mob is the best. Clover- What fresh bullshit will this week bring. This OP is way too good for this show. Big deal, my hatred for these people is way stronger than that. Oh great, the douchebag is here. Look I'll forgive you for being a piece of shit if you just kill the elf and move this arc along already. Buddy I've been saying "DIE DIE DIE" at them since the beginning and it doesn't work. Everyone wants to be wizard hokage. No you stupid idiot why are you healing him, the entire point of that original mission was to destroy that group! Just let him kill him you dumb bastards. This seems like it'll be stupid. "HATE HATE HATE HATE" is also the entirety of my brain when I watch this show. Yep, you're dumb as fuck and this is all your fault. I spend every epsidoe pleading "SHUT UP" and it never works. This is a really bad motivational speech. This is stupid. Still rooting for Satan here. You suck, elf guy. Oh it's her again. Hey there Cap'n Sexy. Jojo- Props to Trish, I would have already pissed my pants. That is the proper response to someone around you on a plane reclining their seat. Aw shit it didn't work. Well that's new. Hi there. Oh my god I love her stand. Great job now get in the closet. RIP shirt. Aw fuck it's oozing through. Boing. Thank god for the rubber clock. Man her stand isn't fucking around. It's still too early in the episode for this to have worked. My 90s kid heart is elated at this name. Now get that hand in the turtle. This is why you DON'T TAKE PLANES in this show. Ohhhh that can't be good. OH FUCK. Can you try setting that thing on fire? Oh my god, her attacks are Spice Girls songs. Oh cool she rubberized the plane. Bitchmeat, this dub is a gift. I fucking hate this thing. Joke's on you he's already dead. Note to self, don't go sailing in Italy. This all could have been avoided if you'd just remembered to wear a condom. Whelp, this maid's getting murdered. Huh, pleasant surprise.
  13. And if there's no anime being produced, why would they be up to a year behind on dubbing those shows? That was the entire point of my first post that you replied to, do try to keep up.
  14. Why the hell would I know what you're keeping up with? You're really too lazy to even glance at a website before making dramatic posts, huh?
  15. Nah, the private business with individual recording booths that can be easily sanitized between uses, and editing stations with minimum amounts of contact seems substantially more likely to get their train back on the wheels than the stadiums full of thousands of people sitting within inches of each others' sweaty asses.
  16. Why the fuck would dubs go back to being a year behind the sub? This isn't going to last forever; once they're able to, they'll go back to recording in the studio on a daily basis like normal. There may be a bit more of a lag, but they're not just going to sit there and wait for a show to end before they start dubbing it.
  17. I'm guessing FUNi uploads the episode on Saturday morning to give themselves a few hours. It's only a day ahead of what seems to be a two-week schedule for episodes, so that's doable. The real problem is 87/88, which almost definitely won't be ready in time for Toonami. The best option is probably to just reair 86 next week, 87 the week after, then give that an encore to stretch things out before the finale's ready.
  18. Let's be honest, at that point we're all cosplaying Fatgum during quarantine.
  19. Season 1 Mob is good, season 1 OPM is great. Season 2 Mob is great, season 2 OPM is awful. Mob averages out to be the better series.
  20. Are your naysayers the ones using you're/your incorrectly in your fantasy here or is that just you?
  21. You have to keep in mind that every channel and streaming service is kind of in the same boat here. No one is able to produce new content right now, and they're all facing the prospect of running out of fresh offerings for their viewers. It's not like Toonami is going to go to reruns while Netflix premiers 12 new anime series at the same time and meanwhile Adult Swim has six new regular comedy shows that need to find air time. You're ignoring the overall context in favor of more doomsday theories.
  22. They could always just cut it into 3-4 episode length chunks and air it as a couple of special episodes. Hero- Sorry Deku you can't beat that mustache. Douche Rogue is dressed like a Hobbit. Okay I kinda love Bibimi. MY BABY. Don't worry about him, he's just fighting the oldest 30-something year old man. Oh shit, did he beat that mustache? Oh, that's a depressing backstory. Her thirst is her will to live and I respect that. Awww, nothing says love like bad eyeliner. La Brava's power is the exact opposite of mine. GENTLY SANDWICH. Everybody gets a sad backstory! His backstory is the firt part of The Incredibles. Oh this is depressing. I do like that he just took up that accent for the aesthetic. I miss Nighteye. Now I just feel sad. YEET. I might go cry now. Demon Slayer- I got a bad feeling about this. Never trust a creepy lady playing a sitar. Oh shit, it's Michael Jackson. Aw crap he can read minds now. I'm more afraid of the butterfly lady. I'm not sure how wise it is to kill a bunch of your top fighters all at once. Kinda hard to misunderstand things when he can read your mind. This is his fetish. Oh, I guess he won. Goddamn demon musicians and their weird Inception houses. CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKER. Where is my box daughter? I don't trust that guy. If that con lands on heads she's gonna kill you. Oh shit, she can talk! This is just a trick to steal your money. I choose to be indecisive as fuck. I like the girls. Shit, it's the cops. I kinda love Boarkugo. I love my box daughter. Paranoia Agent- This boy is a douche. This child has a very punchable face. He's just a poor boy from a poor family. Leave the fat kid alone. Well all her coworkers are bastards, let's start there. I hope he's brain damaged. Maybe don't go rollar blading aroun town now. At least there's one rational adult here. Oh yeah this is gonna go great for you. It's been like fifteen years and kids still don't know how to turn off their phones. This could be going better. Sucks to be this kid. Why would you bully someone if you already think he's attacking people on the street with a bat? What's with the tree? And then shit got real. Just listen to the weird talking plushie. Well, that ain't normal. Black Clover- Oh right, this guy turned into Killua's sister. "I'm a douchebag." Oh jesus what the hell now. I don't think that's supposed to happen. Is it Satan? Hell there, Twink Ryuk. Surprise, you were a fucking idiot all along. Nah, you can go ahead and just kill him. Use the screaming dumbass as a human shield. And nothing of value was lost. I'm definitely rooting for the devil here. Wow, he really was stupid as fuck. He might be my favorite character. Stop screaming you jackass. Wait, is THAT what's up with Yuno? He's got a dead baby elf soul in him? Kill them, weird giggling devil guy. This seems like a really unnecessarily convoluted plan but okay. Oh, shit got dumb again. Just kill everyone, demon. "I'm begging you, please stop" is exactly what I say to this show every week. Jojo- Planes never go well in this show. Moody Pilot kinda cracks me up. Wow that is one ugly bastard. Oh hey, Mista finally beat someone without hurting himself. That random suspicious guy sure was easy to take down. YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT. This is why you wear a condom. Well that noise sounds ominous. OH, THAT'S NOT NORMAL. You might wanna put Trish back in the turtle. I got a bad feeling about this. Show, I can't read Italian. Ohhhh that's nasty. Isn't that what almost killed Joseph that one time? You're gonna wanna start growing another arm now. Man that is the worst stand. Fuuuck. NO MY BABIES. Oh god he's so dumb. Get in the turtle. Owww that's horrifying. Again, never take a plane in this show. Aw shit he got Overhaul'd. Trish needs a hug. Oh fuck it's not gone. SHIT. Nice, it's turning into an arm.
  23. I love that La Brava has the exact opposite power from me, who gets every anime boyfriend I have maimed or killed.
  24. Did you know you don't need to make a brand new thread about every single anime-related thought that pops into your head?
  25. For fuck's sake, could we corral the virus chatter to all the threads already dedicated to it? Do we have to keep talking about it in every single conversation? Can we go five goddamn minutes without having to dwell on the sad reality that is our lives now?
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