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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. The Rock as Yami is a good idea, but let's not stop there. Cast The Rock as everyone and this garbage has a chance. Just give him different wigs and shrink him as necessary to play every character.
  2. Yes, straight guy. Tell the queer person who actively keeps up with the series that I don't know any better about queer representation in the series.
  3. I fear Tamaki getting more bullshit, painfully awkward fanservice even more than I fear getting any of these men killed. Jojo- Man I hope Bruno keeps that sexy boss body so I don't have to feel as bad about my thirst.Turtle Polnareff is always hilarious. You should probably just behead Bruno's body or something now. Aw shit, your own stand is fighting against you. Mista gets the best lines. Oh no, it's everybody's stands. Seriousy, somebody kill Bruno's body. Oh hey, Bruno's body bleeds now. Narancia no don't talk like that, you're just tempting fate. Oh FUCK he's here. Oh no here's four bullets. Oh no that's a lot of blood. MY IDIOT SON, NO. Giorno fix him now. Rest in peace, sweet dumbass. Fuck you, cheese suit. Aaaand I'm crying. Aw shit, there's an extra one running around somewhere. Is Doppio okay in there? You'd think he would have taken the opportunity to finally kill Trish. Oh this hurts my heart. Mista says fuck cops. And then shit got even more bizarre. Turtle Polnareff with the save. Uh somebody might wanna grab the slow-moving reptile before he gets attacked. Ass Class- Hey do you like us enough to not kill us all? Aw damn he just stole your snacks. Well, the important thing is that she tried. Oh shit that actually worked. False alarm, he's blue now. He is the best teacher. Y'all fucking or what? Refusing to give these kids AC should be a crime. Aw crap, you just made him more powerful. Well we know he responds to titties. This mascot is a real bastard and I kinda love him. And then everyone died. Poor Squid Sensei can't come. Douchebags, all of them. Boy are they all gonna be embarrassed when the reject class succeeds. Look at our knife holders. They really do get all the hot teachers. Titties. Thank you squid. I love his human disguise. They have the best teachers. Can we just kill these two dicks? And Nagisa's balls finally dropped. I got a bad feeling about this. Clover- Maybe I'll get lucky and most of them will die. She's so angry and the only bitch in this show that has my respect. Forget the kingdom, do it or she'll kill you. Isn't that dimestore Hisoka's power? Is this entire thing just a fake exercise to test their skills? Just fuck him already, you dumb bitch. If this giant spider kills any of them, it automatically becomes the best character in the show. Well that treasure chest is disturbing. Kill them, giant spider. Oh good, the entire one-dimensional squad is here. Good thing your enemy is willing to stand there and wait for your attack to power up without fighting back. You are a disappointment and I hope your sister disowns you. At least they get free treasure out if it. God, you're both unbearable. Murder them, angry lady. I'm sure I've had worse than that Dungeon Drink. She looks absolutely identical to her mother, because character design is hard. Tell her about her mom, because god knows her fuckhole siblings aren't going to tell her anything. I'd follow you into hell, Tatum. Kill them, let the hate flow you. Fire Force- GUN. Go ahead, kill the weird guy. I'll admit, the terrible hero names gag has grown on me. Shoot her, Gun Man. You can't die you have to keep shooting Maki's adorable flame buddies. Don't mess with GUN. Oh hey, dumbass is here. Oh right, he actually learned something. Great job you almost killed your friend. False alarm, I forgot that was a legit good attack. Maki is my girlfriend. Date me, either of you. Vulcan I'm right here, volunteering to be your better girlfriend. Nah, I'm pretty sure her rack was enough to get Vulcan's attention. Never trust a man in a plague mask.
  4. Black Clover is what happens if you just run old Shonen Jump magazines through a shredder and make a series out of whatever pieces you tape together. Oh wait, I get it now! It's a parody of recycling!
  5. The tweet in the first post literally says this is a special performance. It's no different than the block being hijacked for Batman movies and isn't a permanent change.
  6. The okama were considered fairly decent representation for their time, which was 10-20 years ago when most of them were introduced. Some of them look pretty bad by today's standard, because trans and queer representation has taken huge strides over the past decades and that includes within Japan. Oda has actually learned from this, and doesn't rely on cheap "lol homo" jokes with them anymore. The worst gag we've seen with an okama in the past 10 years was a badass army commander joking with his comrades not to look up his short skirt. Spoilers for a show you don't watch, but recently in the manga we've had some very positive characters who are all but confirmed to be trans:
  7. For fuck's sake, it's a ripoff not a parody. If I give Mickey Mouse blue shorts and call him Ricky Rat, that doesn't make it a parody.
  8. I just assume they're making this because somebody noticed they missed a couple of girls getting molested the first time around.
  9. Jojo- I bet that gaping chest wound is really giving him Kakyoin flashbacks. And then everyone died. Oh shit full OP. I have no idea what he just said. Oh no it's a dog in Jojo! Uhh y'all okay there? Oh cool, Trish knows how to use a gun. Wait what. Oh god they're all body swapped. Surprise titties. Oh my god Misa gets the best dialogue. I like that they didn't go the obvious route of switching everyone's voices. Poor Trish is suffering. Narancia gets to sound smart for the first time in his life. Mista's right, bras suck. Uh guys Bruno might be dead. Oh cool, their stands are upgraded. Aw shit did the entire city get swapped? Even the animals got switched. Oh that's ominous. Oh my god tell me somebody switched with the turtle. Turtle Polnareff. The fuck happened with that arrow? Oh no, does that mean the turtle's soul is gone now? This is all because Polnareff was too dumb to use a hanger or something to grab it. Polnareff what the FUCK did you do? At least Chariot got a cool hat. Doppio is a good boy. I hope it's somebody on our side. I do like his cool hat. Oh thank god it's Bruno. Well hey, Bruno got a sweet functional body out of this! Ass Class- That's a great human disguise. You gotta kill those guys now. Thank you, Squid Sensei. Titties. I love her already. She's definitely got a tentacle fetish. Oh no, my ship has sank already. Me too, Squid. She's fun. False alarm, I'm calling the cops. The kids do have a point. I'm just rooting for Squid Sensei to destroy the world at this point. This is how i want to die. You can't defeat his boner. How are you so stupid that you didn't use the special bullets that can actually kill him? Tentacle punishment. Everyone is uncomfortable. He definitely went tentacle hentai on her. Nobody likes you, Bitch Sensei. Good kids. He's the best teacher. Oh god this lesson. At least she's trying. I love Professor Bitch. Clover- STOP SCREAMING YOU JACKASS. Oh good, more of the obnoxious one-dimensional character traits are on display here. Kill them, angry fire lady. No don't focus on the shitty sibling. Make them suffer for my amusement. I want most of them to die painfully. I would follow you into hell, J. Michael Tatum. Like Charmy, it's ridiculously easy to bribe me with food. Oh my god, stop screaming. Bird you can fly, just fly to the hot spring. I hate all of you. Kill them, Charmy. I want Noelle to die painfully. Definitely rooting for the giant death spider here. Oh hey, it's the good siblings. I respect a woman who sends the weaklings out to either win or get slaughtered. Oh no, this shit continues next week. Fire Force- Between this show and MHA, I've learned to never trust a man in a plague mask. Date me, Captain Sexy and/or Vulcan. I like how my two favorites in this series are ironically the ones who don't have fire powers. I live in constant fear of them dying. "Cool, bro." Why did they bring the nun who can't fight, and is too stupid to figure out an obvious trick? Every time Tamaki gets a painfully forced fanservice scene I die a little inside. Maki is my girlfriend. I genuinely forget that Tamaki is not completely useless. False alarm, Tamaki is in fact the worst. The show would be so much better if these two were just lesbians.
  10. I hope this means it's time for everyone's favorite redheaded fire bitch and not something stupid like last week.
  11. If there was any doubt that 2020 was truly cursed.
  12. Nuns are allowed to drink, but not to the point of getting drunk. Jojo- Doppio is a good boy. Aw fuck, Bruno's blind now. Oh hey, Mista. That phone thing never stops being funny. Trish honey get back in the turtle. Uh Bruno I don't think that's Trish. I should probably be a little ashamed of how much I enjoy that evil boss voice. Goddamn souls screwing up everything. Bruno confirmed for best dad. Yeah you're not acting suspicious at all. Hey there, Frenchy. It's bonkers to think this entire season is only a few days. He's a good Trish. Goddammit Polnareff don't show off the arrow. Oh hey, backstory. Hey there, Enya. Oh hey, Jotaro. I'm eternally disappointed that we never got a scene of Enya shooting Dio in the face with an arrow. Avdol wouldn't have fallen into this trap. How did he even escape he had line one limb left. Aw shit his stand is out. Polnareff how did you even get up those stairs? He's got a point, this is really a tits-out kind of fight. I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND. You're not the first hot, evil time bastard he's fought. Oh, that's new. Uh hey Chariot, you okay there buddy? Whelp. Oh no you dumb French idiot you're not allowed to die here, Avdol and Iggy didn't die for this. HI AVDOL. And now, shit gets fucking bizarre. Ass Class- You should just try roasting him to death, that seems to have an effect. Come on kids, stab your teacher! Haa, the girls think he's cute. It's okay Squid Sensei, you're still my favorite teacher. I don't trust this new kid. Huh, that was a solid plan there. I hate this boy. He's a fucking psychopath, that's what he is. Meanwhile, douchebags. Alright you can go ahead and kill these nerds. You're making it real hard for me to root against the world-threatening monster. OCTOPUS NO. I hate this kid so much. Hey, free takoyaki. I love Squid Sensei so goddamn much. Ooh, sweet nail art. I love watching him clown on this little bastard. Just let him die. He could easily just get under him and just catch him like that. You suck, crazy boy. He can go ahead and destroy the world, I fully support him. Clover- Oh good the screaming's already started. I hope they crash and die. Is this filler? I hate you, Tinkerbell. Remember when he died and was almost set free from this dumpster fire? Oh what the fuck now. This is the shittiest version of Hogwarts. Kill the fairy, children. You stay the fuck away from that nun. This is painful. I hate every minute of this. Are we sure this isn't filler? I am thoroughly creeped out by mom Yuno. I forgot Bargain Bin Gandalf existed. My night is actively worse for having watched this. Fire Force- I hate Tamaki so much. Donkey Dick is the best joke in the entire show. Vulcan's got great style. We get it, you're hot and bitchy. Hiii Captain Sexy. Oh no, Science Dandy is absolutely not trustworthy. Man it's gonna suck when I eventually get Captain Sexy killed. Date me, Vulcan. The morale of this story is to be ready to get your ass beat at all times. Those children are awful. Nobody trusts you because you're creepy and suspicious. Maki is my girlfriend. I like her witch hat. Arthur's fine, it's not like he uses his brain.
  13. It's okay that he likes Food Wars. He's allowed to be wrong sometimes. Also, Black Clover sucks.
  14. Hey, he worked very hard on characters, like the hot lady with huge titties and a serious drinking problem. Wait no, not that one. Wait no, not that one either. You can tell she's totally original because her hair isn't blonde.
  15. This is the only ranking of characters that matters: 1. Yami- The only fuckable man in this entire series. It's a shounen full of dudes, how did they screw that up? I like that he hates everything and seeing him fight is one of the few times this pathetic dumpster fire brings me anything resembling happiness. 9/10 2. Charmy- Her one-dimensional character trait is much less obnoxious than the others. Genuinely a delight to watch. 3/4- The older fire siblings. They're the only people in this show with any semblance of a brain. She's angry and hates everyone, and I respect her for it. He's J. Michael Goddamn Tatum, and I would follow that man into hell after a rousing speech, no questions asked. Everyone else- I genuinely would not care if they died painfully on screen, and would in fact prefer it for most of them. Absolute last place- Gauche. I truly hate the author for creating a character whose one trait is being a pedo incest creep and then making him a good guy that we're supposed to root for. Come fight me, you Naruto-ripoff hack.
  16. Just one more reason 2020 can fuck right off.
  17. No, Gauche is the gross creep whose only character trait is his unquenchable desire to fuck his kindergarten-aged sister.
  18. OH, THAT'S A BASEBALL. Jojo- I don't think Bruno's okay. Oh right, other people exist. "The beanie boy's babbling bullets said so." Not even his own quicksand gimp liked him. Uh Bruno that sliced neck is probably not a good thing. Deal with him before he gets there because god knows Polnareff won't figure out how to beat him. Wait are his legs gone now? This was perhaps not the best idea. Quicksand gimp continues to make me uncomfortable. Bruno, why do you even need air? Where'd you get that arrow, Frenchy? AVDOL SIGHTING. Man, he's looking rough for 36. Polnareff you helped kill one of their dads. What the fuck kind of shenanigans did you get into that took your legs? Please just kill this guy already. Uhhh Bruno you okay there buddy? Oh damn that was a good plan. God I love this music. Reminder, don't fuck with Bruno. Aw fuck, not THAT kid! You can just kill this one. Aww, now they're together in the dumpster truck. Aw fuck Bruno's dead for real now. Ass Class- You blew up the moon, of course that's all they're talking about! Baseball, denied. I'm rooting for Squid Sensei here. That's a great picture. I'm with this girl, bring back snacks. Well, they've figured out a bunch of ways that don't kill him. I love his New York costume. Dude you're not supposed to eat the coconut shell. Squid Sensei is best teacher. I've seen this hentai before. Harsh truths from the cephalopod. He's gonna teach you how to play baseball. Squid Sensei and Aizawa would get along. Well kids, the important thing is you tried. Oh no he ruined their flowers. You could just load like twenty "transfer students" that are secretly trained assassins. That mascot is adorable. I'm losing my shit at the pinata. Aww, he's bringing them together as a team. I have concerns about this new kid. Clover- Every week I regret ragging on the old monologue that didn't suck Asta's dick. So, we're just letting Dimestore Griffith walk around now with absolutely no consequences to the whole elf murder thing? Did some dumb bitch really say Douche Bro's bangs are good? Oh no, you stay the fuck away from Charmy she's one of the only decent characters here. Is there literally no one who can do a glamor spell to make the Wizard Brat look older? I hate the king but I'm glad the annoying guy is suffering. This is painful and I hate everything. Hey there, Captain Sexy. Yami could not give less of a fuck about all this. Oh my god just fuck him already you dumb bitch. Hey there, Dumb Nuts. You should kill him anyways. I hope most of you die painfully in this battle. Shut up Griffith nobody cares. I agree, you should kill all of them. I can respect dream girl's lack of remorse in all this. Every time Asta's execution gets pushed back, I die a little inside. Yes let's depend on Jack the Ripper. Why did they let this guy live? You all have MAGIC how does repairing shit cost money? Don't most of these fuckers come from rich families and don't need the money anyways? And then they lost, because they're dumb as fucking bricks. How dare you waste naked Yami on this. Fire Force- CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG. Shinra really likes to flip flop between being cool and absolutely awful. Date me, Vulcan. Hibana is still goddamn terrible. I forgot about the attack of the mascots. STOP SAYING LATOM. Oh right, albino Deku is here. It's okay, we all hate our siblings a little bit. Lady it's your own goddamn fault if you're too stupid to stay with the hot buff guy who likes to work shirtless. Oh right, the creepy guy's here. I do enjoy that he's constantly followed by deranged carnival music. Join the group, you don't have to wear a shirt. Vulcan the girlfriend offer is permanently on the table, take me up at any time. I don't trust you, Science Dandy. Maki is my girlfriend. Hey there, Captain Sexy. Don't remind me that Tamaki getting molested is a hilarious plot point in this show. It's okay if you're cursed, I am too! To be fair, that is one cool skull.
  19. Black Clover fans, coming in cold with that shit taste.
  20. Something completely innocuous that the next 40 posts in this thread will blow out of proportion and manage to twist into some coded harbinger of the block's impending doom.
  21. Hey kids, come get your exclusive limited edition figure of the guy who's been fired from everything for being a sexual predator!
  22. Stop giving dipshits like this views and attention.
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