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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. I wouldn't call it out of the woods yet. The full post says they're not sure how much they can get done like this, and they don't say anything about returning to a weekly release. I'm sure there's a lot more editing work involved and a lot more line re-dos needed than when everyone is in a professional studio. A lot of the cast probably doesn't have their own Steve Blum recording closet in their home to take perfect, interference-free audio, especially if they live with kids or in an apartment. I'd guess a bi-weekly release is more likely, and Toonami will still have to figure something else out. Meanwhile, I bet Clifford Chaplin's neighbors are losing their goddamn minds hearing him record for Bakugo.
  2. There's a middle ground between nonstop panic and lamenting that the country is going to be a ghost town for years and nothing will ever go back to normal vs shrugging because whelp a bunch of people are gonna die but what can ya do, that ain't my problem. As far as this thread goes, I'm gonna have to side with the guy who literally gets paid to know about science.
  3. Okay that song's a goddamn banger. Hero- I'm loving this guy. La Brava is my spirit animal. Gentle is the hero we deserve. She's right, the internet is fucking terrible. Just leave my kids alone. Meanwhile, Bakugo's going to kill some people. Wait, Bakugo has a talent beyond being angry and violent? He's got a point, fuck those guys. MURDER THEM...with music. Oh goddammit, don't attack my kids again. Score, you got Momo. DISCO, GO. Oh my god yes turn him into a living disco ball. My vote goes for Kirishima. Vote withdrawn, she's amazing. He's too short to play. Holy shit bird friend. No goddammit don't encourage him. Have you considered...a gun? Time for some broken limbs, kiddo. Fuck these trees in particular. Haven't his fingers suffered enough? Hi boyfriend! LOOK AT MY BABY. Goddammit fancy man! Sword Art- Oh god here we fucking go. I know I beg for everyone I hate to jut kill each other basically every week but this time I really mean it. I hope all these gamers are at least feeling excruciating pain. Oh yeah, a bunch of you aren't about to be stabbed. Oh god his eye. Good luck with that imaginary bridge. This is gonna be stupid. That arm was just holding you back. So they're friends now, because fuck gamers I guess? I'm gonna laugh really hard if this is a trick and they're all just that stupid. And that's how Asuna wasted all her power and was completely useless for the rest of the battle. THis seems like it'll backfire. You goddamn idiot. You have a sword, just stab it in the leg. Buddy you don't even wanna know what's going on here. He ripped out his eye, he doesn't give a shit. I've never seen Braveheart but I assume it goes exactly like this. Y'all gonna fuck now? "Horrible and pathetic" is exactly how I describe this show. This is stupid. Joke's on you, Kirito is pointless here. How did a horse catch up to a pack of dragons? I hate everything. Oh fuck me what is this. Demon Slayer- I'm going to kill you, scar boy. Maybe she's just pissed off because you stabbed her, jackass. Let Tanjiro beat his ass. Oh dang. I love my box daughter. All humans are you family except this one specific asshole. Your blood is trash, douche. I mean, that's kinda what they've been doing this whole time. Maybe Tanjiro could get some medical attention now. To be fair, they did try to kill his sister. Don't trust her. Heeee look at her. Let him do it. Ain't no rule against headbutting. I love the pink girl. Don't trust those butterflies. Oh, she's creepy. Oh no, an annoying child. Stop screaming and take your meds. Please restrain him. Hey there, Boarkugo. You okay there, pig boy? Nezuko's gonna need some sleep now. Awwwwww sleepy Nezuko. Well I'm sure the spider massacre didn't help your numbers there. Y'all gotta kill Michael Jackson soon. I'm not gonna remember any of these names. I don't think you're gonna be seeing much of anything, buddy. Food Wars- Pan down, camera. I don't even remember this guy. I don't care, show. I don't give a shit about any of these people. This is gonna be a long, boring episode. I do like quiche. I do enjoy seeing Soma screw up and fail. I also don't care about any of these other kids either. He has to sleep on a couch in the back room? Of course he's here early, he goddamn lives here. This is just how French people are. Yeah, not sleeping at all for a week is definitey the best idea here. This student keeps asking us questions, how the fuck dare he. It's not that weird tentacle shit again is it. Clover- Okay but do you really want normal Gauche back though? Oh, this might be slightly less stupid than I initially assumed. Are those dream tapirs? False alarm, this is exactly as stupid as I assumed. Does this bitch ever wake up? Oh hey, she might just be a tolerable character. Still rooting for sister fucker to just die. And nothing of value was lost. I'd kill myself too if Asta was my closest friend. Racism is bad, kids. Okay but they definitely killed that one human who loved the elves and was your friend, so it seems like your beef should just be with those pecific humans. Saving his creepy ass sure was a waste of time. I sure am glad we wasted the episode on this and not the giant snake dream fight. I hate you all. Jojo- Oh he's not playing, he's just that stupid. Well that's not normal. You can't prove that Bruno's not a Zeppeli. You overdramatic son of a bitch. Yikes that is a lot of blood. This all could have been avoided if the boss had just remembered to wear a condom. Saved via turtle. I think Bruno needs a doctor. Is this just The World only more complicated? Thanks Giorno. Y'all better run now. Hey Bruno you, uh, you okay there? This is not my fault. I don't know what's going on, but I'm not gonna question it. YEET. Kids this is gonna be a real long story just get in the boat. Get in losers, we're going traitor. Y'all should probably talk about this later. Ohhhh, that's a bad omen. Surprising amout of support here. Get in the robot, Narancia. Well at this point Bruno's dead either way so why not. Fuck you, cheese suit. AWWWW MY IDIOT SON. Arriveerci, cheese suit. Oh no I don't like that.
  4. Because god forbid we have a background to distract us from such beautiful artwork as this actual page from the manga.
  5. I need more Rock Bison immediately. Preferably with his shirt off but I'll take what I can get.
  6. You got my hopes up for nothing.
  7. Man we're really scraping the bottom of the barrel if we're counting mascots as anime now.
  8. If you're this concerned, I feel like the state of a late night cartoon block should be the least of your worries right now.
  9. Demarco: Aw dang, I burned my lasagna. Someone on this forum: THIS IS THE END OF THE BLOCK.
  10. Because people like to hit that "start new topic" button like it owes them money.
  11. If we're really going full fantasy draft here... 11:30 - Mob Psycho 2 12:00 - Princess Principle 12:30 - Made in Abyss 1:00 - Tiger and Bunny 1:30 - One Piece, but just the episodes Ace is in 2:00 - Jojo rerun 2:30 - Old school rerun, bring back S-CRY-ed
  12. I'm glad you have something to enjoy. I've been staring at that picture of Mirio for hours. Hero- Dang look at her go. You tried, kids. Shut up and party, rock boy. Oh god what is Mei planning. Sleepy teacher is best teacher. Mineta continues to be the worst. Let's go with Froppy's idea. Let's go with Tokoyami's banquet of darkness. I volunteer for sitting in a room with Aizawa. I like that nobody knows what a fun house is. Oh my god, the disco boys. Hell yeah, dance party. Sometimes I forget that animal boy can talk. MY BABY. MY BOYFRIEND. Someone hug my baby. Mirio is best dad. She can't even smile. Give her surprise midnight balcony cheese. His light bulb broke, he's so goddamn stupid I love him. Get that kid a candy apple now. Awwwwww Mirio. WOOF. I love the Fancy Youtube Villain. CHEESE IT. Anybody else hear Roundabout playing in the distance? That's a damn Powerpuff girl. Oh fuck you, leave my kids alone. Sword Art- Yeah let's spend more time with this bitch. Oh dammit is he gonna be evil. I would have offed myself after spending the night with all four of them but good for him I guess. I like that their plan here is just sending one dude out on a tight rope. Yeah because your enemy definitely isn't gonna notice that. What a shock that this plan went awry. Oh what the fuck now. Why does their virtual daughter still exist. They're collecting the entire harem, I'm gonna flip a table. Fucking teenage girls, ruining everything. Was nobody in this building staying awake to monitor this shit? Klein is the only one here who makes sense. THIS IS STUPID. Oh hey, Black Seitz gets to be in the show again. Every word out of their mouths just makes this whole thing sound dumber. No, they're literally NPC's, they're not actual real life human beings. It's only been ten fucking days here!? Just like now, where I'm experiencing loads of anguishing mental pain. Oh no, you might lose your fake online character forever! It makes me happy that everyone hates them. Wait, you don't pay taxes? This is the worst goddamn motivational speech I've ever heard. Look at this point I odn't care who wins I just want it to be over. Okay so genuine question, why did they go to the trouble of creating the entire Underworld to cultivate Alice, when Yui's existed for years already, as a fully functional AI with free will and total devotion to her owners? Demon Slayer- I hope somebody here is a doctor. Well at laeast the girl with the pink hair seems nice. All of you get away from my son. Hi there, Crispin. Snaaaake. This bitch is me. Lady this is gonna be a bit of a long story. Don't drink anything she gives you. Yeah that's definitely poison. Mention that your master put some hypnosis on her. No really, somebody check with his master. Hi there, Bakugo. Put that box down. NO. You earned that, douche. Oh good he brought the Shining Twins with him. You uh, you got something on your face. She's so thirsty, I love her. You could have just told them that, you didn't have to drag them all the way here. Oh good, they did check with his master. Eat shit, douchebags. Chill the fuck out, dude. LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE. Please stop hurting my daughter. Food Wars- I hope somebody interns with Fatgum. I was half-expecting Erina but at least her minion is somewhat more tolerable. This is gonna be unbearable. Could you maybe stop being an insufferable bitch for ten minutes an get your shit together? Okay I can actually understand Soma having a good grasp on all this considering his background. Get over yourself. No don't praise her, she did terrible. Fucking Megumi. Erina, still the goddamn worst. Should you really be trusting your financial information to a fifteen-year old kid that's working there for like a month? Shut up, Megumi. Time for some Gordon Ramsay action. All Megumi can do is fish. Just change every single thing about the restaurant. Fuck the train people, I guess. This is a weird way to evaulate your students. You're both terrible and I hate you. Now go find your girlfriend and spin around with her. I miss you, hot dad. Clover- This is gonna be unbearable. She sounds like a female Gilbert Godfried and I hate her. You can kill all of them except Charmy. So she's a shittier version of that creepy baby from Jojo, got it. Wow, that was way dumber than I expected. Thanks, Jack the Ripper. Are his powers just D&D? Oh right, they're still trying to rescue the sister fucker for some reason. Who am I supposed to wish death on when I hate them both so much? Ahahahaha you dumbass. I do enjoy seeing the idiots suffer and fail. I still don't care about his backstory, show. Jojo- I don't remember the last time I saw a floppy disc. Oh good, you're almost there. You could just blow up the tower now and be done with him. Mista's shot himself 47 times at this point. Squid ink pasta, you say? Abbacchio's irrational hatred for Giorno still cracks me up. I request one of your ladybug nipple clamps. Fugo's suit continues to fill me with unstoppable rage. You could just pin the thing to Trish as a gift and follow her. This is definitely going to end well. Please give Trish a hug. Awwww Bruno is best dad. OH FUCK. Oh shit he wants to kill her. Whelp, time for a tragic childhood flashback. Tiny Bruno is a good kid. I got a bad feeling about this. Just fill the hole, hole filler! Oh no. Remember kids, don't do drugs. Tiny Bruno doesn't fuck around. Someone give Bruno a hug. I like that he has a fancy black mourning version of his regular suit. Drugs are bad. Y'know if he'd just waited like five minutes for Bruno to leave, he could have killed Trish in peace and won. Well, shit. This could be going better. Surprise phone, bitch! Oh shit he got Kakyoin'd.
  13. So like, just how inbred is your family?
  14. These are new episodes of Shippuden that have been dubbed and never aired before. Where are you getting reruns from? Do you just lose reading comprehension when you go into panicked flailing mode?
  15. Don't they still have like, 200 episodes of Naruto to grind through? They could make that half the block and still have a year's safety net on it. I don't know what the rights situation looks like with Bleach, but it might not be too hard for Toonami to rerun it considering the new anime announcement. Or hey, Funi's got almost 600 episodes of One Piece dubbed...
  16. What the fuck does that have to do with Toonami?
  17. Oh good, time for another round of "Toonami fans whining endlessly about every single announcement, regardless of the circumstances" because god forbid you take a break from the doomsday predictions for one fucking week.
  18. Did this really need its own separate thread instead of just going in the other Toonami vs Coronavirus thread we already have?
  19. In difficult times I like to remember that Endeavor figure with the ridiculous ass that I keep in an open tab at all times. It's not relevant to anything but it sure makes me feel better. Date me, garbage dilf
  20. This reads as complete gibberish to me.
  21. Hero- I love watching Bakugo suffer. Shoutout to that one kid whose power is just MOUTH CANNON. Well that sounds terrifying. I'm losing my shit at Shojo Todoroki. Oh my god, Shojo Bakugo. I hate this child so much. Ooooh I wanna slide. Endeavor has no idea how to react to happy children. I still vote for Bakugo murdering this one particular child. No, let them do the exploding roller coaster. Maybe Endeavor is just a bad person. I'm with Camie, shut up for a minute. Hey there, Garbage Dilf. One day I swear I'll kill him. Windy boy. RIP Nighteye. Someone please hug Mirio. Awww Eri. That math is the most terrifying thing of all. Oh my god what. "Aoyama was force-feeding me cheese" is the best sentence of the episode. Well this is creepy. CHEESE! Hi Midnight. Fuck off, Mineta. Mina no that sounds like a war crime. Kirishima. Gettin' real creepy there, Sparkle Boy. AWWW SPARKLE BOY. Nothing like surprise midnight balcony cheese. Eww. Sword Art- And now for some bullshit. FLUCTLIGHT. No you're literally their goddess, weren't you listening to the nerd? Son of a bitch, he's awake. Good job you pulled him out of what, like four layers of coma here. And now you have to explain that their entire universe is a shitty simulation, that'll go over well. Maybe they'll kill each other. Old man's definitely got a boner for this. This is stupid. Booze is the proper response to having to be in this show. The catfight is already getting on my last nerve. I feel like it would have been so much easier to say that "Yes I'm the goddess and I came to save your world from destruction." It seems short-sighted to assume that they'll just leave if Alice isn't there instead of destroying everything out of spite. This is stupid. Bryce really earning that paycheck for the week. Buddy stop trying to make sense of this, it's not gonna work. Again, YOU'RE IN A VIDEO GAME. Oh my god shut up. Oh my god stop throwing girls into the harem. Oh christ are we about to get a recap of the entire goddamn show? Demon Slayer- Well that's depressing. And then Michael Jackson showed up at this defenseless boy's bedside. I like that the "devour humans" part isn't the first downside that comes to mind with him. In their defense, you did eat people. I bet you feel like a real asshole now, huh? Oh my god just die already. Are...are they going to hell with him then? Tanjiro's a good kid and also he should probably get to a hospital. NO. Bitch leave my daughter alone. Everyone is bald now. Don't worry I still like you. Fuck you, girl. RUN. You're gonna have to kill her. Aw fuck who are you. DON'T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER. Oh my god, the tiniest Nezuko. CAW. Okay at least they're not killing her on sight anymore. Owww his jaw. Pig boy still tied up. Bird! Y'all better put Nezuko back in her box now. Tanjiro might be dead. Hi there, boobs. Food Wars- Shut up Soma it's over you lost. This is cheating you can't slip extra in after they call time. I don't care, lady. Don't worry, I still hate him. I miss you, hot dad. This is bullshit. BOOOO. This would be depressing if I gave a shit at all about these characters. So he's definitely banging his surrogate mother figure. I'm just happy that Soma lost. I hate you, Alice. Fuck off losers, you lost. You're all terrible. HI HOT DAD. I'd rather what whatever dad is up to. Oh hey, Meat Meat's become less of a total bitch. PUT ON PANTS YOU GROSS WEIRDO. I hate you all. Okay I laughed at "Bromigos" there. Clover- Look at all these people I would have rather seen die painfully. Because nothing says peace like mass genocide. Why the fuck are tese two back. Please get the naked teenagers some clothes. Go ahead and kill them all, see how many fucks I give. Kill them all, Yami. Oh goddammit Asta's here. I hate you all. This cat deserves a better show. Ohhh, it's that girl who's always asleep. Oh fuck you don't kill Charmy I like her. Get away from that small child, sister fucker. Maybe I'll get lucky this time and they'll all kill each other. Just let the sister fucker die. NO YOU IDIOTS. Jojo- And then they died. Owww god his hand. Yes Giorno, driving the car into freezing water was a bad idea. Whelp, so much for the plant. Mista what are you doing. Oh my god it's a snowboard. So much for that. This fight is ridiculous. Godddamit Mista move. Mista can breathe underwater now. RIP fish. They did it! Oh goddammit. How many times has Mista accidentally shot himself so far. Well thank god ice boy is stupid as hell. Mista is absolutely going to shoot himself again before the episode's over. Chuckleschmuck. Jesus christ Giorno what the fuck. Bruno is still best mom. He's the top customer in this Oliver Garden. Back in the day before Fugo's suit was completely god awful. YEEEE HAWWW. Oh my god just die already. POCKET BLOOD. Ohhhh god pipe in the spine. Holy shit Mista stop shooting yourself. Stop it if you die my stand babies die. That sure is a lot of blood. HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE. God I love this song. Finally! Mista's gonna need a hospital. Oh my god. This is the best episode to use this ED on. I got a bad feeling about this.
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