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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. I've never been happier to be out of school than during plague times. Jojo- Previously, Bruno is a goddamn zombie. These guys still make me so uncomfortable. Lucky for him he can't feel pain anymore. How long before Mista shoots himself? Make Daddy proud, boys. Aw fuck he's gone. NO MY BABIES. Whelp, Mista's dead again. Number 5 is precious and I love him. I got a real bad feeling about this. OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK. I don't like this. He would definitely have a boner right now if he hadn't chopped off his own dick. Number 5 to the rescue! This could be going better. Oh thank god you made him shut up. You better behead him to make sure he's dead. No don't show him mercy, kill it with fire right now. Goddammit this is why you don't monologue! Don't fuck with Giorno. MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA. Holy shit that was awesome. You probably shouldn't pick up that phone. I hate Mole Gimp so much. Uh hey Bruno you okay there? POLNAREFF?! Ass Class- I just assume this is how classes start in schools now. Squid Sensei is kind of adorable and I want to hug him. Owww. "No discharging guns in the classroom" would be a great rule to have. Okay I love this teacher. Goddammit somebody blew up the moon. Yeah this seems like a great plan. I am 100% on board with all of this. I could go for some Chinese. Sorry Aizawa, I may have a new favorite teacher. Wait that's a boy? Grow a pair and kill the genocidal alien. You should maybe get rid of the missle before it blows up the kids. I'm sure I've read that poem before. It's only the first episode you're not going to kill him now. BOMB. Aww, he's a nice genocidial alien. Oh that can't be a good thing. Well that's terrifying. "I ain't afraid of no squid" is a fantastic line. Awww Squid Sensei is the best. The plot, it thickens. "This is totally balls!" could have come straight out of Jojo. Clover- Previously, big titty sea witch attacks Asta and is automatically best character. Okay I want a giant pillow like that. I like that this series assumes its audience is so stupid they need a diagram to figure out hte numbers 0-9. That looks painful. Y'all realize that this is exactly how your own Wizard King acts, right? Okay the Heart Kingdom is infinitely better than the Clover Kingdom. At first I thought the queen was alright but nope, she's just another unfunny one-dimensional joke. I miss you, Captain Sexy. For the love of god get this man more fiber. More unfunny shenanigans, go! No, let them fight the devil now and get murdered. Please just timeskip through the next six months so I don't have to watch this. They're just going out of their way to make Yami less attractive and I hate them for it. Time to root for the devil again! Meanwhile Charmy, not giving a single fuck. Dimestore Hisoka has a point. I hope most of you die. Fire Force- Show I will never respect a man with a name like Raffles. Date me, Vulcan. Aw shit the Klan's here. Shinra kinda sucks. DONKEY DICK, GO! This is the best scene in the entire show. RIP donkey dick, you were too good for this world. Take off your shirt and tell us more, Vulcan. Again, open offer to be your girlfriend whenever you wanna take me up on that. I'll probably get him killed but at least I won't betray him! CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG.
  2. Start from where the anime left off and read from there. Unless it's something like FMA where the two are noticeably different, then start from the beginning
  3. Could y'all take whatever the hell your weird argument has become to like, any thread that's actually relevant to it?
  4. Guys, go easy on Jingo. "Get woke go broke" is all he can type from memory while he spends his waking hours jacking off to Fox News and sobbing inconsolably at seeing a black person on his screen.
  5. Well I definitely liked last week more than this one. Gotham Knight- Goddamn kids. And then Lil Slugger showed up. That's not Batman, that's Tokoyami. Man this villain sure gets around. That's not Batman, that's a gargoyle. That's not Batman, that's ROBOBATMAN. Oh hey, Batman. Oh, this guy looks crazy. Just call him a Batman, that's what he is. Oh y'all are about to get trapped in the murder building. You're tranferring out of the MCU, I GET IT. Lady if he doesn't wanna work with you, I sure as hell will. Never trust a Russian. And then they exploded. I don't like where this is going. Oh hey, Batman. God I love Kevin Conroy. Never trust anyone who actually likes golf. Man this one really made Batman extra pretty. Thanks, Morgan Freeman soundalike. "Yeah this place is great except for the murder." I'm that bad at every sport. Okay this Batman reminds me of Griffith and that activates my flight or fight response, 2/10 would not recommend. Goddamn lizards driving people crazy. You can't track me I'm Batman. Thanks, random old man who dwells in the sewers. CRIKEY. Aw shit now you're a werecrocbatman. Alright this looks cool as shit. You can't stop here, this is bat country. Ohh that's a lot of blood. Hello there, horrifying flashback. At this point I'd like to point out that none of this is my fault. They don't trust you, white boy. RIP mongoose. Hello there, hot lady. I know the joke is that Batman's real super power is money but really it's Alfred. Some people are into the whole pain thing. Wow, fuck these guys. And then guns. Just an angry mob, no big deal. Don't fuck with Batman, kids. Well that's ominous. Obligatory dead parents flashback, go! Yeah you should probably get rid of that box full of guns. Or if you're Mista, the power to shoot yourself every other episode. Y'all might wanna duck...too late. You don't have enough bullets to take out Gordon's massive balls. You could just put him in a windowless bunker but that's too easy I guess. He's definitely going to fire from a 60mph train. Now'd be a good time to put your fucking helmet back on. Surprise it's MORE GUN. He's probably got at least six more guns on him right now. Goddamn Russians, again. Well that was surprisingly easy. Alfred needs a vacation. Dark Knight Returns- Surely this will go well. Oh my god this terapist is the dumbest fucking person on the planet. Why is Ronald Reagen the president here? What the fuck are these kids saying, I'm so old. That is one manly Nazi lady. And then Batman was an old lady. No don't shoot my kid. Thanks, Supes. Never in my life have I given a shit about Superman and that's not gonna change now, movie. I continue to hate every single side character in this movie. Wait is that the sexy detective he was cheating with in Year One? Yeah good luck with that arrest warrant. Okay Supes summoning a bald eagle out of nowhere is great. I'd rather have Wonder Woman. Fuck off, Reagan. I miss Mark Hamill. Be a little more conspicuous Alfred, I don't think her friend is suspicious enough yet. I feel like Batman is probably in massively better shape than the Joker after all these years. Ha ha, he's literally murdered hundreds of people! I hope this therapist dies first. Wow what a shock this interview went awry. Uh hey guys maybe you should lay off Batman right now and do something about the hundreds of new murders happening downstairs. Not a fan of this Cold War subplot. Damn Catwoman's let herself go. Oh what the fuck. Obligatory Frank Miller whores. Still shipping it after all these years. Never accept treats from a clown. No you idiot clown, if you shoot all the mirrors you won't have any left to do the dramatic "Which one is real???" game. After like 47 shots, his gun finally ran out of bullets. Wow Robin just straight up killed that dude. This could have all been resolved years ago if the two of you had just fucked. Was Frank Miller okay when he wrote this thing? Lasso yourself a Batman and get out of there. Alfred is the MVP of this entire franchise. I continue to loathe this Cold War subplot with every fiber of my being. Oh what the fuck now withe Nuke Supe. BONJOUR MISTER HORSE. I admit, I'd still follow Batman right into hell after a rousing speech. Gordon, still the only cop worth trusting. Gee maybe Batman wasn't the ultimate evil this whole time. I have literally never seen a single second of Green Arrow and I'm okay with that. So are Robin's parents just too busy getting high to notice she's gone during this whole nuclear winter thing? Fuck off Supes nobody likes you. If Alfred dies I riot. Fuck all these innocent bystanders in their houses, I guess. Oh hey it's Mr Arrow. "I made this kryptonite spear years ago because I knew one day we'd fight to the death." And then he died. How fucking dare you kill Alfred. I hope Robin at least got a fat check out of this. How the fuck. IS ALFRED DEAD OR NOT, GET BACK HERE.
  6. Hey look, fresh content that won't have to pause for production delays! Now shut up.
  7. Yes, the only reason anyone would dislike watching a scene of two characters be molested and nearly raped is because they're all just fragile crybabies who can't tell fiction from reality. I'm done with this conversation. Please stop quoting me, I think you're a genuinely disgusting person and I don't want to deal with you anymore.
  8. " “There exists a problem of illegal video distribution service these days, but “AnimeLog” will distribute only officially-licensed animations and operate as a safe channel that families can enjoy together,” said Analyzelog in a statement." It sounds like their focus is going to be older titles and those that target a younger demographic (early 200s series, 70's era Miyazaki), which are niches that CR doesn't seem to cater to as much. This doesn't seem like a direct competitor any more than a smartphone is a competitor to a Playstation.
  9. The edited version of the gratuitous underage double sexual assault scene was enough to get the point across. Nothing of value was lost by trimming the worst bits of it.
  10. RIP in peace. Yeah it was illegal, but it's been a huge part of anime fandom for what, damn near a decade? I'm sure we all have fond memories of that festering scab of a site demanding we shut off adblock and risk giving our computers cancer to watch an episode of something we missed.
  11. Year One- You should probably not beat up a monk, that's probably some bad karma right there. Jim Gordon is the only cop worth trusting. These shady masked fuckers totally aren't the other cops aw shit they're the other cops. HI CATWOMAN. Goddamn child hooker stabbed me! Remember, don't trust cops. Don't fuck with Gordon. Uh hey Bruce you okay there? I don't think that's a sign, I think this bat just has rabies. GORDON PUNCH. Alright he looks like the old TAS version Batman and I can get behind this. REVELRY IN THE DARK. Hi there, future Two Face. Sure hope nobody else was in the building they just blew up. She's my favorite crazy cat lady. BATS, MOTHERFUCKERS. Oh no don't cheat on your wife with the hot detective lady. I'm always gay for Catwoman. Really should not have fucked that lady. Nothing to see here, just a rich alcoholic day-drinking with his exotic whore. Huh, I was expecting the son thing to be a fakeout and for her to give birth to Batgirl instead. God I'm gay for her. Babies are indeed a curse unto us all. I've seen John Mulaney, you never let them take you to a secondary location. Uh Gordon maybe try not ot crash the car that's carrying your baby. Eat shit, fat man. Somebody's poisoned the watering hole! Dark Knight Returns- It's nice that he found a safe hobby after his retirement. Is Gordon retiring because his balls are too big? Joke's on you thugs, this is is fetish. Oh thank god, Alfred's still alive. Even if he's in a coma, I don't trust the Joker. Oh hey, he's back to One Face. Goddammit Harvey. Oh no, it's Zorro-induced PTSD. For fuck's sake Bruce, just bat-proof that window already. I don't like where this is going. BATMAN'D. Batman's built like a Joestar, age means nothing to him. Big deal like this is the first time Batman's been threatened with dismemberment. God I love Alfred. So I'm guessin this girl's gonna be the new Robin. Aw fuck, Joker's listening. Oh a whole $22 million, that's like three hours of work for Bruce Wayne. Ah shit, Batman turned into Devilman for a minute there. Uh hey Harvey you okay there? Again, don't fuck with Gordon. Nice Robin cosplay, dork. And then they all got rabies. She's adorable. Yeah buddy this speech is a great way to give yourself a good image. This girl's definitely about to get herself captured. The BATTANK says fuck you. Batman no you're gonna get your spine ripped out. Oh shit did she just claw out his eyes? Alright kid he's five times your size, drag him back to the tank. Okay I love this girl. Awww good, Bruce is keeping her. Okay but they should really take him to the hospital and say he fell down the stairs or something. On the flip side, I hate these side characters. Idiot mayor's definitely about to die. Wow what a surprise, he died immediately. Ouch, Alfred. I have no goddamn idea what they're saying. No seriously, can I get mutantspeak-to-English subtitles here? Good girl, set a trap. I am not really sure how letting the leader escape is gonna help here but go for it. Movie I don't speak rebellious teen, what the fuck are they saying. FUCK 'IM UP, BATS. Oh fuck he accidentally started himself a cult. Great job, you dumb bastards woke up the Joker.
  12. It's not gonna happen but I'd laugh really, really hard if Adult Swim bought it.
  13. Yikes. Glad I never got into that one.
  14. That's a lie, I know for a fact you've read My Balls. Most of what I've read is just because I just caught up with the anime and was impatient: Fullmetal Alchemist Bleach One Piece Hero Academia Jojo, but only through part 5
  15. It's always possible that they already budgeted and paid for series that have been delayed to next year, like the new seasons of Dr Sone and Promised Neverland. Keep in mind that Funi, Sentai, etc are doing the Pandemic Shuffle, and if they've already been paid for a show, they might not be so willing to hand over a refund for it without going through significant contract negotiations. It's straight up baffling to me how people with zero experience in anything entertainment related constantly shit on a guy who's been in the industry for decades and truly believe they know better than him. It's like watching six episodes of Food Wars and thinking you're a better cook than the ones on Iron Chef.
  16. I don't know why that story cracked me up but thank you. Jojo- I'm uncomfortable with this. Your weird dog gimp man has earned his Scooby Snacks. Oh no my son is full of mold. You're being attacked by magic mold, he doesn't have time to be nice. I got a bad feel about this. Oh shit it doesn't land. Whelp, you're screwed. RIP gun. Oh this is not going well. You stay away from that turtle! Aww he says he's their papa. YEEEE HAAW. Mista no you're gonna shoot yourself again. And then Mista shot himself again. Bruno no, the mold! Gopher gimp continues to make me very uncomfortable. I don't think Bruno is okay. Fine then, keep your secrets. Oh I don't like that ominous music. I DON'T THINK BRUNO IS OKAY. Aw fuck he's a zombie. WHAT. And then everyone died. Time to set everything on fire. Does the mold affect stands because I don't want my boys hurt. They're boyfriends. Homicidal badger. It's Fern Gully, bitch. Fire Force- I still don't trust Science Dandy. His junkyard looks like my sewing room before Halloween. I do appreciate a buff dude yeeting beer cans at loud teenagers. Yeah sure I'll call you whatever you want. Vulcan I am right here if you want a big tittied girlfriend who won't betray you. His first mistake was putting on a shirt. I don't know whether the bigger question is why Vulcan made a pissing squirrel robot or why Arthur was molesting it. I'd watch a National Geographic show with shirtless Vulcan. Clover- I hate this monolgue a little more every week I have to hear it. It's too early for Yami to deal with this. Yes good, shit all over their hopes. I'm disappointed he hasn't come to smother him with a pillow. He's a douchebag but his assessment of them is correct. Hey, it worked out for Miroku. You're not cursed you're just a horny bastard. I'm surprised anyone willingly took her brother. I'm goddamn amazed that anyone would willingly take Asta. Kill him anyways, Yami. Why wouldn't you just send Yuno he's objectively the strongest one. Calm down you horny bastard. God Mimosa have some standards. This is painful. Sink their boat, your majesty. Alright I'm already rooting for the ominous water bitch. Honey just date him. Man, this place makes your kingdom look like shit. And nothing of value was lost. You can just go ahead and kill them. Big deal you can draw a transmutation circle. She's got huge boobs and hates Asta, I love her.
  17. I know the big question on everyone's mind is who fucked Sesshomaru, but I'm just sitting here wondering why that one kid's "modern" outfit is a Colonel Sanders cosplay.
  18. I mean, she has a point. Slapping "Dr Stone fandub" on your resume is unprofessional and super cringy in general. BRB updating my resume with my gratuitous Endeavor thirst tweets. I'm counting those as significant writing experience.
  19. I had to watch Avdol die goddamn twice. Jojo- RIP our angry goth boy. Maybe he's targeting her because he's just a complete asshole. Thanks for the stone bust but it's kinda useless. Oh hey, somebody's here with a clue. Sweet, we got a name. Kira also thought his stand had no weakness and then he got hit by an ambulance. Oh shit he's got an arrow. I love the phone. I hate that the angry voice does things for me. I got a bad feel about these guys. Huh, is that how stands happen? Wait if this was 1978, how did Avdol get his stand at birth? That was Avdol's silhouette, I miss him. I don't like the drunk dudes' survival odds here. Hey uh what the FUCK. Goddamn Youtubers. Ohhhh that is fucked up. I didn't expect to find a more uncomfortable character than Melone but here we are. Actual phone...or not. And then Mista died, again. Y'all are gonna die. Oh no my idiot son. I'm surprised Mista of all people figured that out. I don't like that. I hope Giorno cal cure all this. Yeet that turtle! YEEE HAAAAW. Mob- Once again, Reigen is best dad. He has become too powerful. Awww Mob. God I love 1000% Reigen. This is the best fight in anything. I need a Reigen in my life to motivate me. I forgot the boss was an old man and not a little girl. "Surviving's a chore even though I'm so special" is a real mood. I still don't trust this ginger. Even Dimple gets a moment in the spotlight. I like the vegetable friends. That's also how I look when I work out. And everyone gets a happy ending. This isn't ominous at all. Meanwhile, bug hunting. Hey, free mushrooms. Clover- For fuck's sake just give that guy subtitles. I'm okay with him failing. Maybe you don't have friends because you're creepy as fuck in general. Yami continues to be the least terrible character. Why doesn't she just transform into the big ugly guy disguise she always used before they revaled she was actually a cute girl? I hope his mom is also a hot bitch like the team alcoholic's was. Fucking christ, they're all like this. Sister fucker is literally the last person who gets to judge anyone for an incest implication. This is painful. Maybe I'll luck out and his creepy dad will kill them all. Funi I am BEGGING you for subtitles. Oh what the fuck. This is a form of pain he's not studying. Introduce him to that obnoxious screaming science girl. Please kill him. Goddammit he's not a serial killer. Huh, dream lady's awake. Oh what the fuck now. I'm disappointed that her siblings aren't dead. So...he let their douche siblings blame her for their mom's death and treat her like shit her entire life for no reason? What the fuck. This is a stupid explanation. You're all garbage, it's impossible to narrow it down.
  20. I straight up have no memory of what happened last time in Jojo. I think everyone's favorite piss kink goth died?
  21. Every time I read that pointlessly long acronym, my hatred for this franchise grows just a little bit more.
  22. I'm sure that artist is very talented and has done a lot of good work but they probably should have paid someone who actually knew how to draw a Naruto that looks like Naruto and not...that.
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