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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. Poor bastards can't even jack it to anime titties to forget about the horrifying wildlife.
  2. I mean, there are contracts in place for Toonami to air these shows. I doubt Sony's going to want to fork over more money to buy out those contracts now that the shows are so far into production, especially if they're really paying damn near a billion dollars for Crunchyroll already.
  3. I read this thread title and expected it to be some new shitty light novel.
  4. Hibana is just a worse, infinitely more unlikable version of Boa Hancock. Prove me wrong.
  5. I like the premise and most of the main characters have grown on me. Especially Arthur, I hated that kid at first but after his Donkey Dick scene cracked me up I love this little bastard. Tamaki is still god awful and the worst idea in the entire series, though.
  6. Oh, it'll be back soon. I'm not lucky enough to have it gone for long. Jojo- SOUND EFFECTS OP, GO. No sculpting for you now, guy. Mista you're just going to shoot yourself again. Oh shit, flashback Mista is actually competent. "Do I look stupid to you?" is not a question you really want answered. Aw shit the rock's gone. Michelangelo confirmed as a stand user. Okay, magic stand rock is a real weird way to tell the future. God, that poor old man's life just gets more depressing. Poor Number Five. He can't shoot you but he can bitch slap you with a pistol. I'm choosing to blame Fugo for all of this. Mista's gonna need a hug once this flashback is over and he finds out what happened. I love my bullet children. Shoot the rock! Uhhh rocks aren't supposed to do that. Watching that thing bounce up the stairs is cracking me up. And then Mista fought a rock. Cheese suit, actually helping for a change. Yes, you could have had a peaceful death like plummeting several stories to the pavement below. Menacing. Oh no it's a rock. Turtle Polnareff survives! Take a fucking shower, Mista. This music is the sexiest thing I've ever heard. Oh hey, he became the boss. Oh sweet, new pallet swap outfits. I wonder if everyone just assumes the original boss died and Giorno is his son or something. Ass Class- Didja get that thing I sentcha? Oh, she's cute. "She doesn't look like an assassin" is kind of the point, kids. The hell is that? Your new classmate is Hatsune Miku. I kinda hate her already. No shooting in the classroom! Oh shit, she actually hit him. You're ruining class, goddammit. Duct tape fixes everything. Your classmates hate you and they can fuck with you as much as they want. He is best teacher. She's got the personality of a My Little Pony. Does this count as cyberbullying? I love fourth wall jokes. I hate you, Vocaloid. It's okay Squid Sensei I still like you more. "What kind of whimsical trash is this?" is a mood. Oh, it makes flowers now. Can we just stick her out in the rain or something? I love you, Bitch Sensei. Clover- I've completely forgotten what was happening before the filler. This is gonna be stupid isn't it. STOP SCREAMING YOU DIPSHIT. Kill them, Dimestore Hisoka. God, I hate all of you. Is this still filler? Hey there, Captain Sexy. I hope she drowns. Oh look, more people I hate. Sure, go murder a god. Is it Cthulhu? I love you, Yami. Your shitty talent show isn't going to fix anything. No Yami, tell them to fuck off and go back to drinking. Kill them, Cthulhu. Maybe the shark monsters will eat them. Just let them die, please. Once again I am left disappointed. Definitely rooting for the Kraken here. I do genuinely enjoy Charmy. Crap, they made it. You should just let Charmy eat that thing. I also have an aura of rage around me constantly. How dare you steal that joke from Finding Nemo. I hope this just makes it angrier. Aww, it's a baby. Eat her, fishy. Oh what the hell is this. Well that was a pointless waste of time. Fire Force- Date me, Vulcan. Maki is my girlfriend. Hey there, Captain Sexy. I can't decide if I'm into this buff old man or not. It's a real bastard move to keep hiding shit from the poor kid like that. I do appreciate the pun that his name is Captain Burns. That's some fucked up shit right there. Shinra needs a hug. "That demon has a baby!" is unreasonably funny to me. Well damn that plan sure backfired on you, didn't it? I still hate that lady but man she's got great tits.
  7. I asked for less Black Clover and I got this goddamn monkey's paw of a wish fulfillment.
  8. I can't accurately describe how hard I cringed when I opened my ballot and saw Kanye West was actually on it. 😬 Jojo- Ooh flashback, my son's alive again! "Go sit at the dipshit table" is a fantastic line. For just a second in that OP, Giorno went full Dio. How the fuck did he get away. Okay, I did not expect him to get stabbed to death by some random crazy hobo. Show me his dick you cowards. Well that's disturbing. Back away, old man. Oh no a dog. I hope that's another ambulance. This is a real fucked up way to defeat him. Oh no, Bruno. Huh, arrow. Get back to the dipshit table, Mista. Ohhh, this was right before the first episode. Bruno was the best gangster. This Olive Garden doesn't serve honest tax payers. Oh this is depressing. THE ROCK IS A STAND. Alright we gotta kill this guy. Mista did you lay this rock? I was joking but the rock really is a stand isn't it. This menacing rock stand is hilarious. That's a nice Bruno statue. Ass Class- Let him sing more, I'm learning so much. This sniper plot will go just great. Oh shit, a boat. Shocking how that plan failed. No stop you're ruining the show! He's not even using the special bullets, of course he's failing. Group of our kids just got kidnapped by a gang of teen rapists, no big deal. And then the tentacles. My students learned a lot while trying to kill me, A+. He's too friendly to kill. I'm glad they're having fun. The girls are here to look at dicks. Kids I'm uncomfortable with this. Go spy on Bitch Sensei. I don't know anyone's names so this scene is completely lost on me. Everyone's thirsty over the teacher guy. I love Bitch Sensei. I don't want to hear about Squid Sensei's love life. This man does not get paid enough. Wait he used to have hands? I'd recommend not trying to murder the class to take him out. New transfer students, go! Fire Force- Why the hell would you pick on a kid who you think murdered his family? I wonder what happened to their dad. I'll admit that was one adorable baby. This was a heartwarming moment until it went horribly, horribly wrong. Just a creepy lady dressed as a giant baby. GUN. Hey there, Captain Sexy. I forgot about this cute obvious lesbian doctor. Oh sure, go back to that bitch Lisa and wait for her to betray you again. "The truth would have done you no good" is a real shitty excuse for letting the poor kid think his entire family was dead and for letting everyone else think he killed them.
  9. Pop Team Epic is better than DBZ.
  10. I'd like to reply, but TG did just make a post I like. By Black Clover's logic, a man doing something I enjoy has turned me into a babbling idiot and I cannot mentally function until I react with generic violence towards him.
  11. Still dodging that Black Clover filler harder than I'm dodging the plague. Jojo- Diavolo here, reminding everyone about the importance of condoms. Well this could be going better. Arrow says no. I am just as confused as you. I hope Bruno gets to keep that body. And everything's back to normal. Oh no, Bruno. Diavolo furiously screaming a bunch of fancy language does things for me. Oh look, Mista's dying again. I don't think Bruno's coming back, guys. Rage harder, shitty dad. AW HELL YEAH, ARROW TIME. Aw fuck, arrow time denied. Speaking of turtle, did Polnareff die now? And then shit got even weirder. Snaaaaake. I choose to believe this is actually just his Dio genes kicking in and nothign to do with the arrow. Okay the scorpion laser thing is probably the arrow. Oh yeah douche, I'm sure this is gonna go just great for you. POCKET BLOOD. Aw fuck did somebody activate Bites the Dust? I have no idea what's going on but I'm just gonna go with it. Okay cool, he's just not gonna explain anything at all. MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA. Ass Class- Geisha Squid is doing things for at least one of those boys. Don't group up with the crazy boy. Aww she's cute, there must be something wrong with her. Bitch denied. Oh no, reading. I love you, Professor Bitch. I respect his need for more snacks. Sweet, new noses! Oh yeah random thugs, this is gonna go just great for you. Props for trying, kids. I'm with green girl, don't waste snacks like that. So what you're saying is that this is a great place for murder. Alright kids, time to get in some practice murder. Oh hey, crazy boy came in handy here. Man, no wonder you kids can't kill your teacher. I don't like where this is going. I like that her rebellious phase was just going to an arcade. Time to kill, kids. Man, he really nailed it with that guide book. Squid sensei says no. Yeah I'm full on rooting for the murder squid here. "We get it, you're a scary dude." Clover- Noooope. Fire Force- I don't think that one bitch can see but her ugly onesie does look comfy. And the weird time shenanigans continue. Science Dandy is still creepy. Man I forgot that boy gets fucking wrecked in this fight. Date me, Cap'n Sexy. I forgot most of this fight happened at all, really. I'm glad I don't know enough about science to know this is impossible. You're gonna kill us all one day, Science Dandy. She's got a crown over her eyes, girl can't see shit. Hey, the overheating thing worked for Endeavor. Uh hey kiddo, you okay there?
  12. You're a fucking idiot. Nobody blames Todoroki's mom for injuring Shoto because it's made obvious from his backstory that she was having a mental breakdown after years of Endeavor's physical and emotional abuse. It's shown that before this one horrible thing happened, she was a good parent who loved her kids and encouraged her son to be a hero like All Might. There's literally a scene where we hear Endeavor slapping her around after she tries to stop him from hurting their son. His injury happened right after she confessed that she's losing her mind and terrified of Shoto becoming like his dad. Even the fucking six year old kid understood that this was a result of Endeavor's treatment and never held it against his mom. And everybody still thinks Endeavor's a piece of shit. In that exact same scene with the flowers, she says she hasn't seen him in 10 years because she's still afraid of him. All the flowers do is illustrate that he's not 100% irredeemable garbage, only maybe 98%. He's been a terrible person for decades and has just barely started trying to be better. Showing the audience one single piece of evidence that there is some good in him does not mean anyone's forgiven him yet.
  13. He says it in his fight with Midnight during the final exams. Literally, "I want girls to love me, so I can touch them."
  14. Happy birthday! Have a waifu!
  15. No no, this can only be a secret conspiracy to hide the fact that they don't have any new shows! Because it's not like they've ever aired Western cartoons before! This is clearly a harbinger of the block's impending doom! THE END IS NIGH!
  16. Okay that has to be just straight up furry porn.
  17. He hit on a six year old child. 😬
  18. I'm a weak little baby and I'm afraid to see what happens after the end of the 90s anime.
  19. I'm just gonna quote the part of my post you clearly did not understand. Keywords there: FOR THEIR TIME. Representation is a constantly evolving concept. Something that was considered an acceptable joke a decade ago is no longer okay by today's standards, because that's just how progress works. 10-20 years ago, it was a positive step that the okama were simply written as good guys, even in a mocking way. Obviously that seems pretty gross when you look back on it, and it's telling that it's been basically a decade since we've seen them used for cheap jokes like that. Even now, when one of the villains is an okama, that's just another trait for his character and isn't being dragged out for laughs. Sure it would be nice if Oda released a public statement apologizing for his character writing back in the day, but the fact that the most popular series in Japanese history has had such an obvious change in how it depicts queer characters is huge in itself. The evolution of representation isn't just affecting One Piece, either. When Tiger and Bunny came out in 2011, the hero Fire Emblem was seen as a funny but positive portrayal of a queer character. Now though, it's not hard to see why some people are a little uncomfortable with his/their gender and sexual identity being used for laughs, or the running gag where he gropes an obviously uncomfortable man's ass multiple times over the series. Revolutionary Girl Utena showed off a whole grab bag of sexual preferences, but boy howdy are most of those characters fucked up. Hell, Bleach gave us Charlotte, whose entire character basically came down to "Look at this ugly man in a fairy costume who thinks he's a pretty princess. Laugh at him!" Representation marches on with time, and in recent years we've seen some shows with more nuance like Yuri on Ice, Carole and Tuesday, and Sarazanmai where "He's gay, point and laugh!" isn't the be-all-end-all of the queer characters. In another decade we may look back on these shows and notice glaring flaws in how they depict gay relationships and characters, but they'll still matter as stepping stones towards creating series with even better representation.
  20. The only thing worse than regular Black Clover is Black Clover filler. Jojo- Oh no, Doppio. Please call him. Turtle Polnareff is in danger. Aw crap, his gun. Again, Mista says fuck cops. Aw fuck the boss is here. I love the bullets so much. Polnareff's about to be killed by his own stand. Climb, Mista! Aw fuck, it's the time bullshit again. Uh hey, what the fuck? Don't worry, the horrifying mutations aren't hurting them. Mista's still getting the best lines. Alright where's the boss. The gun is now a mole. "The bullets and I aren't stupid," says the stupid one. Aw fuck, he's hiding in somebody's body. Thank god Giorno's got the team's brain cells for this arc. I guess he can just sense souls now. Gee Mista you sure are fighting back a lot for an innocent guy. Goddammit Mista of course it was you! OH FUCK WE'VE BEEN PLAYED. I like that half this fight is just one guy screaming at himself. Aw shit he stole Mista's body. Mista you've shot yourself 80 times already this isn't a big deal. Whelp, we're boned. I'm just gonna assume this shadow nonsense makes sense. I don't know what just happened but SHIT. The blood is now ants. This is not going well. Yeah yeah, Kira thought his stand had no flaws either. The bullets are now gum. Man, Spice Girl's got great tits. And then Trista died. Ass Class- Naruto's not even on the test! I would fail Naruto class. That's also how I solve a rubic's cube. Give that squid a raise. Sorry but your kids have gotta fail to make everyone else feel better. Aw shit I'd definitely be in the dumb and lazy percent. I'm also bad at simple puzzles. Today's lesson is that the principal can fuck off. Sorry squid but we need the money. Alright kids, your goal today is to destroy the douchebag principal's system. I wish I'd had a teacher like this back in school. Good luck kids, I'm rooting for you. I also fear the Math Gator. Why do I get the feeling that the principal will just change all the scores if too many of them do well. Okay we're good, it's just a Math Trout. Aw fuck it's EVIL MATH. It's okay kids, you tried your best. Someone hug that squid. Aww, the creepy lunatic learned something. You'll get 'em next time! Clover- Kill them all, fire bitch. You're a poor imitation of Sparkle Boy and I hate you. I got a bad feeling that this is gonna be some stupid bullshit. Oh, it's a nun. I have no memory of this woman. Oh this is some stupid bullshit alright. Is this filler? I also think this is a waste of time and would hate being here. Because god forbid they feed the hungry orphans without an ulterior motive. Oh no it's his sister. Aw FUCK it's sister fucker and I hate everything. Fuck this shit I'm out. Fire Force- If either Vulcan or Obi survive this series I'm automatically married to them. Forget about her you guys, I'm right here volunteering to be her replacement. Fine kill her, see if I care. God I love a man who can just shrug off a bullet. Oh sure, take back the girl who intentionally almost killed you. I forgot there was an actual plot to this show beyond two buff dudes throwing themselves at fire. Nothing good ever happens to anime kids with white hair and powers. This show confirms what I've always known, that bugs come crawling out straight from hell. Ya gotta beat your brother's ass. Marry me, Cap'n Sexy. Tonight's theme is time shenanigans, apparently.
  21. Oooh yay, Brainwash Boy's in that promo. He finally gets to be in the show again!
  22. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
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