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Everything posted by EmpressAngel
Black Clover Replaces SAO And Returns To Toonami
EmpressAngel replied to CountFrylock's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Eight episodes in three months actually seems like a pretty solid ratio. -
Black Clover Replaces SAO And Returns To Toonami
EmpressAngel replied to CountFrylock's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I hate everything. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
You do have a point. Every week I hope to see Levi kill something and every week I'm disappointed. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Man I miss Code Geass. Titan- Falco you sweet dumb idiot. Children, still the worst. This guy immediately activates my fight or flight response. Packmule girl is weird. Just in case you forgot, casual racism. That's so much bread, Sasha would be so jealous. Gabi's an obnoxious little brat but I'm kinda rooting for her. Eren's really piling on that "depressed wounded veteran" character extra thick this week. Surely this random old man with the same name isn't significant at all. Ohhhh hi grandpa. I'm not sure what the point is of having the warrior kids work as waiters. Soooo many racists. Oh hey, one actually decent human being in this place. Oh that's not an ominous freudian slip at all. This is gonna go just great, I'm sure. Sasha and her would get along great if she wasn't such a little bitch. This is exactly how I react to the state fair. This is totally not a trap. What a nice reunion. Sword Art- Whatever's about to happen, I'm not drunk enough for it. Everyone's first question is going to be if you can fuck the cute school girl robot. I don't understand any of this AI bullshit but neither does the show. Oh yeah you're doing great on the "don't terrify the humans" thing. This is the first time any of those reporters has heard the word "fluctlight" and I'm so jealous. We believe that one day we WILL fuck the robots. Oh jesus here we fucking go. No you're literally not human, you're a weird program shoved into a sexbot. At least he doesn't have to be in this show anymore. Oh come on just let somebody die. Going public with the fluctlights is never a good idea. Yeah, the corrupt American soldiers will all just shrug their shoulders and leave forever. These reporters are the only ones here who aren't stupid as fuck. I hate all of you and everything. THIS WAS ONLY TWO MONTHS!? So I guess they're just not gonna bother showing us what happened over those 200 years. It's a fucking video game, just pull the plug on it you weird weird people. Oh what the fuck. Is the copy of Kirito this nerd's in-game waifu now? Yes, the underworld is powerless because it's a goddamn video game. STOP BRINGING THE VILLAIN BACK. Eugeo was truly best girl. I hope she's literally going to die and this isn't some broken heart shit. Fire Force- I still don't trust this lady but her help is better than nothing. Hiiii boyfriend. I think the world engulfed in fire is just called Australia. I forgot he could do the timewarp thing. Huh, that's new. Oh no he used to be a sad old man. Nevermind, he was an asshole he can rot. Sorry buddy I don't think that's a friendly helpful god. BEES. Well now you don't have to feel bad about killing him. No shit she's not from your world. They were girlfriends, calling it now. Whelp, looks like it's time to kill god. Aw dang, he put his shirt back on. Oh, the crazy naked girl is in there. In her defense I'd be pretty pissed off too if I got used as a human sacrifice. I hope they bring my talking mole friend back with them. Noooo bring him with you. I forgot about the drugs. The fucking accents. He's breaking the fourth wall! Surely this all won't be important later. Ass Class- It'd probably be safer just to send in the teachers. Dang it's a class full of Spidermen. You're useless, Vocaloid. I love you, Bitch Sensei. That's a lot of dudes, send in the bitch. She's the best. Look at her fingering alright. Fuck the rich people. Keep your mask up, girl! I hate these idiots. Aw fuck, your teacher's infected. Never take drinks from strangers, kids. This girl must watch a lot of Detective Conan. Time to kill a man. Oh dang, Karasuma don't fuck around. Karma's really just here to shove that squid down someone's pants. Just a dash of GUN. Somewhere Mista is crying. I got a bad feel about this guy. Jesus Karma came here to fuck shit up. Gridman- Samurai Dandy is here. You okay there, weird kid eating food in an alley? Don't worry it's just some giant action figures. I don't trust this kid. And then he was a kaiju. ENTER, STAGE WINDOW. EXIT, STAGE WINDOW. Man, sword boy moves fast. The background music really just makes this whole thing even better. They're not supposed to talk. This is your fault for making that shitty joke. I love Samurai Sword Dandy. Well, this could be going better. That is probably not a good thing. Aw fuck he's dead. This girl creeps me right the hell out. I think this is the deepest voice I've ever heard from Greg Ayres. Hi there, new people. Wait, you could just call him this whole time? Okay we've got Dandy back now let's get our kid. We're good, Gridman's back. Oh my god is this guy a transformer. OH HELL YES. Bold of you to assume any of this is supposed to make sense, girl. These fights are so much fun. Neon Genesis Jr High. I know this weird kid's a monster but I feel bad for him. -
Black Clover Replaces SAO And Returns To Toonami
EmpressAngel replied to CountFrylock's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Nomad: Megalo Box Season 2 to premiere in April
EmpressAngel replied to Jman's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I like his beard. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Every time I think Sword Art has hit rock bottom it just grabs a shovel. Titan- Reiner needs a hug. Flashback, go! Oh hey, it's the other kids. And then everything went to hell. I like that all the other titans have codenames like "armored" and "beast" and then one of them is just "girl". Ohh, she's the funky packmule one. Cry harder, bitch boy. Sorry your dad's a dick. Reiner's having a rough time. Annie gives no fucks. What an inspiring tale for this character becoming a strong, unstoppable warrior who's responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. Fuck you, Kenny. Uhhh you okay there buddy? That's definitely Eren there right. That's not ominous at all. Still waiting for Levi or Mikasa to show up and kill something. Sword Art- I'd like to get off this ride now please. Spending 200 years in that game would make me thankful to have my soul destroyed. Maybe you shouldn't have left this tough physical task to a pair of scrawny nerds. Nothing says stealth like SHOUTING. What are they even looking for, a spare sex doll to shove her fluctlight in? Dying would have been better. Oh what the fuck. A g-g-g-g-ghost! This sure got weird. I liked this weird afterlife dragged off by hands thing much better when Jojo did it. They're the lucky ones who don't have to be in this show anymore. What the fuck is even going on??? I'd also volunteer to die and get out of here. Considering how stupid this season has been I'm just assuming it's the rape clown possessing that robot. Keeks is definitely about to die. MY LEG. Oh my god is that the asshole who murdered everyone in the first game? What dream, your dream of genociding gamers? I don't have enough words to describe how stupid this is. Are we really supposed to root for the robot possessed by the lunatic who murdered thousands of people?! Lady didn't he shove a bomb in your boobs? Can we send the robot to death row for his crimes? Who else is in the building to send down for this nerd? IT JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE. How is this show actually dumber and more infuriating when Kirito's not there? I think I had an aneurysm about twenty minutes ago. Fire Force- I'm genuinely impressed at our dumbass boy. Sir Cumfrence. And then it was the matrix for a second. I don't understand math but I'm assuming it can make everything blow up. Use Tamaki as a human shield. Magic fire swords are the coolest power here. Aw shit he got Kakyoin'd. Huh. The hell is with this guy's body? At least the fire scythe looks cool. Hey creepy magic lady maybe give him a little help on protecting that forest. Uhhh giant buildings aren't supposed to have a heartbeat. I got a bad feeling about this, Scoob. Look if you have to sacrifice somebody here, make it Tamaki. Helloooo there, hot shirtless fire guy. Why yes, his life expectancy did just drop like a rock. He just MUDA'd. Oh this is doing things for me. Tamaki, still the worst. Ogun is my boyfriend. Now he's ORA'ing. Oh right, Shinra's here too. I don't know about the demon but I sure as hell liked that. Aww, she'll do it for the mole. Whelp, that can't be good. We only need a second here, lady. Ass Class- It's really gonna hurt when Nagisa eventually has to kill him. Oh hey, the kids learned a new dance for the OP. Here, watch this video we made for you. When you're a confirmed porn addict. Jesus Koro, calm the fuck down on your fetishes. Who needs guns when you can kill him with shame. That one kid still looks like a washed-up 40 year old man. Who let Karma have a boat. Okay this is a lot more impressive than I expected. Oh no please don't kill him. Well kids that was a solid effort. Oh come on that should count as killing you. Next time try a two hour long kinkshame video. "Nothing is invincible if you just whack it hard enough. Okay Karma's actually hilarious. You're good kids, you don't want to kill people. Oh that can't be good. And then everyone died. Who the fuck are you!? Oh you are a dick. You kids better get going now. I have no memory of this nerd guy with glasses. Thanks, Vocaloid. Good luck, kids. What is this extra. She turned into Naruto for a second there. Gridman- Sorry kids you have to go to class. Those missing kids are dead. Change of plans, you gotta go to work today. This other girl is adorable. You okay there, sweetie? Oh hey, the others can see him now. Oh no, the adorable one is a villain. I definitely don't trust this guy. He's a samurai alien. The samurai is Dandy, baby. I'm more surprised that phone books still exist. I like this running gag of him just crashing into doors. Kaiju alert. Well, that's not normal. This got depressing. Adorable girl is a real bitch ain't she. At least samurai Dandy got the marble. Aww, he got her tea. Tonight's theme is killing teachers. That thing is straight out of Power Rangers. I hate this girl. Sweet, he gets a cool new wristband. I hope all the kaiju fights are this much fun. Huh, samurai can do things. And then Dandy was a sword. Good job, kids. All those dead people are erased now aren't they. Oh good, at least the teacher's nicer now. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Well that was awesome. Titan- I have no idea who these people are but I'm expecting them to get killed. Oh, it's this asshole. Oh hey, it's the cute guy. I hate Zeke. Levi is a bigger threat than the titans. Boooo the lesbian died. Who's this girl? I don't care about most of these kids. You okay there Reiner? Shut up, drunky. Don't be a dick, Reiner. This is going way too well for them, someone has to die in the next 10 minutes. Hahaha, let's set off these soldiers' PTSD for giggles! "One of them started eating a potato" oh no, the horror. I really love that Sasha being a dumbass is his proof that they're evil. I wouldn't trust any tea he's giving out. Show me the Warhammer. He totally didn't plan this "secret" speech just to fool the people listening. Okay it's been two episodes and I haven't gotten to see Levi and/or Mikasa kill anything yet, let's get this shit going. Sword Art- Asuna, a physical god in this universe, still gets winded creating a janky set of stairs. How are you fucking up already you've been awake for like 20 minutes. I know I'm not lucky enough to watch them kill each other but I can still hope. I've read that secret porn chapter, I'm not surprised he only needs three minutes. So will this guy not get stuck too if he stays there? Yes Kirito, you're terrible and we hate you. I do enjoy seeing Kirito suffer. Wait, where did his legs go? Meanwhile, the rest of the harem continue to be worthless. Do his other friends not have to get out in time too or are we just not supposed to care? I guess the giant war is just over now. I care even less about the B-tier harem girls than I do the main ones. What the fuck is going on? Is everyone really just sending magic love wishes to Kirito so he can beat this guy? Please let's just get this over with and move on. Thanks, evil naked skank ghost who killed my best friend! Oh hey, he's back. Good job, you defeated his video game character. Oh, I guess everybody else does just get to log off normally. So did he run out of time and get stuck here until his soul dies or what? Cry harder, bitch boy. Asuna is dumber than I expected. Fire Force- "Smoldering malevolence" is a good description of my personality. I don't trust this lady but it was nice of her to help all the animals. Oh, that ain't normal. Bye, creepy science Dandy. The fire spears are cool. I like the fire doggies. I don't think they're supposed to talk. Oh right, that one guy was a talking infernal. That is probably not a good thing. Does the mole keep changing size or is it just me? I don't like this guy. It's a demon, you gotta hit it with a truck. If this mole gets hurt they can go ahead and destroy the world. Aw shit it's a trap. This could be going better. "All I want is for death to take me" is how we all feel after 2020. Time for rock? And then Shinra broke. Gonna go out on a limb here and assume the Evangelist is the one who helped the animals. I love how Arthur of all people figured out it was pi. Ass Class- I love this mascot. Summer debauchery! You keep those bugs the hell away from me. I like the fancy stag beetle. The insect-to-hot babe ratio has failed you. Why are so many of you kids into bugs? Beetle Koro is cracking me up. You can also catch me by leaving out the right kind of porn. Uhhh I don't think that's how the circle of life works. I respect this weird little pervert. Oh hey, he caught one. Oh, it's a fancy bug. I love bitch sensei. Just a quick trip to Mt Everest, no big deal. The porn subplot is the funniest goddamn thing. Aww, they impressed the super great assassin guy. The top assassin calls himself T he Reaper, that's not cliche at all. Is the technique hitting your target in the dick and killing him while he's distracted? Y'all might wanna attack him while he's seasick. I'm glad they're having fun. Fish Koro. Helloooo bitch sensei. Oh my god get better sunscreen. It's gonna hurt when they eventually kill him. Gridman- She seems to like you, just go with it. Remember who you are, Simba. Okay then, he's crazy. GODZILLA. Insurance is the true villain here. Mostly I just feel bad for this kid. I like that the one girl is wearing a mask. Oh no, they're in E-class. Aww, he has a friend. RIP sandwich. Well that guy playing with a knife and making kaiju arts and crafts sure seems ominous. Maybe you're just crazy and there's nothing on the computer. And then Godzilla. Okay if you're dumb enough to run towards the giant monster then you kinda just deserve to die. On the bright side, no more school. AWAKEN, MY MASTER. Defunct electronics are indeed terrifying. Congratulations you're Pacific Rim now. Defending the city, destroying the city, same thing. Okay this is awesome. The hell is inside that thing? "The fuck just happened, y'all?" Can they see Gridman now? Guess not. Huh, school's fixed. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I know people complain about MHA always starting a season with a recap episode but damn if those things don't come in handy. Titan- I have no memory about what happened last season except for Erwin dying and Levi kicking in a door. Should I know who these people are? That's how I feel too, Falco. Marley's Next Top Warrior sounds like a terrible show. This is the final season because they've accepted that they'll never top that first OP. I don't know if the Eldians and Marley are the same people or not and at this point I'm afraid to ask. LOTS AND LOTS OF TRAIN. This random soldier guy is cute and thus he is going to die. This general sure is racist. Okay I kinda like this girl. This is totally not a trap. Man you guys are really bad at this guard thing. Oh hey, an actual titan in this show. I thought Reiner died. Falco is a good boy. Everyone is racist. Okay the titans changing mid-fall and just hitting the ground is unreasonably funny to me. Reiner's on their side so I'm just assuming they're the villains. Oh, there's that douchebag. I only have the faintest idea what just happened. Sword Art- Once again, let's all take a second to remember that this is all inside a goddamn video game. I can't believe this show actually got me to hope Kirito wins a fight. You're all in a video game and the red players literally have no reason to care if they die. Oh what now. Just like Asuna's lesbian AIDS ghost girlfriend, Kirito gets his dead ghost boyfriend to help him. "He logged them out" okay so you schmucks actually do realize this is just a goddamn game that normal people don't take as life-or-death. Let's just pretend this makes sense because I don't give enough of a fuck to pick it apart. He used all that power to transfigure his outfit into his regular generic one. Yes everybody take a minute to suck his dick for being the best. Wasn't that hole already there? He Fern Gully'd him. And then magic rain, because why the hell not. Klein is best girl. Black Seitz has to suffer the curse of continuing to live in this series. What the fuck happened to Alice anyways? I continue to hate the word fluctlight more every time I hear it. Why would you even program this like that? I literally have no clue what a single goddamn word of this means. Why can you people not just log all remaining players out from your own computer? Alice isn't a real person, you dumb fuck. "My final order is for these dragons to get laid." Oh what the fuck now. Do they even know who each other is? Fire Force- Hit more demons with trucks and I'll never complain again. These idiots are fun. Don't eat dirt, boys. HOWDY Y'ALL. These accents are cracking me right the hell up. That map sure isn't suspicious at all. And then everyone was on drugs. Uh you might wanna not blow up random rocks. Evil rock is watching you. And then this happened. Oh my god it's an adorable talking mole. Oh shit he's the tater thief. Taters are serious business. Oh cool, he gets a fire hover board. Please let Vulcan meet this talking mole. High five! No leave the nice mole alone. Oh no, help him find his friends. REVELRY IN THE DARK. He makes mole puns too, I would die for him. Oh those evil red lights sure look ominous. Ohhhh, that's terrifying. I got a bad feeling about this. Well, that's different. The plot, it thickens. FIRE DOGGOS. Awww mole, let me hug you. Ass Class- Good luck kids, do your best. The Minotaur of final exams is indeed a terrifying monster. Aww the science monster is nice. I am uncomfortable with the naked science monster. I love these kids. If Karma loses, he'll just stab you. I'm proud of you, kids. Eat shit, main class. Time for Karma to kill someone. Squid's got you there, stabby boy. "You suck and you're a failure, son." Damn, Sensei just dragged this kid to death. I still hate that boy who looks 40. I am genuinely surprised he didn't come in dead last. Fuck you, home ec is hard. I hope their prize is getting to punch them all in the dicks. Remember, loopholes are your friends. I agree, I'm more distracted by her tits. Aww, the fake girl likes him. You set yourself up to fail, everyone loves an underdog story. Now that's a book. I hope this class trip goes better than the last one. Awwww, they're real assassins now. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
All I remember from last time is hating Sword Art even more. Sword Art- I straight up have no memory of what's going on. Bryce finally gets to earn a paycheck this week. Yes walk into that dark creepy alley. Who? MINDTAKER, OOWEEOOO. Should I give a shit who this kid is? Oh hey, lesbian AIDS ghost. Honestly we should all just be grateful that Asuna gets to do anything at all anymore. Kirito was too good and perfect and he's just mad that he didn't get to fuck him. Please kill the fluctlights. This is a lot less dramatic when you remember that it's all a video game. Thanks, magic lesbian AIDS ghost! Silly girl, you know only Kirito is allowed to defeat the villain. You nerds are all in a video game, goddamn go outside for a change. Oh, this was those idiots he let die back in the day. I forgot that they seriously used "beater" as an insult for beta players and how stupid that was. I'm fine watching Kirito suffer through his inner mind PTSD theater. Suffer for my amusement, bitch boy. You're right, you're terrible and we hate you. Send in his weird fake virtual daughter. Hey there, guy who's literally just an NPC in a video game. Oh no, her character might die in this video game that they're playing. Fuck it, after what like 14 seasons of this super coma bullshit, I'll take whatever crap Kirito's gonna pull. I don't even remember how long he's been missing that arm. I still have no idea what any of this has to do with Alice. Fire Force- I don't think we're topping last episode when my boyfriends hit a fire demon with a truck. Just let them have her, she's awful. I'm kinkshaming this bitch. And nothing of value was lost. You're a good friend but very stupid. I hate her. Hey there Captain Sexy. Ya did good, kids. Aww, at least the random citizens are nice. Whelp, that's a bummer. Honestly they did pretty good considering there were like 40 monsters running around. I'm glad we can keep the Ice Tuba around because that thing cracks me up. I have no idea who these fancy guys are. Oh fuck me here comes the unnecessary fanservice. Hiii Vulcan. I still don't trust Creepy Science Dandy. I forgot Joker existed. I'm surprised we didn't get the murder hell volcanoes in 2020. Welcome to China, I guess. Oh good, their cute friend is here. I do love potatoes. I almost didn't recognize him without his hats. Ass Class- Squid sensei is still best teacher. I hate that kid. GUN. These clones. Oh dang now that's a real reward. Suuure the principal doesn't want them to fail. Oh they fuckin. So the principal is really kneecapping their class to maintain the status quo even though it risks ending the entire world. I feel the urge to bully these nerds for their lunch money. They're definitely getting screwed out of that premium study spot. This family is terrible but they do have some sweet evil music. Puddings of the World is an extremely important textbook. Fuck you, nerds! Just stab them. This contract sounds like a real bad idea. It's gonna be fun watching them lose to the reject class. Force them to switch you classrooms. I'm sure this is gonna go just great for you and your dickbag father. You should have just let the Vocaloid take the test. Good luck, kids! HAMMER. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I straight up have no memory of what happened in Sword Art last week, just my feelings of anger and confusion. Wonder Woman- RIP random pilot. Oh, false alarm. God I'm gay for Wonder Woman. Oh sweet, they're magic healing lesbians. You are sentenced to death by snu-snu. It's me, I'm that friend who wants to go here. Punch me next please. Hello there Milf Queen. I volunteer to live on Magic Lesbian Island in her place. Hope that dick is worth eternal exile. Okay I love Etta already. Everyone is gay for Wonder Woman. Diana honey get your shoes off the goddamn bed, you weren't raised in a barn. I'm pretty sure every girl kinda hates her mom just a little bit deep down. Y'know what, I'm your mom now. God I'm gay. I could watch her punch men all day. Oh, he looks good with the beard. Oh this plan is gonna go awry. HEY KOOLAID WOMAN. This is definitely someone's fetish. Please kick my ass next, Diana. Aw fuck. I mean, it's kinda Vanessa's fault for stealing ancient artifacts and trying to sell them off to villains. This is probably a real bad idea. RIP this random dude. I hope Etta gets to bang an Amazon by the end of this. Y'all fucking yet? Oh yeah, I'm sure you can handle Wonder Woman on your own. Silver Swan is a really, really dumb name. Everyone is gay for Wonder Woman. I keep hearing that island name as "The Mascara" even though I know that's not right. I love Etta. Oh no it's a furry. I hope David Bowie's inside that labyrinth. Aw hell it's a minotaur. Sweet, free shortcut. Furry bondage is definitely someone's fetish. You okay there, honey? Aww, Minotaur is a friend now. Mystery solved, thanks to the strange fish. Aw fuck it's a trap. Well hey, at least you won't be incinerated now. Romantic as shit, y'all. Yeah I feel like launching an attack on the goddamn Amazons isn't going to work out for them. I love the OG outfit. Please let Etta bang an Amazon. Don't worry Diana we all have some unresolved mommy issues. KICK HER ASS, MILF QUEEN. Uh ladies you might wanna step away from the evil green coffin. Aw fuck it's Medusa. Wow, what a surprise that the villains' plan of controlling an evil super being did not work out well. I hope that purple light stuff works on shattered rocks. Aaaand she's dead. If Etta dies we riot. Well now you've gotta beat her weird snake ass. GODDAMMIT STEVE. You're kind of a shitty mom aren't you. RIP hair snake. Oh god she's gonna jab her eyes out isn't she. OH GOD WHY. Could you not have just closed your eyes!? SCREECH. So now you can both get wrecked by the gorgon together. Huh, that was surprisingly easy once they got close enough. Oh hey, everybody's fine. Wonder Woman is your mom now. Magic healing light now please. AWWWWWW. Happy ending for everyone. FUCK YEAH, GET IT ETTA. Oh right, this bitch. OH SHIT. You're going to die, lady. I'm intimidated and horny. Justice League- Hi there, random Keith David. Huh, there's a lot of actually famous people in this. You kidnapped this poor bastard from Mars, you're lucky he didn't just eat your lungs. Aww, he's a nice shapeshifting alien monster thing. I'm always gay for Wonder Woman. You go, girls. Supes I am literally never going to argue against vigilante women taking revenge on their rapists. Haaa, he turns into Bugs Bunny. Surely nothing bad will happen on this Vegas trip. I was expecting Mr. Freeze. Oh, he's The Flash. That's actually pretty awesome. That ain't normal. I know this guy eventually turns into Green Lantern but that is all I know about Green Lantern. If you don't bang this lady I will. Ghost cop? BATMAN FIGHT CLUB, GO. Oh she thirsty. I'm sure this The Center thing isn't important at all. Welcome to Mars. This Batman sounds weird. Batman will fucking kill you. SHIT, MONKEY. Fuck the government. Never trust a cult. Flash quitting means basically nothing to me. I want to know more about Ghost Cop. Just let that poor alien hitch a ride home. And then they died. It's pretty funny watching him try to punch the other guy through the space helmet. Thanks, Supes. Whelp, sucks for that guy. Poor alien. Hello there, lesbian Amazon. Well, that's not normal. I like you, weird creepy alien guy. Oh hey, Robin. I am here for this giant angry pterodactyl. RIP invisible jet. Fuck everyone else, this alien is the best character. That sure is a look there, buddy. Of course it's fucking Florida. She found your Super Suit! I'm stealing your girlfriend, Hal. Oh good, Robin Hood is here. Jurassic Park got weird. RIP dinosaurs. Oh yeah, I'm sure Superman is really dead now. Not gonna lie, I'm rooting for DINOSAUR ISLAND on this. Surprise, the dinosaurs are filled with more horrifying monsters! I have no idea who most of these people are. Oh no, alien guy. Motherfucker just died while exploding a t-rex's skull. And then drugs. He gets a cool green uniform now. Run faster, flashy boy! Save me next, Wonder Woman. Bye, Dinosaur Island. Oh no what now. Get out of here Aquaman, nobody asked for you! Thanks, random cartoon JFK. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
You know what's scary? Sword Art has become so stupid and painful that I almost miss Black Clover. At least Yami was good. Sword Art- God I hate that fairy so goddamn much. "He was crying so we dragged him out into the middle of the murder battlefield because we thought it would help." If Kirito actually dies here I'll forgive a lot of this bullshit. Oh fuck you show. Klein getting shanked was not my fault. Am I supposed to know who this new guy is? Who the hell is this girl!? Why is she singing? Show I don't remember some random schmuck from like eight years ago. What the fuck is happening. Show I literally do not give a fraction of a shit about this guy. Is Kirito his brother? Wasn't he living with his weird incest sister-cousin's family because his real parents were dead? Show I already hate every character, you don't have to make this guy racist as fuck to make me hate him. Can't these nerds just remake their video game characters after they're killed in this video game that's not real in any way? Meanwhile, something else that's stupid in a different way. And nothing of value was lost. Is the entire point of this massive battle still just to get Alice for some reason that I forgot a long long time ago? Yeah, go ahead and remind us that you're thirsting over a blood relative. I can't even enjoy watching characters I hate get javelin'd in the face. So now none of them can die because their thirst for Kirito made them immortal? He died as he lived, simping for his 2-D waifu. That nerd guy is definitely not fine. Man at this point I'm almost thankful about Kirito waking up because at least maybe now this show will get slightly less stupid if it just focuses on him doing sword things? Fire Force- Aim for the dick! Oh no, Shinra has to think carefully. ICE, GO. I forgot this guy had some weird kind of trumpet thing. Ohhhh, that's not his power at all. Just turn off your fire and hit him in the dick. Send in Captain Sexy for a straight up muscle fight. You, beat the shit out of me next! And then Shinra died. Well kid the important thing is you tried. She's definitely into this. MANLY SPIRIT. I love you Captain Sexy. You're Deviilman now. Oh hey, he won. Whelp, false alarm. Aw crap they're all gonna die. Okay so call those guys. Oh no both my boyfriends are here and neither of them have powers. You okay there, creepy science Dandy? WIND POWER, GO. Maki is my girlfriend. There is literally zero competition for Best Girl in this show. BOYFRIEND NO. Stop putting the two hot buff dudes together, you're going to kill them. Oh my god, he's an idiot. They're going to die and this is not my fault. Did they just hit a demon with a truck? Todoroki would be proud. Okay some of those repeating comments are pretty funny. Oh right, the blindfolded assholes are still here. Ass Class- Karma's just jealous he didn't get to knife a teacher. Sweet, free pool! Squid-sensei is still best teacher. Even they thought Nagisa was a girl. Oh no, he's annoying. You know you're a cephalopod, right? Look at this nerd, getting good grades. Kid you look like 40. BIKE SQUID. Fuck you that was a nice bike. Never forget that Karma's a violent lunatic. Thanks, Ninja Tatum. Oh hey, it's the brother. Look with your special eyes! Ewww. Oh no, he's damaged. Fuck you, weirdly old middle school kid. I hate this kid. Yeah this is gonna go just great for you. Wasn't hurting the students against the rules? Karma's really grown on me, crazy little bastard. "The only one who's been swept away is you, and also all our classmates who may be about to die." His backstory is that he's terrible and nobody likes him. That girl's not even fat. Can we just kill this douchebag instead? Just let Squidbro kill him. Of course this kid doesn't change his clothes. Everyone bully the new boy! "Well that escalated quickly." Oh now he's mad. Kill him, thicc girl. I hate him and I wish he'd died. His weakness is that he loves his students. -
DC Animated movies to play on toonami december 19th
EmpressAngel replied to CountFrylock's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Or, HBO offered the movies for free or super cheap as an optional holiday promotion, and Toonami wasn't going to turn it down because some random weebs on a site they don't even know about might get their panties in a twist over it. Wonder Woman's a super popular IP right now; the first movie made over 800 million dollars and the sequel comes out at Christmas. Getting some related movies for free that appeal to a larger audience than just their usual group of depressed millennial nerds, which also buys them an extra week of episodes for the shows they currently have in case securing new ones is still difficult next year, is a win/win for the block. -
Legit sitting here sobbing over this derpy snowman I made because I found out they only live for four days. 😭
'Kay so the duck didn't respond at all, so if you still wanna step in we can partner up. 🎅 @ everyone: My understanding on this is that 1/2 buy for each other, 3/4, 5/6, etc.
I messaged Quackers earlier, so we'll see if I actually get a response. I appreciate the offer.