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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. Wheat bread tastes like shit.
  2. One of my socks disappeared when I fucked the washing machine lady. I fully believe her vagina inhaled it somehow despite my feet not being anywhere near it.
  3. Happy day of birth, bearer of molars. In my time zone I still have 11 minutes to say happy birthday without it being late.
  4. I won't join but I will watch. From my room. In the walls.
  5. He's so 90s edge that he wears headphones on his knees and feet.
  6. If you ever play with her again tell her I think she has a glorious pair of boobs and I love her.
  7. https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/naruto I had to hit this up when I rewatched the entire fucking series a second time because my niece wanted to watch it. Note that you can hide the episode titles. Since the end of Shippuden, she's lost interest since Burrito isn't getting dubbed anytime soon, though.
  8. Were you eating pot pie? I find kitties often mistake pot pie as their own. Even when it isn't their pot pie.
  9. ... ... I guess ... like ... a drunk person grabbing them or something? A bumpy car ride? I don't fuckin' know. Why ask me?
  10. I've gotten one of those before. I assume it just meant the me in an alternate universe just won the lottery/got a huge raise/got to plow a supermodel/got a hug/got a thumbs up from a stranger. Haven't had one in a long while.
  11. Sorry dude. Unless you are a single female with the tits, no thanks.
  12. Literally every single movement a woman does will make her breasts bounce. Usually in opposite directions.
  13. So much seems off with this ... I seriously feel like they made a bullshit sonic and had the decent one ready to go. Like ... did they rewrite lines? If I remember right in the original trailer the dude with the gun comes in and sonic isn't holding anything, and says "Uh .. meow?". EDIT: Looking back that was just likely an edit on this one. I still say they released new coke on purpose knowing everybody would hate it and be extra appreciative when they "fixed it" for everyone.
  14. I've already been to the bathroom this morning.
  15. In the year 2000 we will finally have figured out how to teleport humans into space. And money will have long since been replaced by DNA banks where you pay for things by contributing genetic material for use in creating genetic super babies.
  16. I've been called for jury duty once. Even got selected for a case. About halfway through they realized the horrible mistake they made and told me "one juror is always picked at random to be removed". I went to the back and sat to watch and see if I guessed right about what they would come up with. I haven't been called for jury duty since.
  17. Enjoy, my friend.
  18. Been a lot of necro'd threads lately ... figured I would contribute.
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