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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. Props for perseverance.
  2. What?
  3. Somewhere, I have a copy of the last print edition of The Weekly World News. It's just not the same on line - I don't even check to see who the alien endorses for president anymore.
  4. Only if there was an accident with a time machine and a contraceptive.
  5. Piss off. You're not my real dad.
  6. Because benjy's thread got left behind and there were a few odds and ends left. If Chris gets released or actually escapes, I'll probably post that, but I'm not going back to wade through three months worth of posts on the subforum (which is still surprisingly active) to find a specific legal argument. If the question had come up at the time, it would have been different.
  7. I'm not telling you to make an account, just go look it up yourself. Go to the library and use a computer there if you're that nervous. Otherwise, keep wondering. I don't remember, I don't care, and I'm not heading back into that subforum until something is happening, which probably won't be until next July.
  8. Look it up yourself - my interest in Chris evaporated about the time they sent him back to jail after the grand jury, and I'm not setting foot back in that subforum until something actually happens with his case kiwifarms.net - you don't need an account just to read.
  9. No. I meant habeas corpus. This was from a statement from one of the law nerds on the farms, as I admittedly know very little about criminal law in general, much less in Virginia specifically.
  10. I don't know, I just feel bad for the dude. Mania feels great, for a while, anyway, and it seems like the longer one is up, the worse the crash is(and the more real world consequences one winds up with).
  11. How does Henry Kissinger keep dodging the reaper?
  12. It's called "affluenza."
  13. That's pretty allergic. Please get an EpiPen - if they didn't give you a prescription, get one from your doctor.
  14. How allergic?
  15. Glad you're still in one piece.
  16. Whether or not you win the lottery.
  17. Hurricane warnings are now being posted for the South Carolina Coast, as Ian is expected to strengthen when over the Atlantic.
  18. 🍻🎂🍻
  19. SOP for the soviet's - it's how my Polish grandfather wound up in America.
  20. We're back, bitches! We may be limping, but we're back.
  21. Meh, sometimes people just miss an existing thread, and with something like the useful info that OP provided, it's handy to have it all in one place.
  22. There's a thread on this in Current Events.
  23. Some are born grumpy, some become grumpy, and some have grumpiness thrust upon them.
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