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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. It's called "parsing," and, although there were chapters on how to do it in my 8th grade English book, we didn't learn it. My English teacher said that it was outdated. That was in the early 70's.
  2. I don't think I've ever seen ginger ale in anything but a green bottle, even when it used to come in glass. And the cans are usually green, too.
  3. So maybe it's ginger ale.🙄
  4. 🍻🎂🍻
  5. Train of thought? I have a herd of cats instead.
  6. But did you get the card from AARP reminding you that you really ought to join?
  7. You, sir, deserve to spend a week assisting whoever gets to collect the cultures at your local std clinic.
  8. It's not the woman, it's the white. I worked with a Karen NP who used to laugh at us poor white people sweating and gasping when she'd bring in something from home for pot luck.
  9. From one antediluvian crone to another.😼
  10. This is kind of intriguing from a clinical standpoint.
  11. In this case, not really. Kanye is a man with a diagnosed major psychiatric illness who is unmedicated and obviously manic. If he didn't have money and clout, he'd have been committed already. He is going to kill himself and/or somebody else, and, although I honestly can't work up too much sympathy for any of the involved adults, I feel badly that his kids are going to be left suffering.
  12. 🍻🎂🍻
  13. Who puts cilantro on steak tartare? 🤮 Also, I hope whoever came up with the elf on the shelf dies in a fire and rots in the dankest corner of hell.
  14. Shaun of the Dead Airplane
  15. And this has been running through my head all morning - thanks for the earworm.
  16. I had to check, because you got me wondering about Gordon and Susan, and yeah, Maria's ok, Luis is ok, Gordon and Susan are ok, but who's minding the store?
  17. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/04/entertainment/bob-mcgrath-obit/index.html
  18. A reminder to all: this is a thread that exists for the sole purpose of venting spleen. It is not for light, or indeed, any kind of discussion, random thought, or miscellaneous cut and paste. If you want to post something that isn't full of personal bile, put it somewhere else or start your own damn thread.
  19. Dexter wants to play. He has no clue how to, but he is intrigued, going so far as to get the board out yesterday (although not going so far as to actually read the rules). If you're really desperate, I can volunteer him.
  20. Somewhere, be it in Heaven, Hell, or under a deserted pier in Atlantic City, Packard is patting his precious metals and feeling fully vindicated.
  21. Now this is spleen. Admirable.
  22. No. I think that both the user and their monitor expired simultaneously, and their bereaved loved ones don't know that the computer is on.
  23. I don't know - I had too much Halloween irl this year, so I didn't look for it here.
  24. You're late! We work on a retail schedule here - get your Santa on.
  25. Damnit, all I want to know is how long at what temperature to cook it for. I don't want your autobiography, what inspired you, what your relationship to the food in question is, or how it's linked to this special time of year. All I want is a time and a temp.
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